Editorial Links In Brand Name Authority Sites

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One incredibly angry baby
Jul 11, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Editorial Links In Brand Name Authority Sites​

No hype, no sales graphics, no hard sell. Just good old-fashioned value.

The term ‘Brand Site’ is being thrown around quite a bit lately. But a pretty logo, eye-catching design, articles, twitter and facebook accounts don’t make a brand. Unless a site has visitors typing in the url into the address bar directly, it’s not a brand site.

And that’s exactly what I’m offering here - an opportunity to get your sites featured in prestigious, recognizable, true brands with tons of traffic.

However, this is not a traffic play. If the article you’re featured in goes viral, then that’s a great bonus. But this is more about increasing your sites’ authority in google’s eyes, thereby bumping them up in the SERPs. What’s the best way to do that? Links from other authority sites of course. To date, we’ve been slinging these exclusively to agencies. For a limited time, we’re opening up access on Wickedfire.


  • See the ‘Site List’ section below for details about the sites.

  • Given the nature of these links, we are only taking 8 orders per site. Once a site is sold out, it'll be noted below and removed from the order form.

  • 1-time payment, no monthly fee.

  • 1 link, placed in article body. There will probably be additional outbound authority links in the same article.

  • These are editorial links, which means the articles need to pass editorial review before they can be published - so don’t go crazy with the anchors. Ideally, your brand name would be the best anchor.

  • TAT is 10-15 days. The articles are finished in ~2-3 days, it’s the editorial queue that takes about a week from the point of submission.

  • You will get a report. Don’t pm me for site urls, you’ll get them in your report after you place your orders.

  • None of the sites are examiner.com, medium.com or socialmediatoday.com.

  • These aren’t hacked links or link injections. Nothing blackhat or shady.

  • It goes without saying, but just to be safe - no porn, pharma or gambling.

  • If you don’t get your link for any reason, you will get a full refund.

  • Some of you may want to submit your own content. Unfortunately, we can’t accept it - the only way to ensure articles pass editorial review and get published is to have our writers write them.

  • We have no plans to open this thread again. But if we do, the prices will almost certainly go up by at least 50%.

Site List

Site #1 *** Sold Out! ***

A major daily newspaper in a top 5 city in the US. In fact, it’s the most-read newspaper in the city, and is top 10 in the US in terms of circulation. There’s some serious trust and authority pouring out of this site. Your link will be placed in an article in the appropriate section - business, technology etc. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article will get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 8
  • DA 95
  • 1,590,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #2 *** Sold Out! ***

A huge brand name site in sports that gets over 10 millions uniques per month. One of the largest digital media content destinations for sports fans in the US and abroad. Your link doesn’t have to be sports-related - we can take your site and fit it appropriately into a relevant article. All major sections are featured on the homepage, so your article might get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 8
  • DA 90
  • 3,200,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #3

A collaborative journalism news website which publishes original reporting along with syndicated content from mainstream sources such as The Associated Press. This is a reputable brand site that gets over 6 million uniques per month. Your link will be placed in an article in the appropriate section. There’s a chance it could be featured on the homepage as well.​

  • PR 7
  • DA 94
  • 5,400,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #4

This site falls under one of the oldest brands on the internet itself. It’s part of a giant network of sites that collectively get over 150 million uniques per month. In terms of users in the US, this network is ranked ahead of HuffPo and even CNN - so there’s some serious trust and juice here. Your link will be placed in an article in the appropriate section. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article might get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 7
  • DA 100
  • 3,460,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #5

A digital media site that gets over 4 million uniques per month. It’s been recognized as a leader in trending and social news, blending professional content with high-quality multi-media for a global audience. Your link will be placed in an article in the appropriate section - lifestyle, sports etc. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article will get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 6
  • DA 83
  • 2,470,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #6 *** Sold Out! ***

This site is one of the leading source of news for advertising, media and marketing professionals. It’s got a print mag, original videos, even events and awards. The sections here aren’t as broad as on the other news sites, but we can take your site and fit it appropriately into a relevant article. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article might get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 6
  • DA 90
  • 2,580,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #7 *** Sold Out! ***

This widely recognized, brand name news site offers a constantly updated mix of the latest stories to hit the web, covering all the major topics - technology, news, sport, entertainment and more. Your link will be placed in an article in the appropriate section - business, technology etc. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article will get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 6
  • DA 78
  • 135,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow



Site #8 *** Sold Out! ***

This site publishes in-depth news about Marketing, Branding, Social Media, PR & more. It has been recognized as one of the top sites in it’s field by AdAge, Marketo and more. The sections here aren’t as broad as on the other news sites, but we can take your site and fit it appropriately into a relevant article. All sections are featured on the homepage, so your article might get some time there before rolling off.​

  • PR 6
  • DA 81
  • 105,000 Indexed Pages
  • DoFollow


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Eric hit me up about this because he knows I have sites that could pass the editorial process without a problem. I said "Links that require an editorial process? I'm in!" That means you're getting some high quality stuff on a high quality site, but it also means that you're not going to get surprise-surrounded by low quality stuff either. The score of every little variable you could worry about goes through the roof when you're talking about a truly edited and looked over site. That's what you're looking at here.

I chose the site I wanted, shot Eric a URL and my Brand Name as the anchor. And I waited, and not very long.

I was sitting around on Skype and Eric pinged me the URL to the post. I immediately jizzm'd and then started digging around.

The Content - Grade A stuff that I'd publish straight to my money sites. It's magazine quality that doesn't lack for real information. My link was featured above the fold, not hidden off in some sub-section of the content. It was sandwiched between two great URLs, one being a .gov (mmm dat co-citation) and a site that is a huge authority in my niche. Perfection in every possibly manner. I say sandwiched but the links weren't crammed together. I was just in between.

The Site Structure - I'm very certain my post rolled across the homepage of this beast. It might have lasted forever, but you know this sucker is getting crawled constantly. You're getting indexed here without any effort. Here's something to mention, so there's no surprises. My link landed on a sub-domain. I can't say more than that without possibly outting the site. The sub-domain wasn't an issue for me because I immediately recognized that it was being linked "down" into from all over the main website. It got linked into from the homepage, and lots of other category, tag, and author pages. This shit is so intertwined within the "main" site that it is the main site. I just like to mention these details so you guys know I'm not just writing a fluff review. This shit is legit and survived my most meticulous attempt at being a dickhole. Eric is delivering the real deal.

The Sites - I'll say this too, to help bring confidence to the whole matter. I not only got my pick of sites (and you do too of course), but I was privileged to see the actual URLs of the sites as I chose. Don't ask because you won't get to see. But I mention this to say that it was a hard choice because every site on the list was awesome with awesome stats, amazing reach, and the utmost care being taken. You win, regardless of the choices you make.

So the real way to maximize the effectiveness of this link package is for you to bring your A-Game. Have a strong site that's worth linking to that's properly optimized and ready to absorb the goodness that's about to be sent it's way. Everything on Eric's side is perfection. It's up to you to have the proper site/sites, and to click the "buy" button. If you don't, whatever, I got's mine and I'm gonna gets me some more. See you at the top.

EDIT: Forgot to mention. I got movement on the homepage on the main term. +5 spots or so, put me on page 2. Valuable term, surrounded by Govs, Edus, and Authorities.
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I got asked to review copy this by Eric a couple weeks back. I did not pay.

Site #5: Metrics are exactly as advertised. You'd recognize this site if I told you the domain.

My link got dropped into a relevant (not exactly same niche relevant but super easy to connect relevant) article in a way that impressed the hell out of me. To the point where I started thinking about how I could make links on my pumper sites look more natural. So thanks for that.

TAT was as described, communication was great, I knew what was up the entire process.

"Ya, that's great Grind, so what, did it work?"

Started at 10, moved to 8. My site is less than a year old, fighting with a bunch of mega authority sites that are 10+ years old. Any movement in this niche is brutal, but converting leads are worth $1000-$2500 in my pocket (No, you won't find this at TripleBrokeredAffOffers4U.info...dis all about dat real business action, son) so I'm beyond stoked.

Gonna fluff out the link profile with some PRs for a couple weeks and then grab another one of these from Eric. Thanks for asking me to review it, my pleasure. Great link.
I was given a sample of this service with Site #3

I'm extremely pleased with the post quality, relevancy, and placement.

I was honestly shocked when I saw the domain the link was on, and the relevancy of the placement.

It's very clear why they've been selling exclusively to agencies. The quality is very, very high.

The link provided is DoFollow and everything promised by the OP.

I'm shocked he's even offering this on WF.

I'm can't think of many other ways of increasing your sites’ authority in google’s eyes than with links like this.

This is as good as it gets, and i'll be ordering more.

Well, that was fast. Site #2 is sold out for now.

EV offered me an unpaid review of site #2, and I see now that it's sold out, which is really too bad for everyone who didn't get in on it while it was available.

Remember when you first started SEO, and you'd look at big brand sites, and think "If only I could get a link from THEM, I'd be unstoppable"?

This is one of those sites.

I've been nursing a sports niche site along for a while now, being very conservative with my linkbuilding, and really babying it. Floating around the bottom of page 1 for my main KW, and not really willing to cross the line to get any higher. This site draws good organic links, and I figured that eventually I'd wind up ranking on that alone...

After my link went live, I jumped above the fold (#4) for the first time, and I couldn't be happier. I'm thinking my article had a little homepage time, although I didn't see it personally.

I haven't seen the other sites, but for them to even be listed on the same page as the one I got, I know they are serious. The metrics speak for themselves, and the TAT was more than reasonable considering what goes into a placement like this.

This is the real stuff, and if you've seen anything like it before, you know that it has a limited time in the sun before players with big budgets buy all the inventory, and it's not public anymore.

Either do it, or don't, but if I were you, I would.
After reading the feedback from Grindstone (the dude who brought us Layered Links), IceToEskimos (the mod who only sells shit you should buy), and TheHobbster (are you a fucking hobbit?), I couldn't help but snatch one up to see what all of the fuss was about.

From the commentary, you'd think Eric was about to pull a Mao Sugiyama and cut, cook, and serve his seasoned cock-meat.

Site #1 and Site #8 are closed. Let's see if we can close out the rest by this weekend and shut down the thread.
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