Facebook Implements New Stat??? - "Social %"


New member
Jun 9, 2009
Was just moseying around my campaigns and reloading stuff today.

Without announcement a new statistic showed up on my stats page called
"social %"

Perhaps this plays into quality score of ads....thoughts?...


Was just moseying around my campaigns and reloading stuff today.

Without announcement a new statistic showed up on my stats page called
"social %"

Perhaps this plays into quality score of ads....thoughts?...

weird, it's like they're encouraging people to create facebook accounts and add loads of friends, and get the accounts to click like on your ad...
weird, it's like they're encouraging people to create facebook accounts and add loads of friends, and get the accounts to click like on your ad...

Damn dawg, better start generating a ton of accounts because you're going to need a lot of "likes" to increase the social percentage of an ad with a ton of impressions.
Just checked, my best ad has 1.4% anyone able to beat that?

Edited to add: Lol was wrong I have one with 10.5%
haven't looked through all my accounts ads, but I can see one of my ads currently running has 15.8%.

impressions: 1,594,873
clicks: 5,411
ctr: 0.339%
avr. cpc: $0.05
running in US

Most of the rest are below 1. I've also noticed some of my old campaigns, that stopped running months ago have it at around 10% (mobile campaign lol).

Looking through my campaigns, they've been keeping track of this since at least the start of the year. From first glance campaigns a year or older have it at zero.
Looking further I'm seeing an effect on click costs. check this out:

social: 15.1%
avr. CPC: $0.02

Would never expect 2c clicks in the US with a ctr like that but this explains it.

highest ive seen so far -> 54.8%. A mobile ad from last year (3,833 clicks). The cpc on that ad didn't make sense either, but now it does.
I noticed my ads targeting younger demographics have a higher social %.
I looked at my ads with the higher social % and the suggested bid was not different from their counterparts with a lower social %.

I know the suggested bid doesn't mean much, but a change in it or a comparison to another ad does indicate something.

Dispel, on those campaigns where the clicks were really cheap, was the suggested bid also unusually low or about the same as the ones with a lower social % ?
Why would it affect bid price? All it really tells you is that you are bidding on a small demo and spending a bunch of cash. If you target all US, there's no way it'll ever get that high.
Does the social % mean the amount of people who liked the ad only or is it also people who liked the page the ad is for (if there is a like button on the page). If it is the latter then there are ways to inflate these numbers greatly.

If for example someone liked your page, would that like be placed under the advert in the same way if someone clicked like under the ad?