Ever Wonder Why Americans Are So Fucking Ignorant?


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone
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I blame them alright. -Fucking tools.

If they had 1/10th as much "journalistic integrity" as they claim to have, they'd simply take the loss in the USA or pull out altogether.

On a side note, this img illustrates wonderfully the truth that we're being brainwashed by the media like in 1984. Hope it REALLY makes the rounds!

Also, L-O-L at the China issue being replaced by Beck here! Sooooo fitting.
WOW, I feel like a freaking idiot not knowing this type of stupidity was going on, even though knowing all along that American media has an agenda against the truth. People LOVE to be lied to and have their ears tickled and that's obvious, but this is amazing. Wow, just wow....
What the Fuck is going on at time.com right now guys?

Not only does the site seem to be down (I get permanantly moved errors sitewide with crypto-crap following for the rest of the page) but I am trying to view its' covers in the past at the wayback machine and they're missing the last few months, as if they've just wiped alexa clean!

Internet Archive Wayback Machine

Fishy stuff! This this pic had anything to do with this?

Where did you find it, Yucky?
Time's Circulation from Wikipedia

During the second half of 2009 the magazine saw a 34.9% decline in news stand sales. During the first half of 2010, there was another decline of at least one third in Time magazine sales. In the second half of 2010, Time magazine newsstand sales declined by about 12% to just over 79 thousand copies per week.
I'd love to see that same graphic with more sources/dates etc.., because if it's true, jesus christ.
Europe or "New Mecca" as it will be called in 20 years had better drop the fucking Time magazine and start growing their beards and learning the Koran. In 20 years the Euros will be buried up to their necks (no pun intended) in raging Islamofacist.

enjoy your sharia
Europe or "New Mecca" as it will be called in 20 years had better drop the fucking Time magazine and start growing their beards and learning the Koran. In 20 years the Euros will be buried up to their necks (no pun intended) in raging Islamofacist.

enjoy your sharia

All the while America will have a worthless currency, debt beyond recovery, a starving population, a third world standard of living and will be asking the people it used to treat with contempt, including the sharia ruled Euro fags, for handouts and aid to help it's dying populace.
Europe or "New Mecca" as it will be called in 20 years had better drop the fucking Time magazine and start growing their beards and learning the Koran. In 20 years the Euros will be buried up to their necks (no pun intended) in raging Islamofacist.

enjoy your sharia

welcome back Popeye (or you've been real quiet lately) - France is seeing the problem that's about to come down for them with this, we'll see how/if they handle it.