Extreme results, disclaimers to be overhauled by FTC

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This really fucking sucks, I hope this gets fought hardcore, fucking cunts.

Time to make those 100% 60 day money back guarantees shine eh!
Looks like nobody will be immune, including landing pages and blogs. Below is an excerpt from the article.

The tougher rules, the first update to the guidelines since 1980, are designed to make it easier for consumers to judge the credibility of marketers' claims. The changes would affect all forms of advertising and marketing, including blogs and company Web sites. The FTC could bring legal action against firms that don't comply.

The final guidelines are expected to be issued later this year.
Thank you conv3rsion, this smoke story blows across our field every year. We're just uptight enough to think somthing could come along & fuck us up. Is this going to be the one? Doubtful.
This won't kill these offers, just make the marketers more innovative.

If a blog post is not showing affiliate links or otherwise directing the viewer to a sale page, can FTC make the claim that it is advertising a product?
probably because of fat, stupid clerks who work for the FTC getting ripped off and complaining to their superiors. ever notice how much traffic to these junk offers comes from govt. employees?
probably because of fat, stupid clerks who work for the FTC getting ripped off and complaining to their superiors. ever notice how much traffic to these junk offers comes from govt. employees?

Yeah these low paid employees get pissed hearing about Affiliates making more in one day than they do all year... so there just trying to fuck over affiliates because of hate + jealously.

probably because of fat, stupid clerks who work for the FTC getting ripped off and complaining to their superiors. ever notice how much traffic to these junk offers comes from govt. employees?

I worked for the (canadian) government a while back... spent a hell of a lot of time just surfing the web... so you're probably right about this :D
This won't kill these offers, just make the marketers more innovative.

If a blog post is not showing affiliate links or otherwise directing the viewer to a sale page, can FTC make the claim that it is advertising a product?

Agreed. Innovative marketers will not only adapt - they'll find themselves marketing to people even less capable of thinking for themselves. In the long run this consumer "protection" is simply going to make the consumer more gullible. I still think it's a bit alarming how far they're trying to push it.
So now, just purchase the product you're pushing, and give an "honest" review.
.. only if my AM gives me a direct cancel number lol

WTF. Why would you need to cancel? Couldn't you make back the money you spent by promoting it and earning money on sales referrals? Or is the product really that crappy? Maybe now we are starting to understand why the FTC is getting involved in the first place, because these "products" aren't worth anyone's time, even the people involved in making and/or selling it.
it will be interesting to see where this goes...

Off-shore. That's where to take the offers and the advertising. The FTC has no jurisdiction outside the US.

So, if my weight-loss blog is hosted on a server located in Panama, and is owned by a company registered in the Caymans, what can the FTC do about it?
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