EPC on ADS4- Where is it?


New member
Jan 15, 2008
Many networks will show EPC for each campaign. However I can't find this anywhere on ADS4. Do they not show it or can I just not find it? If it's not shown, why not?

I think a good indicator is number volume of leads on an offer. Not sure how to do this well without giving away to much financial info but I'm open to suggestions. Epc may mean not much but if something has 50,000 sales you know there's something to it. Also you know if you're the test person if there is 0 :D
You can't simply rely on EPC, but it sure helps when you want to test something to start with products that have an EPC of 3.00 vs an EPC of 0.15. As smaxor says, it would also help if affs could see a general volume level. This also benefits networks as they only get paid if we move product.
I think a good indicator is number volume of leads on an offer. Not sure how to do this well without giving away to much financial info but I'm open to suggestions. Epc may mean not much but if something has 50,000 sales you know there's something to it. Also you know if you're the test person if there is 0 :D

something like cj's network earnings bar would be helpful. it's one of the few things i like about them.
You can't simply rely on EPC, but it sure helps when you want to test something to start with products that have an EPC of 3.00 vs an EPC of 0.15. As smaxor says, it would also help if affs could see a general volume level. This also benefits networks as they only get paid if we move product.


Of course you can't rely on EPC as you get newbies bringing down the network average. But as coach mentioned, it's a great way to guage what the top offer in a niche is.
^ that also goes without mentioning direct linking ppv traffic which can throw the whole EPC askew and a host of other variables. Looking to have a # of the aforementioned features added in the very near future.

Of course you can't rely on EPC as you get newbies bringing down the network average. But as coach mentioned, it's a great way to guage what the top offer in a niche is.

It's not really even the newbies that drive down the epc's (just think... lack of budget) but more just the difference types of traffic. The variation of performance between different traffic sources is huge (ie. email vs search.)

Yes... relying solely on network wide epc's is pointless but it still provides a nice indicator as to whether or not other pubs are having some success. Like Jason said, total sales/leads is by far a more useful figure for a network to make public.
EPC based on network-wide stats can be totally off so it's not exactly a helpful feature to show them across the network for each offer because EPC's for mailers will def. not compare to that of someone who specializes in PPC.
I think a good indicator is number volume of leads on an offer. Not sure how to do this well without giving away to much financial info but I'm open to suggestions. Epc may mean not much but if something has 50,000 sales you know there's something to it. Also you know if you're the test person if there is 0 :D

Probably something like Gravity in clickbank would apply. Not sure if the exact formula might work, but something similar would be useful.
cj had a nice system for EPC with the 7 day/3 month epc, but the thing I've seen about them is that a lot of their offers have EPCs over $100. either someone is getting crazy money, or something's wrong
I think a good indicator is number volume of leads on an offer.

This would rock. It would be even better if it could be broken down by traffic source (email, search, social, web, DLS, etc) as well. You'd probably have a lot of pissed publishers who were doing volume though.

Another good element of the CJ system is that they show EPC broken down by creative (or used to at least, I don't use them anymore).

With banners, most advertiser creative is crap but there is always 1 or 2 that outperform the rest.
Here's the irony about EPC on CJ. EPC to them is Earnings per 100 clicks. So if you see a 100$ EPC that means a 1$ epc to us.

EPC by creative could be useful but for the most part no on uses the system creatives that I know of other then a few mailers. I'll take a look at CJ's system of how they do things and I definately like Gravity thing. I'm not sure of the formula but it would be really interesting to look into.

Honestly better then EPC I think the more telling factor is which offer in the vertical has the most volume sent to it. Epc could show 1 cent but if it has 100,000 sales it probably works. This is an issue of course as well because then you put new offers up and they never get anyone that will run them because no one wants to run an offer at 0 leads/sales. I really like that gravity thing on clickbank though I actually use it when I'm looking for new verticals sometimes. So maybe we'll look at doing a combo of something like a gravity score and a volume score.

Thanks for all the input :)