Everyone Should Try This Now!!

I took Modafinil during revision for my Uni finals. That stuff was crazy, let me work for nearly 24 hours solid without rest. They apparently give it to fast jet pilots in the Gulf.
Anyone remember this episode? :)

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kcT5bT7dyeM]YouTube - Family Ties - Speed Trap Part 1[/ame]
I just got a script for some not too long ago...will definitely try this. I love my psychiatrist...
Damn, I would love to try the stuff, but psychiatrists are uptight here.

Wish I could get my hands on some of these more reputable stimulants... non-pharmacy drugs scare me... putting too much trust in a dumb-as-fuck g-unit to bring you quality non-tarnished product...
One thing I've learned about Adderall, STAY AWAY FROM WIKIPEDIA

Many a Saturday have been completely lost
I took it for a year, it made me feel like a junkie. I'd "get lots done" like once a week, for 36 hours straight, and then spend the rest of the week feeling sleep deprived until ~fridayish, when I'd pass out until Saturday afternoon and "get lots done" again. I never wanted to go to bed, when I was on it regularly, but I never wanted to sit still, either.

For most of that, I took 30mg 2x daily, but there was a ~3 mo period where I'd rail 300mg in a day, then stay up for a week writing poetry and code. Crazy shit, I don't need that kind of "motivation" in my life, and the code I wrote was usually crap anyway, so the productivity was bunk.

Will stick to grass, it's much better at "fixing" my ADHD/short-attention-span/trouble-focusing/whatever-you'd-like-to-label-it. I never "get lots done" in 36 hrs anymore, but I don't lose a week to wandering around my town, strung out on addy at 3am, making friends with bums and exploring steam tunnels either. Any productivity I did gain on the pills was lost in the random shit I'd do during the come-down.