EvaDav- Global Advertising Network

In continuation of the previous article


Casinos, slots - gambling in one word. Since the main motivation of the local target audience is entertainment, it makes sense for publishers to look closely at the trends of mixing reality with the introduction of AR and VR.

  • Pros: many cooperation schemes, a sea of useful information for beginners, wide GEO, low barrier to entry (relatively).
  • Cons: big competition - low ROI, gray niche specificity, fast burnout of GEO and offers.



Sports/cyber betting is a powerful vertical with an amazing profit. The important thing to remember is that the event schedule dictates the weather in this niche. The traditional leader in working with the traffic on betting is push format: inexpensive, simply tuned, easy to pass through the moderation.

  • Pros: one (huge) audience with gambling, so you don’t have to think about inventing new schemes. Diversity of sources and moderation of budgets to test hypotheses. The legality of bookies.
  • Cons: relative seasonality, which means that players' interest is not always stable. Need to keep an eye on sports events to keep up with market dynamics.



Beauty & Health goods and services. Vertical takes in everything that responds to human complexes about appearance, age, health.

  • Pros: the target audience for Nutra vertical is everywhere, geography is wide. Many offers for any taste and a budget with predictably strong demand.
  • Cons: some products are hard to promote with white methods. High competition.



A large niche with a wide assortment in hundreds of categories. Due to the scale, it is easy to find an offer for any audience and then to segment caption and conversion with maximum benefit.

  • Pros: variability - thousands of offers for all tastes. The relative loyalty of advertisers to the source of traffic. It is considered the best vertical for beginners.
  • Cons: wild competition. High barrier to entry (technical, budget, skills) in partnership with large networks.


Remember, there’s money in every niche. The main thing is to find yours, comfortable to work with. The big profit of some verticals is associated with the appreciable cost of attracting traffic, in other ones - budgets are modest, but you have to work for a decent conversion.

To get professional advice and an assessment of the monetization potential of the selected niche you can write to your manager from Evadav!

Choosing a domain name and hosting


When selecting a domain, consider it as a tool for promotion. The correct name should indicate directly or have a clear association with the niche in which the site will work.

  • Evadav tip: We recommend that you pay attention to the domains with history. That’s the kind of names that crawlers have loyalty to. This makes it possible to move the resource to the top much faster than in the case of the first registered domain. Of particular value are old domains that had only one owner but were regularly renewed.

The price of such names is knowingly higher, but they are worth their money because they save up on promotion and multiply speed up request results.


The platform on which the site files are stored is called hosting. It is the responsibility of hosters, providers who receive a fee for maintaining the space you rent.

The most popular solution in affiliate marketing today are websites created on CMS design types: WordPress, Wix, Tilda.

  • Fact: more than 40% of all Internet resources on the planet are made with WordPress.

CMS (content management system) implies the owner’s full control over the external and internal content of the site, offering thousands of themes and plugins for customization. As a rule, the hosting service is provided by default.

There are enough free hosting facilities to start in the affiliate marketing sphere. When the time comes to scale the project, you will easily go to premium, paying a certain amount for the new volume on the server, additional options, and more loyal support.


Rating of the most popular platforms for hosting websites on WordPress [/CENTER]

  • Evadav tip: If your traffic generation strategy is based on a large amount of text content, look in the direction of the Medium or Blogger blog platforms. Here the hosting is also in the complex with the subscription. The possibilities of these sites are inferior to the WordPress toolkit, but for article promotion (reviews, guides, informational texts) is a convenient and the main - working version.

Continue reading the article below


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In continuation of the previous article

Website configuration

When you think about site design, you will sooner or later decide whether to use/buy a ready-made template or order a unique topic from specialists.

  • Evadav recommends the first version, as the development on the side will cost a lot - 2-3 thousand dollars.

At the same time, the equal quality template can be bought for reasonable money - 50-100 dollars. In addition, the finished WordPress themes rarely require a shamanic dance in an attempt to pull them onto the engine and are set in two or three clicks.

What should a decent affiliate website look like in 2022?

The Evadav team has compiled a list of criteria that will help you get around your competitors. Just consider them when building the site and give yourself an advantage already at the start. Let’s go!

Responsive design

The number of people using pocket gadgets for communications is growing daily.

  • According to TAdviser data, the share of mobile traffic at the end of 2021 was 83%.

If your site design is not adapted for smartphones and tablets, you can forget about normal conversion.


Choose a topic that is compatible with mobile devices. Give the visitors a chance to see your offer on the go - in the subway, in the guests, at work, and watch as the refusal rate decreases.


The chosen design should not limit the possibilities of SEO optimization. In this regard, it is worth paying attention to the same WordPress. Even in default, it offers an extensive pool of tools for qualitative search promotion.

If this is not enough, there are dozens of plugins connected - plugins that extend the potential of SEO optimization to infinity. The important thing is to remember why you need it.

Additional configuration

However perfect the design of the template, you will have to adjust it - change the logo, adapt the font pairs, remove or add graphic elements, forms, and modules.

  • Evadav tip: while looking at the theme for the site, consider how accessible it will be if necessary possible to personalize the site.

Development contact

Many people overlook it, but the opportunity to get a quick consultation on a topic or plugin is an important point. In order not to spend time on solving problems on your own and not pay for the services of third-party developers, learn about the terms and guarantees of support in advance.

  • Observation: lack of backup is a property of free templates. Paid topics are generally not deficient.


Multiple language support will be needed if you are going to scale up GEO or target a local market that uses different languages.


For the newcomer, who does not plan to dive from the start into exotic niches of distant countries, the issue of multilingualism of the site is closed simply by installing a plugin. These add-ons can support more than 90 languages simultaneously, most of which are free and do not require extensive professional customization.

User-friendly interface

Your task is not to impress the visitor’s imagination, but to make his/her stay on the site enjoyable. The selection and purchase of partner products should be natural and simple. Leave the extraordinary creativity to fashion photographers.

  • Evadav tip: The appearance of the site, taking into account the trends of fashion and the nuances of verticals, is of course important. However, it is recommended to give priority, not to the elegance of the screens, but to the ergonomics of the interface: intelligent navigation, appropriate interactivity of forms, and understandable inscriptions on buttons.

Website content
Making a visitor a lead (a potential client doing the target action you need) is not an easy task. But it’ll be a lot easier if you can convince the audience that you’re an expert on the subject.

An excellent way to demonstrate expertise is to publish relevant content regularly. The more detailed and literate you close the interest in your field, the greater the public’s trust in you and the more pleasant the conversion figures.

Content types for websites

Opinion pieces
Unique material about the product based on the practical experience of the author. Ideally, the copywriter’s qualifications should be confirmed by publications in other publications and projects.

It’s a great way to get exclusive news, press release, review. Typically, this content is an artistic adaptation of the machine translation of the source.

Deep (unrecognizable) processing of the original text with the preservation of meaning. This approach allows to receive quickly and much original content without violating the rights of other authors.

SEO-optimized content
This category includes material of any format and volume containing a specific number of key accessions. Intelligent use in the text of queries, in particular, allows not only to put the page at the top with minimum investment but also to keep it there for a long time without any subsidy.

This type of content, whether represented by text or video, is a unique source of information in terms of impact and reach, miraculously gathering record traffic. Of course, we are talking about qualitative material. The watery reasoning of «armchair» experts does not count.

Buyers trust the author’s reviews of goods and services if they find them reliable. Given this, in some vertical settings, it makes sense to focus on publishing a broad view of the product, helping people make the right decision.

Traffic can be different
A successful choice of verticals, a well-thought-out structure, and attractive site design - it is wonderful. But passively waiting until users notice your «charm» is a bad idea. You have to attract and then hold the traffic. How? Read more.

Charges applicable

This section lists how to get traffic to a site for money.

1. Contextual advertising: Generate ads through Google Ads. You will be charged for views, clicks, or target actions. Quick and accurate, but expensive.
2. Social media targeting: the analog of context ads, only within social networks. It assumes greater audience involvement through the ability to comment and evaluate posts. Expensive.
3. Aggregators: Company and product information in thematic catalogs. Excellent for e-commerce niches and sweepstakes. Competitive offers make it possible to choose a site with a loyal audience and a moderate price.
4. Links on third-party sites. Choose the site of the profile theme and negotiate with the owners about the placement of the content - native ads, reviews, interviews, press releases. The price is moderate, depending on the coverage.
5. Influencer marketing: Advertising by opinion leaders. You pay a blogger, who delivers good news about your product to his/her fans in a proper way. The cost of collaboration is determined by the size of the audience.
6. Sending out. All channels - email, push, SMS, and chatbots. The main thing is that the addressees should be the most target. Effectiveness depends on the quality of the base and the personalization of the messages.

Free of charge

Ignoring the possibility to receive traffic for free is not our method. Evadav experts recommend using all available arsenal!

1. SEO-promotion: is not only articles with frequency keys but also a carefully thought-out page structure, from header to footer. A good text, anchored in the top one day, will generate a client stream for a long time.
2. Social media: A channel or profile in a popular social network, illuminating the same niche as the main site - a magnificent booster of traffic. Creative posts, quizzes, and thematic collections will help to maintain interest in the product and will not cost you a penny.
3. Q&A services: Places where people are trying to find solutions to problems. A good example is Quora.com. All you have to do is find a topic, close to the niche being promoted, and show yourself as an expert, discreetly promoting your project.
4. Rankings. Some portals practice articles and collections of services, goods, everything in the world. You offer your website or product as a member of such a rating. Famous sites will ask for money for this, smaller resources can mention you for free.
5. Directories and maps will not turn your traffic into Niagara Falls, but you will always have a stable stream from a brand card registered through Google Business. Besides, search engines better rank organizations with confirmed contact information.

Continue reading the article below


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In continuation of the previous article

It’s way better with analytics

Traffic should be controlled: where, from where, how much? At every moment of the campaign, you need to know what happens at every stage of the funnel that turns a visitor into a lead.

  • The basic toolset for analysis is all in Google Analytics.

These services are enough for a beginner to fix traffic volume, see sources, compare conversion coefficients, understand the efficiency of the whole website and its elements. Besides, they not only show the detail but are also free of charge.

  • Evadav tip: Knowing your capabilities is good, but understanding how competitors live is even better.

Competitive intelligence through SEMRush and Ahrefs will reveal the secrets of SEO, social media page analysis will show audience size and interaction triggers, feedback on the same Google Maps and IRecommend.ru, help to understand product satisfaction and the blind spots of the market.

Don’t forget the trackers.

More information about trackers, their opportunities, and the importance we revealed in our “Traffic monetization” guide.

Searching for advertisers to monetize traffic from the created website

The website is assembled, configured, and launched. You have a pleasant excitement to watch the growing traffic and calculate profit options. Let’s go through the main channels of monetization.

Contextual advertising (Google AdSense)

It’s an advertisement in any format and relevant to the website topics: from a text note and a banner to a full video review. Every time a customer clicks on an ad block, the publisher gets the money.

  • The rewarding system is called PPC (Pay Per Click).

To start working, you have to register in the advertising network and wait for the approval of the administration.

Direct advertising

Having stable traffic of several thousand visitors daily (why not?!) you can address directly to advertisers with the offer of advertising placement.

  • Advantage of the method: you set the cost for views by yourself.

Additional income can be obtained if you promote the service in a complex, combining the placement and creation of advertising content into a turnkey service.

Tangible profit in the direct interaction with advertisers yields such types of monetization:

  • branding – mixing several types of content on one page/site. The visitor loses the sense of boundaries between original material and advertising and more often gets on the sponsor’s page.
  • banner ads – the most popular format. Here success depends entirely on creativity and getting into the needs of the target audience.
  • native ads – any content with a subtle mention of the product or brand. The more natural the advertising link, the higher the conversion.
  • push, in-page, pop-under – Pop-ups, blocks, and lendings that don’t give the visitor a chance to miss a promotional message. It’s a tool of enormous potential with a proper approach.
  • links placement – links to the advertiser’s project, placed in the right places of your site. The easiest way to earn.


Evadav offers profitable monetization conditions of native ads, push notifications, in-page messages, and pop-under.

We don’t strive to become the best, we’re busy doing your business the best!

Affiliate programs
In order not to starve while waiting for favorable offers from advertisers, the site owner can become a member of the affiliate program of a famous brand or one of the advertising networks. Of course, the topics of your site should coincide with the niche of the seller, and the resource itself should have a presentable view.

It is simple: fill the site with useful content and ask, as a reward, for donations on project development.

Sales of goods and services
Suppose your site is devoted to reviews of the novelties of the game industry. Why not add a few pages of near-game goods: consoles, peripherals, games, or merch?

Paid subscription
The system resembles fundraising, but with one difference: if the visitor does not pay, he will not be able to access the main part of the content.

Ad networks
Advertising affiliate networks can provide ads immediately. You don’t have to spend time looking for advertisers, they already did it for you. Every network has its database of active advertisers.

All you have to do is add your site, select the advertising format from the list according to your goals, place the code on your site and income won’t take long.

  • Pros: no need to waste your time looking for advertisers, big profit.
  • Cons: it is not always possible to choose the type of product or service that will be advertised on your site.

Join Evadav, add new traffic sources and get super profit!

Which strategy to choose in the end?

Experience has shown that an affiliate beginner is more likely to get profit fast if he/she implements time-proven techniques and strategies. Why make new roads if you can use ready-made solutions?

  • Evadav ad network is ready to offer publishers more than 25K proven advertisers and 50K+ active campaigns each month.

It is up to you to decide which advertising formats and monetization channels to use. For our part, we declare that push, in-page, pop-under, and native ads are the leaders according to the ratio of profit to effort.

  • Evadav tip: don’t stick to only one format, test several, choose what’s the best for you and be on top.

We’re sure, that we look at affiliate marketing the same way as you. Evadav ad network is the best choice for monetization.

See for yourself!


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Best NFT Affiliate programs

✨Art doesn’t lag behind the technologies. Now any recording, photo, painting or video is possible to digitize. Once you reproduce your piece of art digitally and upload it on the blockchain, it becomes an NFT - a non-fungible token.

How can affiliates monetize such an offering? What are the best NFT programs to monetize? Read on to discover!

?How do Affiliate Programs for NFT work?

Regarding the growth of the NFT market, many referral plans appear. Affiliate programs are one of the best ways to grow business, sales, and boost trading. To earn with such programs on NFTs, you need to join the referral programs of some crypto exchanges, like crypto.com.

However, there are affiliate programs excluding NFT sales. In this case, you may try gaining money on clicks.

Let’s say Ben visits Binance NFT and passes the registration to join crypto trading. Then you (as a publisher) get the commissions on the users’ trades.

?What are the NFT platforms offering the best affiliate programs?

We’ve made up a list of the best affiliate programs for you. Here they are:

  • OpenSea

CPA: Cost per transaction
Commission: 2,5%
Type of the commission: charged once

This is the hugest marketplace for NFTs and crypto collectibles (music, pics, photos, etc.). On the OpenSea you can find many valuable digital items to buy.

Also, you can sell your own creations. You just need to upload your digital work, give it a name, describe it in detail, and opt for a fixed or declining price auction listing.

Affiliate program:
For every transaction, the OpenSea charges 2,5%.
To see how an affiliate program based on NFT sales works, try OpenSea.

  • Binance

CPA: Cost per transaction
Commission: Up to 50%
Type of commission: Recurring

Binanace is the biggest crypto platform, which offers multiple products: spot market, derivatives, futures, options, savings and staking services, Binance cloud, trust wallet, NFTs, and so on.

NFT marketplace includes categories for e-sport, art, gaming, collectibles, and NFT mystery box. The box offers you a random NFT with different prices and rarity.

Affiliate program
Binance Affiliate Program lets you create referral links that invite your community to sign up and trade on Binance. The link will automatically credit you as the referred if anyone clicks it and registers. Every time they execute a trade, whether it's on Binance Spot, Futures, Margin Trading, NFT or even Binance Pool, you will receive a commission.

  • Crypto.com

CPA: Cost per transaction and lead
Commission: 10%
Type of the commission: recurring and nonrecurring

Crypto.com is an open-source blockchain that allows you to trade on spot, on margin, and with derivatives. It also offers an NFT marketplace with multiple categories (music, sport, gaming, etc.).

Top NFT creators like Aston Martin, Ugonzo, and Snoop Dogg work with the platform.

Affiliate program
To join a Crypto.com affiliate program, you need to fill out the form, present the platform to your community, and choose your preferred mix: long-term commission or one-time payments.

  • FTX

CPA: Cost per transaction
Commission: 2,5%
Type of the commission: recurring

FTX ranges among one of the top-5 crypto derivatives exchanges and is popular among millions of users. FTX offers futures and leveraged tokens. Also, the exchange owns a few NFT sites, with Solana, Ethereum, and FTX NFTs available. You can go through the NFT gallery to choose the token you want to buy.

What’s more, on FTX, you can:
  • bid on NFTs
  • purchase them
  • hold them on your FTX NFT gallery, so they'll be available for withdrawal to your personal wallet soon
  • redeem them for a good or service.

Affiliate program:
Each FTX user has a unique affiliate link. You will receive 25%-40% of the fees of new users who sign up with your referral code, and the new user will get 5% of the fees returned.

The crypto industry and crypto art are becoming more and more popular. Join and earn now!

Join Evadav to monetize your offers


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Get Special Easter Bonus From Evadav

Happy Easter, dear Evadavers!

The spirit of this bright holiday is all about hope, love, peace, and prosperity. Evadav team wishes you a joyous celebration with your family!

You may wonder how to monetize your Easter offers? There are a few things you can do to get more conversions:
  • Launch discounts;
  • Give away promo codes;
  • Decorate your banners with holiday stuff.

During this holiday, popular verticals remain:
  • Gaming - many games offer fantastic Easter levels (e.g. Angry Birds) or Easter costumes for characters;


  • Gambling - poker and casino offer great deals for holidays;


  • Finance - crypto platforms often prepare some giveaways for Easter;


  • E-commerce - Easter decorations, baskets, cakes, and cooking tools are on hype during the Easter holidays.

And we also have a surprise for you! Easter is high time to launch ad campaigns with Evadav and jump into egg hunting!

Here is what you need to join:

Increase your spending for the period Apr 17 - Apr 24 compared to the previous week and get a Special Easter Bonus.

- For Standard and Bronze levels:
Open a Bronze egg! Increase your spend by $500, and get a $50 coupon from your manager on your next deposit from $500.
- For Silver and Gold levels:
Open a Gold egg! Increase your spend by $1500, and get a $150 coupon from your manager on your next deposit from $1500
- For Platinum and Diamond levels:
Open a Diamond egg! Increase your spend by $5000, and get a $500 coupon from your manager on your next deposit from $5000

The more traffic and campaigns you run, the brighter gifts you receive.

Launch and boost your campaigns, open eggs and enjoy your gifts


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Egg Bonus From Evadav + Top Best Geos and Verticals for Push in April and May

?Hello, dear Evadavers!

We announce that our Egg hunt is ended.
Thank you all for taking part in it and don't forget to collect your $50, $150, and $500 bonuses.

In Evadav, we know that there are never too many gifts. So we've added 2 special eggs!

From Apr 24 till Apr 30 open your lucky egg:
  • Find holiday eggs in your account;
  • Crack them;
  • Take a promo code and replenish your account;
- only new accounts are acceptable

Silver Egg:
Get a 10% bonus on your first balance replenishment from $100 to $1000.

Platinum egg:
Get a $500 bonus on your first balance replenishment from $3000.

?Launch your campaign with us and grab your gifts

As you know, we always follow trends, and we want to share them with you.

✅What are the best Geos for Push ads to monetise in April and May?

??United Kingdom

✅ What are the best verticals for Push in April and May?

  • Gambling
  • Betting
  • Crypto

Be trendy, join Evadav


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Premium pops top sources list

Have you already tried our Premium Popunder? It has many benefits, among which:

?Up to 100 times higher CR
?Qualitatively selected and tested sources
?Optimized traffic

?We give a specially selected list with more than 1000 verified sites, sites with conversions already tested by our internal Traffic Quality Team.

What is more, from May 15 to May 31 we have a system of bonuses for new and current partners.

How to get Bonuses?

1. New Advertisers get:
- $25 sign up promocode may25 for deposits over $200

2. For already active Advertisers we have a one more bonus:
- 10% Bonus on the next deposit up to $1000, for advertisers who work with verticals: content_site, gambling, dating, e-commerce, crypto, services, finance, betting, nutra, sweepstakes, software

3. Even more, if you already have an inactive account with us just sign in and get a special bonus on your next deposit:
- Re-Activation Bonus in amount of a $50 for deposits from $200.

* all bonuses and promotional codes are valid from 05/15/2022 to 05/31/2022.

?Try Premium Pops traffic with Evadav


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?Hi, Evadavers!

In this article we'll describe what is important to know about a new feature in our advertisers' personal account - WinRate.

- What is WinRate?
- What is the relationship between WinRate and the auction?
- How is WinRate calculated?
- How to increase the effectiveness of your advertising campaigns with WinRate?
- How to use WinRate in combination with MicroBidding and Auto-rules?

What is a WinRate?
Win Rate is the percentage ratio of the number of impressions gained in an auction divided by the total number of impressions bid on.

WinRate is based on Bid and CTR.
  • Bid - the higher it is, the more chances you have to win the auction.
  • CTR - the higher the clickability of the creatives within an advertising campaign, the more likely your bid will win, and your ad will be shown on the publisher's site.

Important: For CPC model only!!!
For the CPM model, CTR is not counted.

In other words, WinRate is a parameter that indicates the competitiveness of the used bid, set of creatives, and targeting settings for the ad campaign / source.

How does the auction work?
It's based on a basic calculation formula: CTR * Bid = CPM.

Advertisers are competing for each impression on the platform. The system forms an auction. All advertising campaigns take part in this auction, which, according to their targeting settings, are able to bid for the ad impression.

The system chooses the ad campaign which has the highest CTR*Bid. This approach focuses on delivering relevant ad creatives to the most targeted audience at the publishers' sites.

WinRate formula

WinRate in percent = (number of impressions won / number of auctions in which the campaign participated) x 100

For example, if a bid participates 1 million times and wins 500,000, this is calculated as:
(500,000 / 1,000,000) X 100 = 50% WinRate

- green indicator 70%+ - your advertising campaign is taking enough hits within the auction. Raising the bid and adjusting the sources, you can achieve even higher rates, for our part, we consider this level "good".
- yellow 50<69% - your ad campaign is in the middle of the auction. You can get more impressions by doing optimization.
- red 0<49% - an important signal for the analysis of the advertising campaign and raising the bid / change of creatives and/or targeting.
- n/a - the index is calculated for the period selected in the statistics. If you see this sign next to a campaign or a source in the statistics, this means that your company does not get enough data for the correct calculation of the WinRate. We recommend increasing the traffic buy for such a campaign in order to collect enough statistics for calculations.

Increasing your WinRate
A high WinRate in programmatic terms might indicate low competition for users at the source of traffic or an effective bid.
A low WinRate is always a signal that the bids for a specific campaign and/or source need to be increased and the creatives need to be checked according to their CTR.

Here are some ideas on how to increase the WinRate for your campaign.

-Grow up the bid for ad campaigns with low WinRates

-Buy more traffic in campaigns with creatives that have a high CTR, or duplicate them for other campaigns.

-Optimize the bid for sites with a high WinRate

-Use auto-rules to whitelist and blacklist sources to select the ones that give you the most conversions at a given cost.

-Use micro-bidding to optimize bids by source.

The Microbidding option allows you to unleash the full potential of WinRate's capabilities.

With Microbidding + WinRate, you can analyze and see the actual amount of redeemable traffic, and auction WinRates per campaign and change the rates for zones and sources separately. This will give you the maximum flexibility in buying traffic and make your ROI unattainable for your competitors.

*The micro-bidding option is only available to Gold-level users on our platform.

Let's see on the example of a test advertising campaign with low WinRate.


The microbidding + WinRate combination will be available for editing within the ad campaign itself:


Also, similar settings can be made directly in the statistics.
To do so, go to the general statistics tab, select an ad campaign from the general list and its traffic purchase model (CPC in this example) and indicate the country in the filter.


Now let’s proceed with the analysis. Consider the data in detail.


In the screenshot, we see the different indicators of the WinRate.
It is worth noting that those sources with a high WinRate in the green zone also have custom Bid significantly higher than the average. Such sources also have high-profit margins and ROI.

In line 2, we see the opposite situation. WinRate on this source is in the red zone, and despite a large amount of traffic and low cost per click, nevertheless, this source does not bring profit.

As part of an advertising strategy, the best choice would be to raise the bid for such a source. However, the creatives within this advertising campaign should not be replaced, as they are effective at the current stage, as you can see by the ROI for the other sources.

Bottom line:
We've taken an in-depth look at the WinRate metric, its importance, and its role when working with the Evadav platform. We wish our advertisers a successful test and look forward to your feedback.

? If you have any questions, please contact your manager, who is ready to help you 24/7/365.



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Hot Summer Bonuses from Evadav

Hello, advertisers!

Spring is over, and a hot summer awaits us... And this means that it's high time to grab some hot bonuses from Evadav!
Launch and scale campaigns to get bonuses for balance replenishment.

?How do I get bonuses?
You will receive bonuses on your next replenishment when you upgrade your account to the next level of our system. All you have to do is:
- Create ad campaigns and scale the current ones in the second half of June (16.06.22 - 30.06.22)
- Optimize them with auto-rules, microbidding and winrate

?What bonuses can I get?
Depending on each new level in the system that you have moved to during the period 06/16/22 - 06/30/22, you will be able to receive the following bonuses:

Standard $0-$300 - entry level
Bronze $301-$1000 - your bonus will be $30 on a deposit of $300 or more
Silver $1001-$3000 - your bonus will be $100 on a deposit of $1000 and more
Gold $3001-$8000 - Your bonus will be $300 on a deposit of $3000 and more
Platinum $8001-$25000 - your bonus will be $800 on a deposit of $5000 or more
Diamond $25001+ - your bonus will be $1000 on a deposit of $5000+

If you have already reached the Diamond level on our platform, we offer you to scale the spend by 50% compared to early June (01.06 - 15.06) to get a $1000 bonus on any next deposit from $5000.

The higher your level in the system, the more bonuses you can get! Increase your spend and get bonuses.

?How do I request a bonus?
You will have 30 days to request a bonus from the moment your account is upgraded. Email your manager in personal messages requesting a bonus on your next deposit and use the funds to promote in Evadav.

?How long will the promo last?
The promo will last from 16.06.22 till 30.06.22. Hurry up to move to the next level to get more bonuses!

In advance to pump your profits, we've collected top verticals and geos for the latest months.

- India
- Brazil
- Indonesia
- United States of America
- Philippines
- Thailand
- Malaysia
- Vietnam
- Italy
- Germany
- Bangladesh
- Japan
- France
- Mexico
- United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

?site content

Launch campaigns with Evadav


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?Hi, Evadavers!

?We are happy to announce that we have connected over 1,000 new popunder sites and they are already available to you!

?Get the most out of your traffic with:

?Top CR - up to 1:4 using pre-landing;
?Filtered clicks - just right for your offer;
?Volumes - over 1 billion clicks currently available for redemption;
⏰Smart auction and auto-rules - let you take the best part, and not spend all your time setting up and optimizing.

?Advice from the optimization team:
- Experiment with bids - smoothly increase them from the recommended to the maximum - so you select the most converting sites for your offer;
- test the Premium and Standard types of traffic in the A / B tests;
- advertisers from Gold level and above - use microbidding for spot work with bids;

Also, until the end of the month, we’re running an activity with bonuses for topping up

Want to know more? Read our blog

?Check out our awesome blog articles about Popunder you may have missed:

?Premium Popunder campaigns and Top 10 countries with recommended rates
?Premium Popunder Traffic
?5 Steps to a Successful Campaign with Popunder

? If you have any questions, please contact your manager, who is ready to help you 24/7/365.



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?Hello, Evadavers!

Take 2 minutes and have a unique chance to get an extra white list for your vertical from Evadav & Affbank directly.

What do you need to do:
✔️ follow the Affbank Awards page;
✔️ vote for Evadav in push, native, and traffic source categories;



✔️ screen your votes and save them (3 snapshots);
✔️ send an email to support@evadav.com with an account ID (email), your contact telegram/skype, and screenshots attached;

? Boom! Here you are, almost in a step from your reward. We'll respond to every email after the award finale, starting July 27th.

?✌️[Thank you for staying with us]
We always stay with you and follow your needs. So share your attention to our cooperation and get an exclusive reward.

Vote for EvaDav


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Advertising Strategies to Increase CTR

Paired with tons of impressions and conversions, click-through rate really matters when you launch your ad campaign. So let’s find out how to get more clicks and boost your CTR with Evadav.

TOP - 5 Tips to Increase the CTR of Your Ad

⏱️Set the Perfect Timing
What’s the best time to show your ads in order to increase your CTR? Holidays, of course! The profits received during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Cyber Monday tend to be the highest.
Take advantage of major holidays, sales events, phone model release dates, sporting events, and TV series finales.
Also, learn when your audience is the most active and set the days and time when the ads will be shown.


?Schedule your campaign in Evadav profile.

?Test the Frequency Capping for Your Audience
Everything new is greeted with great interest. However, when an ad is seen multiple times, it loses its impact - it becomes invisible. People may turn it off due to intrusiveness at worst.

Let’s consider the example of push ads. Imagine how weird and annoying the ad seems when you get four times a day that you won a BMW.

A reasonable ad limit is essential to preventing record-low CTRs. According to Evadav statistics, the best results show campaigns with 5 impressions per day. We suggest limiting the impressions of your ads to 5 impressions per day. 1 audience = 5 impressions per 24 hours.


?Set capping, launch your campaign, and monitor the statistics with Evadav.

⬆️Get Bids Increased for Better CTR

Low bid makes the CTR low. Thus, the lower your bid is, the worse the sources you get.

You may have nice creatives, but if the bid is low, the chances of success are low as well.

The higher the bid, the more potential auctions your ad campaign will participate in. Thus, you increase the probability of working with the sites with the best clickability for your creatives.

In your Evadav profile, the average CPC and the recommended bid size are shown after you choose the country in the settings and press recommended or max bid. We constantly update this information so that you can launch your campaign with the most relevant bid for your audience.


?Follow the bid size recommended in the campaign settings with Evadav and launch your campaign.

?Choose the Right Creatives
As for creatives, we recommend launching at least 4-5 creatives to qualify the traffic source. Ad campaign tested with 1-2 creatives is bound to perform worse. Pay attention to the quality of the pictures you use. They should be comprehensible, trustworthy, and reflect what is written in the text. Noone will click on the ad with a dog under which the text will say: Win an iPhone 13 pro max now.

As well, the statistics show that illustrations with women attract users more than with men.

?Test the creatives within your campaign. You can test up to 8 creatives in each ad campaign.

?Add Imagination to Your Text

The text should be catchy and correspond to the illustration. It should deliver the message you want to send and include the CTA.
  • Also, it’s a nice idea to use Emojis to attract attention, but don’t overuse them.
  • Make your text personalized: “Using an iPhone?” / “Are you in Kyiv”?
  • Numbers in titles always work: “9 out of 10 people advice using the microwave XXX”


? Add title up to 30 characters and description up to 45 in your Evadav profile while launching an ad and test it.

Choose Evadav and launch the most successful campaigns!


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Twitter Notes: What to Expect

Have you heard the news? Twitter is launching a new way of creating and sharing content - Notes!

?️What are the Notes?
Notes represent a tool allowing the creation of long reads.
The new features for Twitter users, who are used to short messages containing 280 characters maximum, will allow users to:
  • create articles with rich formatting
  • upload media
  • share posts via Twitter and Facebook.

The major Twitter update allows creating a note with a 100-character title and text up to 2,500 words. Photo, video, GIF, and tweet embedding will be possible in users' Notes. Each Note has its link, and you can tweet, retweet, send in DMs, like, and bookmark it like a tweet.

How can Notes be useful for publishers and advertisers?

  • Monetization of traffic from Twitter is now gaining popularity and momentum. More and more publishers have begun to take advantage of the opportunity to monetize such traffic. Now advertisers could reach 465.1 million users on Twitter, placing it 14th among the world's most 'active' social networks.
  • Twitter's latest investor report shows that the company had 229 million monetizable daily active users worldwide as of April 2022.


  • Among other things, Twitter allows monetizing video broadcasts as well.
  • Also, you can get traffic from Twitter with Push messages. How? Push subscriptions represent a popular form of monetization from Twitter. Users on Twitter visit your website, read your content, subscribe to push notifications, and return to your site regularly.

To run ads with Evadav, select the format, type and pricing model for push notifications in your Evadav profile. Also, choose targeting, add creatives, and set budgets and limits. If you have any questions about customizing your ads, contact your manager 24/7.


Would you like to grow and monetize your Twitter traffic? Do it with Evadav


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In continuation of the previous article


  • If you are an advertiser, you can buy traffic to promote your Twitter account and get more followers.
  • You can use Twitter as a pass-through page by publishing the link to your ad page in the Twitter post or Notes.


  • The secret sauce: not so many platforms allow to post the adult content 18+. However, it's possible on Twitter! You can advertise subscriptions, goods for adults and you can even add creatives in Notes.

Buy your traffic for Twitter with Evadav

And while Twitter is going to launch its micro-blogging, check out our blog to read the articles you may’ve missed:

?Fresh Profit on Pops Traffic
?5 Steps to a Successful Campaign with Popunder
?Advertising Strategies to Increase CTR

?Launch campaigns with Evadav


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Limits Alert for advertising ad campaigns

?Hi, Evadavers!

We've added a limit alert for our advertisers to notify them that their ad campaign limits are about to be reached.

Where can you see it?
In your profile, in the advertising campaigns list.


information on reaching advertising campaign limit will be visible on the right, in the Budget limit, Click limit columns.


How does this alert work?
✅ When you use 70% or more of the limits, a red icon with a fire will appear.


✅ When you click on the icon, you’ll see the inscription "70% of total campaign budget spent. Recommended to increase".


✅ Clicking on the "Recommended to increase" inscription opens the campaign editing page, the limits setting section.


?Always remember: the more limits you set for your campaigns, the more auctions your campaign will participate in. Also, we only recommend that you keep an eye on your balance and, if possible, keep it above $150.



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New feature - Telegram bot

?Hi, Evadavers!
Meet a new feature from Evadav - Telegram Bot?.

Where to find and how to connect it?

To activate the bot, the user needs to log in to their account, in the Evadav profile.

? Make sure you filled the field - Telegram. If your nickname is not listed here or you see an invalid one - contact our support team who will help you to replace or add the actual nickname.


? Next, click "Start receiving notifications" in the Telegram bot in the lower right corner.


↩️After you press it, you will be taken to the bot's page Telegram: Contact @Evadav_Notify_Bot :


✔️ Click "Allow" and you will be redirected to the Telegram application, where you should press /start.
After that, click on /link and go to the Evadav profile by the link indicated in the message.


? In your profile, you will see a message telling you that the connection was successful:


⚠️ In Telegram, the bot will also inform you of the successful connection of your account:


? To disconnect from sending important notifications through the bot, in your personal account, in the same section of your profile, you need to click on "Stop receiving notifications". All notifications from the bot will be stopped.


You can use both advertiser and publisher notifications for one Telegram account.

How does the bot work?

In triggering conditions, the subscribed user receives notifications from the bot about different events. The list of events will be constantly expanding, according to your requests. Now among them, there are notifications such as:

✅ For advertisers:
- Achieving a zero account balance;
- The remaining balance will be enough for 1 day (calculated based on the spending of the advertising account for the last period);
- The ad campaign has been rejected by moderation.

✅ For publishers:
- There was a successful domain change;
- Widget was rejected by moderation;
- Widget was banned without passing an antifraud check.

Important: share your feedback on this tool and your suggestions on how we can make it more useful for you, and what new features you are looking for that will help you achieve your goals.



?Hey, Evadavers!

The hot summer is about to end. Now is the time for holidays, relaxation, and incredible profits. The Evadav team always stands with you and already has a suitable activity for you.

Are you expecting some prizes or bonuses, aren't you? There you will be absolutely right! Welcome our Hot Summer Time Giveaway. Now you’ve got the chance not only to increase your profits but to get bonuses!

We are launching a promotion for our advertisers - Hot Summer with EVADAV?.

All advertisers can participate in this activity, both new accounts and those whose advertising campaigns are active now or were launched earlier.

? How to get bonuses?
The flow is easy as pie:


✔️ Create new ad campaigns and build up your spend.
✔️ Make sure your August spend exceeds your spend for July by $2000, $5000, or more.
✔️ Get your $25, $100 or $250 bonus.

?Take your bonus:
?$100 if your spend exceeds your spend for July by over $2000
?$250 if the spend exceeds your spend for July by $5000

New customers get $25 to test traffic with a promo code hotsummer25.


?An extra point: Cashback up to 6% is ready. Ask your manager about it.

The promo will run to August, 31 .

Increase your spend and get bonuses from Evadav


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?Hi, Evadavers!

We have added new features and options to our product.
Thus, going to share our latest updates with you!

For whom is it available?
To all advertisers

What's added?
✅ Archiving of advertising campaigns
✅ Google Search App Targeting
✅ GIF format in creatives

Let’s go deeper inside each feature>>

  • Archiving advertising campaigns


Previously, Archived and Completed campaigns were placed in the same section. For your convenience, we have added the tab “Archived” on the /advertiser/campaigns page in your personal profile.

Now, archived campaigns will be displayed in the Archived tab. Also, at the top, you will see a notification that the campaigns will be deleted in three months from the moment they were moved to the archive.

  • Google Search App Targeting


We’ve added a browser for Google Search App targeting to campaign settings.

Now you can find ‘Google Search App’ browser in the "Browser" filter in your profile and in the admin panel.

  • GIF format in creatives


You can now add *.gif format creatives to your In page Push and Nativ campaigns.

Conditions for adding:
  • Max size: 1MB
  • Corresponds to the resolution specified when creating a Personal Area Ad Campaign.
  • Formats: Native Ads, InPage.

?According to Evadav's testing results, ads when using GIFs can potentially increase CTR by up to 150%

Test new features directly in your ad campaigns.

Sign in to your Evadav account


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?Hello, Evadavers!

This month, we expanded the list of available placements and added more than 1000 new sites and applications that have passed the full review.
According to the results of tests from our traffic buying team, we share with you the most effective verticals:

? Dating
? Gambling
? Utility
? Software
? Smartlink
? Push notification
? Betting
? Trading
? Sweepstakes

We recommend testing such countries as USA, Brazil, India, Indonesia, Vietnam, Australia and Canada.

✅ Choose the offers and countries that suit you from the list.
✅ Create an advertising campaign.
✅ Write to your manager and replenish your balance until September 30 with a bonus from Evadav.

? $100 bonus - for deposits from $2000
? $50 bonus - for deposits over $500
? $25 bonus - for deposits over $100

Go to your personal account?



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