Face Mash from The Social Network


The reason your school does not have one just may be due to the fact that you either go to a shithole of an institution or kids there are far busy doing nothing trying to make it big in the world. Have you even realized just about now that some of the best web ideas have been taken up? My two cents, take an idea, spruce it up and dominate the market. Unless you have a real unique idea that will have the world in fucking awe, id bet my bottom dollar that you would do much better with a basic adsense account. But thats just me, I could be wrong.
Sorry dude I think the facemash thing is at least a few months old by now, you'd just be copying something done already.

Instead why don't you try to create a website for letting people sell things, like an auction website?

Or you could just let people post up stuff to sell for free, break it down by city?

You're gonna be rich my friend.
Sorry dude I think the facemash thing is at least a few months old by now, you'd just be copying something done already.

Instead why don't you try to create a website for letting people sell things, like an auction website?

Or you could just let people post up stuff to sell for free, break it down by city?

You're gonna be rich my friend.

I am well aware it is old and already done as I have previously stated. I don't really understand why everyone is just replying sarcastically as if I don't know two shits about marketing.

I am not necessarily even doing this to try to make money, most of it is just the interest in the concept that my friends and I have.

The reason your school does not have one just may be due to the fact that you either go to a shithole of an institution or kids there are far busy doing nothing trying to make it big in the world. Have you even realized just about now that some of the best web ideas have been taken up? My two cents, take an idea, spruce it up and dominate the market. Unless you have a real unique idea that will have the world in fucking awe, id bet my bottom dollar that you would do much better with a basic adsense account. But thats just me, I could be wrong.
I go to a top 50 school. I do know what you mean about busy doing nothing though. As far as my searching went I could not find a single example of a college that had a site like this to my surprise. If anyone knows of one I would love to see it.