Break the Internet.
Other companies sure do waste opportunities; it is as if they want to stay behind.
Colbert called Bong (purposely misspelled) a small mom and pop in comparison to the Do No Evil Company. Just for clarification, this was a news page somewhere. No knock to Steve, just saying.
There are smart enough people here (members certainly, but maybe not active) to address many of the concerns (such as link penalization or traffic) that are raised repeatedly. Things like this incident, if we think about it, came out about this company at least 5 years ago. Let me make attempt to make this plain.
The web is the Truman Show. You have no free Internet. There is no world wide web. It is a walled garden.
[ame=]Newscasters Agree: A Christmas Present Or Two Or Ten Edition - YouTube[/ame]
If this is with people, what do you think happens with machines?
Some do not know this and go through the show season after season, sharing their passion (LOL), attempting to rank, making cash (or not) or simply doing whatever gets them off.
They never touch the edges. They live in the tall grass.
Just the same, others DO KNOW that the web is like the Truman Show, but as long as their bills get paid, so what. They too, never touch the edges. Although, they know there are edges. They live in the bloom (or bust) of the fruits and flowers (desires).
This is where the problem lies.
As long as companies dangle enough carrots (read that as money, fame, pleasure, etc.) in front of the people who know the web is a walled garden to keep them from the edges, these issues with large corporations will always exist.
If the skillful individuals, who can read a thread about someone or some issue they don't like, then summon essentially all of the subject's personal and peripheral data or launch attacks against competitors, take down giant websites and other interesting actions align with purpose and take these skills, concerting them to finding the edges, the web would change essentially overnight.
Accordingly, Xspeedia (again, on purpose) or whoever else could thumb their nose at any attempt from whomever regarding how they operate their OWN enterprise. We would have a new frontier.
The thing is, you do not even have to tear down the entire curtain of Oz. A rip through the thread would be enough. Light itself would do the rest.
Okay, let's try this differently.
Nothing online is new and it will only repeat itself.
The foundation of the web is basic human instinct, for lack of better explanation and wanting to keep things simple, the meaning here is life and death. Everything grows from there. Okay, let me say it again. Sex and violence.
No, you don't believe me? Let us go back.
The internet = meal eat Terry project. Of course, well all know that already.
The early internet was essentially sex and lots of it as soon as technologically possible. If not mistaken, the first image online EVAR was of three women posing topless. Not sure, about the topless part, sure it was women. After that, hackers, pr0n. Since then, everything just repeats and refines, but is all the same. Thus, life and death, sex and violence on repeat 24 hours a day, globally as expected in our current state.
Web Galleries=Phlickr=Instacoke
What are these sites when stripped of their fancy GUI's, pretense, million and billion dollar buyouts and IPOs?
Good ol' fashioned Web rings.
You old enough to remember web directories (when they were really important)? How about Excite, HotBot, AltaVista? Here's the thing, there is no such thing as a search engine. One you can access, anyway. It's just a directory not presented in a standard way.
Think of it like this, when you start a car (and accordingly, the engine), you direct the car where you want to go. You can go where you want, legal or not and on the road or not. When you use a so-called search engine, you do not go where you want. You simply get a list of items from the already sorted directory where the company deemed appropriate for you to travel.
The actual search engine is not for public use.Consumers get only sanitized directory access.
This is important in understanding what we are dealing with, not what we are being told what we are dealing with AND to understand that nothing is new, not really. So therefore, it is nothing to fear. You have been here before.
Now, back to the web rings. Do you like pictures of cars? There was a web ring for that. Like chocolate lab puppies? There was a web ring for that. Like astronomy? There was one for that. And, guess what? You could jump from ring to ring, cross rings and stay happy for hours. If you were not careful, you could get lost and end up somewhere you never intended. Tell me you never did that with a "search engine".
Of course, if you've never watched a video on the Tube and lost more than the 3 minutes you set aside, stay out of this; let me get back to these very important web rings.
These were back when Webmasters RULED the Internet as Gods of mankind’s techno-consciousness. They shared freely amongst each other WITHOUT fear. Then money came and because people don't understand money, fear and greed came too (but that topic would only muddy the waters here-digress).
Again, let’s get back to the web rings and their TRAFFIC. The bigger the ring, the more traffic, the more money. Sex as usual, lead the way in methods of acquiring traffic. Pop up, pop unders, exit traffic, redirected traffic, browser manipulation and everything imaginable to pop that new nut and get that money. Baby got back, pop that coochie!
Eventually, instead of looking to each other and to those who like the subject of their webrings for traffic, web masters began to get traffic from search engines. Along the way before penalization, traffic from anywhere, so long as it yielded results. Even still for some.
Unfortunately, somebody reading this is still not getting it.
See, many people know how to smoke the ol’ medicinal. However, many smokers cannot grow the very thing that gets them to that special place of relaxation, euphoria, bliss or whatever. Those in sales usually aim for the glam work, the frontline. Actors, actresses and dealers (both street level and the places with the green plus signs), but how many dealers actually cultivate, develop and render the actual product? How many actors get behind the camera and do the work that matters, before the pleasure of acting?
Okay, let me back up. Let me use the McDonald's example that was my first thought.
This place sells burgers, fries and such even though their primary business is real estate*. For the sake of argument, just about everybody loves the fries and the burgers. As such, everybody on the Internet (you know, the marketers who replaced the web masters), wants to work with Mickey D's.
Nobody wants to sell potatoes. Nobody wants to sell cattle.
Sure people buy traffic, sell traffic and do it all essentially as one shots. You know, buy this list and squeeze it dry. Arrange this group of names based on X and Y criteria and assume B and hope D sells. But who is breeding cattle? Web ring.
Who has Angus? Or Aberdeen? Or Kobe? Web ring.
Have you seen, visited, smelled a genuine slaughter/cattle ranch? It is literally cows for miles and the funk of 40,000 years. Web ring.
The cows, as studies indicate, know they are going to die, but guess what? They don't leave. They can't leave. Web ring.
You see, this is not a talk about a sales funnel here. Nor is this a talk about surprise sales. People WANT to be in the web ring. They want to be in the quicksand of their digitally induced emotional states. That one free pr0n clip was NOT enough. They demand you give them another, right now! They lust after their own random thoughts and seek both validation and gratification through ALL of their clicks to satisfy their itch.
The Mega Corporation doesn't want certain websites within their directory because it ruins the user experience? PFFT! Your users want everything you give them because all you give them is what they ask for. Why not have articles on handcrafted microbrews feature adult ads insinuating an orgy during Oktoberfest if their needs call for it? Who said those results cannot mix in search? Break the Internet.
Let us just remove search. No one is searching anyway. People wander aimlessly allowing mob rule, emotions, impulses and violence dictate their realities. Herd the cattle and direct them accordingly. Break the Internet.
Do you now see the problem with the current situation online?
McDonald's buys potatoes and sells French fries.
Back in the day, web masters had potatoes.
Now, as marketers they work the fries**.
Please don't piss yourself, keep this in context.
Now contrast McDonald’s with the company everyone cries about. That company possesses all the potatoes too (at least they would have you to think so). They do not even buy the potatoes.
You looked back at the old web, now flash forward to today and glimpse to the future, what is there?
Tor = a meal eat Terry project.
What is on Tor and in abundance? Violence and of course, sex. You see, it is just a repeat of the previous cycle. This is why in going forward with finding solutions to the current dilemma; going back will provide useful insight. Web masters need to stop working drive-through, stop working the fries, get from in front of the camera and go back to growing potatoes and raising cattle.
One is dirty, the other stinks but both put you back in control.
Break the Internet.
Users will thank you.
*Layers on layers here.
**Today they buy the fries too.