Ever cold called your way to greatness? (funding/connections/etc.)

I definitely respect his hustle, but you cant do that shit forever, at some point you should have customers coming to you.

Yeah, it looks like his thing is going after expired real estate listings which I have no knowledge about. Would love to know what kind of $$ is involved

BRB I'm going to cold call him, pitch him some SEO, see if I can cold call a cold caller. I should script it and record it for lolulzzz

All dreams realized start off with hard work. Everyone that achieves their goals forget the little baby steps that they had to do to get it going. They romanticize it because it makes a better story.

How do you know that it wasn't the thousandth time he called after many months of trying?

Door to door is great for creating traction from scratch. You will meet the decision makers straightaway and will be able to pitch them - immediate results. No need to wait for a meeting. If they're busy or not available then cold call to make an appointment but don't worry too much about this initially. Just go hard with the door to door until you get some strong traction.

Get strong cashflow then network all you want. Do it the other way around and you'll have to get a job once your cash runs out and once you start working for someone else you won't have the time or energy to put into your own business.

Once you get into a flow, you will be amazed with what can happen and who you’ll meet. Once you have momentum, the world's your oyster.

Zig Ziglar "If you work sales hard it's easy, but if you work sales easy it's hard."

In other words, if you're not willing to push yourself hard, then you will be dreaming for a long time...

I recommend you read Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff and How I Raised Myself From Failure To Success In Selling by Frank Bettger.