Facebook apps dying?


New member
Jul 3, 2009
Hello Members,
i wanted to raise the question, that im not sure why my fb apps are dying in like 48 hours. Even though the app accounts are created/verified using US numbers and IPs.

Is there anyone who can guide me better?

Thanks in advance!

Rofl, you're running spammy viral gateway apps and wondering why they are not respecting your US ip address and phone number? They don't give a shit if you're in NYC or bum fucked sandville. Their manual review will get you every time -- that or maybe you'll even get your own court date.
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if u guys cant help dont bother even posting dont waste ur time =) i dont understand why u guys make useless posts? just to increase ur #of posts ? :D
Mark Howitson might be able to help. Email him.

Alphys, you're a spammer, a scammer (moreso than all the other people here) so don't be surprised that most people treat you like the dirtbag you are. The best thing you can hope for right now is that someone likeminded sends you a private message because you can sure as hell bet none is going to post in this thread and help you out.
Alphys, you're a spammer, a scammer (moreso than all the other people here) so don't be surprised that most people treat you like the dirtbag you are. The best thing you can hope for right now is that someone likeminded sends you a private message because you can sure as hell bet none is going to post in this thread and help you out.

Oh, and FUCK YOU, "alphys". Quit shitting in our Interwebs, you diseased, dripping little goat's penis.

If that's the best you can do, go get a fucking JOB.
shame on you guys for flaming instead of posting something useful, the community should help rather than flaming :) anyway i don't mind keep doing as it aint effecting my health =)
shame on you guys for flaming instead of posting something useful, the community should help rather than flaming :) anyway i don't mind keep doing as it aint effecting my health =)

I posted this for you, so you don't have to: