Established Media Site: 160,000 uniques/day, xx,xxx monthly revenue

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Nov 6, 2006
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*NOTE* I was just going to list this at sitepoint, but a friend suggested listing it here as well, so I figured it would be a good idea. This is copy and pasted from sitepoint where I listed it 7 days ago.

The current high bid is at $200,000.

General Stats
Established: 5 Sep 2005
Uniques/Month: 4,800,000
Page views/month: 18,000,000
Monthly Revenue: $15,000 - $50,000
PageRank: 5 (sometimes I see 6 but have no clue why it changes)


Born in early September 2005, my main goal for Nothing Toxic was to grow it into a huge site, serving videos, games, animations, pictures, and links every day of the year. Since then, I’ve never missed an update and the site has grown tremendously.

For a brief overview of how the site is doing lately, these are the average stats per day in October (all according to Extreme Tracker):

Unique visitors: 158,503
Page views: 534,420
Search engine visits: 7,599
Geographic breakdown (country): 46% United States, 8% United Kingdom, 6% Canada
Geographic breakdown (continent): 53% North America, 35% Europe, 8% Asia

The site has been performing similar to these above numbers since August. It steadily grew over the first year and has leveled off at just fewer than 5,000,000 uniques per month. Also, despite cutting back advertising from $6,000 in August to $3,700 in October, traffic has barely decreased this month overall. And speaking of costs…

NothingToxic runs on two servers, an awesome intel dual core machine for php and mysql and a Pentium 4 for the media. The cost for these two servers is $2,275 and it’s hosted with Steadfast Networks, who have been of amazing help and unbelievable quality.

I have been buying advertisements off of the same two sites since March. I may be shooting myself in the foot by not trying other ad methods out, but I’m just kind of in the habit of buying off of these two. They’re $2,000 and $1,700 per month and they send around 550,000 uniques per month (around 10% of total traffic, so the site does NOT rely on paid advertising at all). Over the months I have experimented with some other places as well. I’ve never spent over 6k a month and I’m only spending $3700 as of late.

So, the cost per month with this ad budget and the server is just under $6,000 total.

Reason for Selling
So, why would I get rid of a site like this? I’m simply ready to move on. I would definitely love to still have Nothing Toxic to use to send traffic to my new sites, which I am already doing, but I’d also love to sell it so I can focus 100% on new projects.

Maintenance / Upkeep / Updating
I’ve spent well over $5000 over the last year on the content management system for this site. Also, the design was done by the sitepoint designer of the year. The CMS uses lots of caching, so it's very fast and keeps the load down a lot. This site would die in 1 minute if it didn't have caching. As far as the CMS goes, it has lots of great features, all editable from the admin. It's a very straightforward and easy to use site.

As far as the daily updates, I have stuck to the same formula for months: 7 videos, 2 games, and 1 link. I always have at least 7 new videos and then the other 3 spots are divided up between games, links, and animations. I have updated every day for the whole year, and I HIGHLY recommend doing the same if you buy this site.

The videos come from a variety of sources, all of which I will tell you once you acquire the site. I also have a close (online) friend who helps tremendously with the updates and, in fact, could do a majority of them for you in return for traffic or money. I can explain more about that later, but getting content daily isn’t too entirely difficult. I do take the time to edit/watermark the videos so no one else freeloads all the content for their video site, and I also stick to mostly content that isn’t already on the other big video sites. This goes a long way. I would say once you get used to it, it should take no more than 2 hours per day to find, watermark, and upload the videos and descriptions. You could probably do it in an hour…but you can take as long as 6 hours or more. It’s just up to you. Sometimes I find myself caught up for hours searching for that perfect video. Is it necessary? No. But it does go a long way as far as getting and keeping traffic.

Q. Will you continue to run the site if I buy it?
A. I’m willing to work something out for a maximum of 2 months (possibly longer depending on the details) until you get it all figured out and are ready to go. I'll always, however, be around to answer your questions even a year from now if you run into something you aren't sure about.

Q. Isn’t the content copyrighted by someone else?
A. Yes, just like anything, these videos are copyrighted by someone along the lines. However, like Youtube, Metacafe, and many other video sites, it’s pretty much an understanding that if you’re notified, you should remove the video immediately.

Q. How many C&Ds have you gotten?
A. The answer is 2. One was from a company representing Nintendo, and that was because I posted a perverted Mario Brothers animation. It could’ve possibly fallen under fair use-parody but no need to fight that giant. Removed and no further complaints. And last, some individual contacted me because some random video was his. I took it down, and no problems since. I haven’t been contacted with any C&Ds for probably 3 months now at least.

Other Site Thrown In
I will give you with the purchase of if you want it. It receives around 15,000 uniques a day, but it’s all traffic from nothingtoxic, search engines, and return visitors. I created wirecrack because nothingtoxic focuses more on EXTREME content while wirecrack is more focused on FUNNY. I haven't, however, promoted it much at all.

So, with all of that jazz out of the way, what kind of price am I looking for? Well, taking into account the fact this site can make mega-bucks, is extremely established, and is continuing to grow, I think it’s worth more than the usual monthly revenue x 12 model. Basically, I am open to all offers in the XXX,XXX area. I know that can be 100,000 or 999,999, but since selling a site of this size is such a new thing, it’s really only worth what someone will pay for it.

In an effort to try to keep some questions to a minimal, I want to answer them up front:

1) Serious potential buyers will of course get all of the proof that everything here is legit. I think it's a waste of time to send to every person who says "plz send traffic/rev thx" ...there's no way I could get away with selling this site if what I've said above wasn't true.

2) I also anticipate a lot of people asking for information simply because they want to further grow their own media sites. I'll tell you up front, there is no big secret you're going to get out of me because I don't have any big secret. It takes work and some marketing knowledge, both of which the new owner will be benefiting from instantly by taking over the site.

3) As far as accepting some type of payment plan for the sale of nothingtoxic, I'm not interested in doing that unless it was maybe 2 lump sums in a short amount of time. The idea here is to sell the site off for the entire amount in one payment. I'll listen to any ideas you may have, but I'm going for a one-time payment sale.

4) I'd also like to add that if the site doesn't get a bid I feel is enough, I reserve the right to not sell. :)

Revenue Details:

This is a tricky area to talk about because, to be honest, I’ve been very lazy with monetizing the site. All I do is stick a CPC program up there and let it go instead of taking advantage of the hundreds of ad inquiries I’ve gotten over the year.

Anyway, here’s the revenue over the last few months. I’ll go back to May.

May: Adsense – $4881.50 YPN – $42,754.93
June: Adsense - $7127.18 YPN - $45,601.61
July: Adsense – $9698.01 YPN (partial month/account terminated) - $34,416.77
August: Adsense – $19,554.47
September: Adsense - $14,116.34 Adbrite – $825.01
October (so far): Adsense – $11,905.34 Adbrite – $905.11

Being perfectly honest, the insane earnings of YPN had and have me spoiled. Making as much as YPN was paying tends to make you say heck with all other advertisers, and I never have gotten back to looking for good ones despite YPN banning me (for non-nude girl content). With Google, I’m in good standing because they’ve reviewed my site about 3 times. I’ve had to implement a system so that I can choose which ads display on the media. If it’s a girl video (always non-nude) or something violent, I have to display Adbrite. Otherwise, I can still display Google. As of late, my income from Google has gone down a bit but not because of visitors or even impressions, but rather revenue per click. The smart pricing tends to throw it around at times.

I’m currently pursuing other ad opportunities to get revenue back to where it should be (20k+/mo) and will update this as I test stuff out. I literally have 50-100 emails from companies and individuals wanting to advertise on the site. Just to throw out some numbers, I could easily offer two 120x120 spots in the left column for $1,000 each. I could also sell 1 or 2 plugs per day (people are ALWAYS asking) for $50 each, which would work out to another $1500 - $3000/month. There are definitely plenty of opportunities, but like I said, I’ve been lazy. I put Google up and just let it go and do whatever…very lazy and kinda dumb on my part.


Traffic Details:

Stats in Further Detail
Here are some overall stats. Very serious bidders who have proven themselves to be worthy of a purchase like this will get access to my private extreme tracker before the closing of the deal.

Unique Visitors since October 2005:
Oct 70,410
Nov 92,998
Dec 272,863
Jan 515,807
Feb 799,950
Mar 1,889,451
Apr 2,268,625
May 2,932,538
Jun 4,002,783
Jul 4,351,195
Aug 4,870,981
Sep 4,940,725
Oct 4,603,302

With 1 anda half days left in October, it’ll be right around 4,800,000 uniques.

I’ve spent lots of time and money on this site, and it has paid off quite a bit. I think it will continue to grow from here, especially in the right hands. If the site doesn’t sell, I’ll use it to help get some other sites launched. If it does sell, I’m willing to provide advice, help, etc to the new owner forever. Granted, I won’t keep working on it forever ;) But you will always be able to reach me since I’m on all the time.

Please let me know of any questions, concerns, offers, or anything else you may have. Thank you!!


As an update, here's the uniques so far in November.

01 Nov, Wed 163,353

02 Nov, Thu 177,111

03 Nov, Fri 197,997

04 Nov, Sat 172,851

05 Nov, Sun 155,459

Today is on pace for about 175,000.

The revenue really doesn't reflect the true earning potential of this site. I should have and should be monetizing it much better than just sticking Adsense up there. I intend to offer advertising directly very shortly to accomodate the dozens of ad inquiries I get every week.

NT, sad to see you puttin this up for sale :(

Good luck with it homie
Holy schmoly, great site there man.

Just a question, how much bandwidth does this site chew through a day/month?
Hey YZE :)

Illusion, about 1 Terabyte a day. I'm on a 150mbit pipe which covers the bandwidth nicely. In the middle of the night, it uses about 75mbit and at peak hours it goes up around 140mbit. I save a LOT of money per month by compressing my videos. Otherwise, I'd need about 300mbit or more which cuts into the almighty profit. And no one likes that.

Let me know if you have any more questions.
He's legit guys, NothingToxic brings in a TON of traffic and is very well established, I wish i had the dough to take this off your hands ;)

again, best of luck to ya with this sale man
Hmm, you can't get to the site? It works fine here. Can you try again?

I'm looking at that link you gave and I don't see any sexy content? Are you talking about just the images and stuff? Google is well aware of that and has never complained once. They have complained about the videos though, and that's why Adbrite/ ads are on those videos.

Let me know if you can get to the's working fine here.

edit: Also, I'm working on ways to get completely away from Adsense anyway. I don't like the revenue in the hands of something that can change so drastically.
Thanks for answering the questions.

The website is still not loading for me, I just get a blank page and no title. I am from Australia
Well, that's definitely not good.

Hmmmm, I'll ask around and see if I can figure out why. Do you ever notice this with any other sites?
Str8NoChaser said:
Hmmmm, I'll ask around and see if I can figure out why. Do you ever notice this with any other sites?
Nope no others, that is why I thought you must have taken it down.

I can't access it through any of my 3 computers nor with IE or Firefox. It could be my connection as I have a really dodgy connection
I'd imagine it's your connection since today's traffic is really good, but it's strange that you can get here and other web pages. I'm asking the techs and some other people to see if anything can be determined, but I'd imagine it's your connection at this point. It's working for everyone else I've asked.
I've known Str8NoChaser for just over 1-yr now and watched him grow NothingToxic from a site with just a few 1k visitors a day and a basic script to a robust, customized CMS and one of the most popular video sites on the web. He has helped me numerous times with my own sites and I can also say he is legit and whoever the buyer is will be getting a great site but most importantly will be getting great advice on how to keep it successful and growing. Good luck with the sale!

Working here.

Awesome site! It takes a lot of effort to get a media site to that level, nice work :)

Good luck on the sale.
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