Enterprise Scale Niche Specific Guest Posts - HighPR, Niche Targeting, 100% Moderated

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May 28, 2008
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Enterprise scale Niche Specific Guest Posts

HighPR, Niche Targeted, 100% Human Moderated.

This is an Elite and Premium service for SEO's that are looking for LONG TERM
serious ranking improvements and also security and stability in the SERPs.

As we've seen websites that were built on a platform of spun backlink
content, sitewide links, vacant forum profiles and links from completely
unrelated websites have been completely wiped out
(or are a sitting duck to be wiped out in the near future).

If you look at any of your competitors sites in the SERPs you'll now practically
always see websites ranking with a relatively small number of RELEVANT links
from High Quality RELEVANT niche websites.
(The 'Niche relevant' importance of whitehat backlinks from High Quality sites
is evident throughout threads on this and other forums and also can be easily
validated with any backlink checking tool to verify your own market).

The best way for serious ranking improvement and ensuring longevity with your SERPS is to ensure,
your backlinks are from;

High Quality NICHE RELEVANT Sites - simillar to your own.

High Quality unique (non-syndicated) content, written by a native English
speaker that adds value and passes moderators manual review.

High PR, Aged quality domains, themed independently, specifically themed
for your niche and to pass manual review.

Diversify your Links (deep link vs front page links) and also the anchors you
use (commercial vs non-commercial terms) through your linking campaigns.

(We offer a service that is unlike anything available on the forum in terms of
uniqueness, quality and scale available).

This service has been to date utilized privately and by invitation only.

This is the first time this service been a offered direct to forum users.
If you are unconvinced of benefits of NICHE Specific, High Quality Content,
High PR, Aged Domain backlinks to your website yet.
This offer is not for you.

For those that understand the value of these links. Here is what we are offering;

As we are new to offering this service (although not new to WickedFire)
we offer a maximum of 10 packages at the rate of $150.
This package is normally sold at $300.
This price of $150 is available exclusively for the first 10 orders.

Each package contains;

1) 10 x 400+ word unique quality content guest posts.
Each post will be 100% unique, written by one of our native English speaking
authors and passes each sites editorial review for approval. The post will be
written to add value to the reader and include your chosen link and anchor
contextually in the body of the article.

2) All sites and backlinks are NICHE specific.
Relevancy has never been more necessary to ensure traction and longevity. All links and sites appear natural and organic and have
been designed and maintained to pass human editorial review (Details of
niches available bottom of this post).

3) Each article is on a separate website and C-Class IP
Each of your 10 articles will be placed on a separate website and hosted on a
separate C-Class IP address. What's more all sites have independent
nameservers (I am unaware of anyone offering this - certainly not on this
scale). IPs are not only separate C class but A and B class also and located
across multiple data centres and hosting environments.

4) Quality Website Themes and Styles
Each post will be on a high quality site that has been themed appropriately for
the niche. The theme, logo, site content, tagline and content will all match
the niche the site is in and be designed to pass any manual editorial review.
Your links have been built to last for the LONG TERM.

5) High PR and Aged Domains Only
All articles will be posted on a minimum of a PR3 domain. In addition all
domains will be a minimum of 3 years old and NEVER have been dropped.
(Further details on Page Rank and the Domain Age of each package is below)
furthermore all domains are privacy protected.

6) Organic looking Guest Post format
All posts have been designed to look organic and presented as 'Guest Posts'.
We will include your (or an ghost writers) author bio and the bottom of each
post. In addition we will also include links to social account of your author
profile - if provided (Twitter, Facebook and Google+) at the bottom of each
post. In addition each post contains a single link within 400 words of
contextual copy to retain low outbound links and a natural and organic appearance.

7) Exclusive Use
All posts are placed on the front page and remain on the front page for a
minimum of several days up to several weeks. The sites are not flooded with
10's of thousands of crappy, spun low quality posts and links.

8) Super Fast Indexing
With all content being unique, on HighPR aged domains, Google loves these
sites as a source of information. Posts are indexed within literally seconds
from going live. You are assured to get your content, link and message live
into Google before any competitor or scraper can feed from the content.

9) 10 X Images include Free
In addition we will also include a relevant image to accompany each guest
post. The image will be contextually relevant to the post and further adds
value for the visitor to the site, making the site look more natural and passing
any manual review.

10) Fully control the Schedule of Posts going live
We will schedule your posts to go live at any frequency you would like over a
30 days period. We will write your posts and have them drip in and go live at
the rate you prefer
(over a maximum of 30 days).

11) Full reports and URLs of all Guest Posts Available
You will receive access to all live URLs and reports for your order. The sites
are organic, well written content. We offer this level of transparency due to
the quality of the sites being non-spammish and having nothing to hide. Your
reports will also including the day the post went live, the PR and domain age
of each site.

12) Provide up to 10 x URLs and 10 x Anchor Text for each Order
We will allow up to 10 different URLs and also 10 different anchors for your
order. Completely diversify your anchors, URLs and link profile (we recommend
a combination of both commercial vs non-commercial terms linking to your

The Niches available and where your posts will end up include;
(All page rank has passed and been retained from the most recent PR update)

(All finance related categories, including Insurance, Debt, Stocks, Mortgages,
Financial Services)


(Internet Marketing, SEO, Make Money Online, Sales Services, Sales and
Marketing related services)


(Health, Fitness, Weight Loss & Diets, Supplements, Men's Health, Women's
Health, Medical....please note we do not accept pharmaceuticals/diet pills)


(Games, Software, Hardware, Phones, Gadgets, Hosting, Social Media, Tablets
and internet related services and trends)


(Careers, Jobs, Legal Services, Employment, Training and related
professional services)


(Apparel and clothing, Home and household goods, electronics, gifts, jewelry,
toys etc)


(Travel, Baby and Parenting, Relationships and Dating, Food, Sports and
related lifestyle topics)


(Dentists, Locksmiths, Plumbers, Home Repair Services, Accountants,
Lawyers, Electricians and most local trades and services catered for)


The above represents a small sample of the literally 1000+ NICHE sites we manage each day.

Thus there are additional Guest Post inventory opportunities available for
recurring clients.

We strongly advise all orders diversify their anchor text and also their URLs for linking.

You may place your order via the below button and PM me your email and
PayPal transaction ID. Current turnaround time on orders is 7-14 days.

UPDATE (NOV 20) -After requests for Review copies we are offering 3 review copies at a 33% discount.
You can pick up any of the packages for: $100. PM for details, the usual "Reviewer criteria" apply.

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Are you offering review copies? Hit me up if you are.

After discussing this today.....we've decided to offer 3 review copies at 33% discount.
The prices are already heavilty cut........but if you're interested, and as you meet the "Reviews" criteria of 200 posts 10itraders etc.
Feel free to grab a review copy at $100. PM me for payment details.

Ordered & PM sent with transaction ID.
Thanks for your order Boozt. Have PM'd and Emailed details.

Can you PM some samples please?
PM sent.

Just Placed my order 3M01793228258323W
Thanks for your order Transwealth. Have PM'd and Emailed details.

Thanks for your questions and orders all.

Open for new orders.
Thanks all for your orders,

Fourteen, Transwealth, Boozt & Marcoose. You orders details have been received and are being entered into our system to commence work as we speak.

Thanks for everyones PMs.
Just to confirm - We are still (at this time) accepting orders for these packages at $150.

Open for new orders.
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