Ebenezer nooB

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Running with Scissors
Feb 16, 2008
Hey, all. I have to say...I cannot BELIEVE that I just found this place last week.

I have been on my 'web-monetizing' quest for about 6 months but I've apparently been looking for love in all the wrong places (wrong forums).

Rather than bug you with dumbass questions, I have gone back to the beginning of this forum (Affiliate Marketing) and am reading every page, back to front...and taking notes (can you say 'writer's cramp'?).

I started back on page 78 several days ago and am back up to about page 53. Wow.

I won't ask you any asshat (that seems to be your favorite word) questions at this point.

I'm just going to keep reading. I'm a happily married father of three here on the East Coast just trying to make enough to quit my day-job.

I will get there. Lots of awesome stuff here, guys.

Call me some retarded names if you want. I personally like "fuckbag" a lot.


- Chris:usa:

Lol welcome I think you'll fit in fine I'm just glad to see a noob with a brain show up. lately we've been wading in a sea of retardism.
Welcome Chris, it looks like you have your naughty words ready, so I'm sure you will fit in just fine here at WF. Good luck!
Thanks. I wouldn't normally jump right in with the naughty words...but, like I said. I have been reading old posts from this forum practically non-stop for the last 3 days. I've been reading the aff marketing forum since 2pm today.

I can't stop myself...it's great stuff. Of course, my employer probably doesn't like it too much...but screw it...I want to quit as soon as I can anyway.

I figure I only need to get to $200 - $250 per day to quit my J-O-B and stay home with my 3 kids. That's my ultimate goal. Of course, that's what I'm currently making per MONTH online but, hey, I can dream.

That's only 13 - 15 ringtone leads per day...or 44 restore-my-credit-report leads...or 133 zip submits...OK this is getting depressing.

My PPC experiments have gone to shit so I figure I can learn something from the people who are DOING it.

OK, my eyes feel like they're going to fall out...but back to reading...see there goes one now [plop].:eek:

P.S. - Had no idea that Millnic had its origins here. I am signed up with Millnic, COPEAC, NeverBlue, CPA Emp, CPA Storm, MaxB, IncentaClick, Clickbooth, and a couple different kinds of Rockets. Cool beans!

- M
Damn I just made a long reply and it didn't seem to go thru.

Anyway, my point was I only jumped into the naughty language because I have been reading old posts for the last three days...much to my employer's dismay. Seems to fit right in.

I figure the heck with it, I want to figure out how to quit anyway. I only need something like $200 - $250 per day to be able to stay home with my three kids.

That's about 15 ringtone leads or 44 credit repair leads or 133 zip submits or....ugh.

OK, back to reading.

Well since you're a nice fuckbag (your words..), you deserve a nice answer.

Some of your replies won't come through for a while as their set into moderation. This is to prevent newbies and/or trolls from spamming the forum with mindless posts.

I don't think you have anything to worry about, just wait on a moderator to moderate them for you, and they'll show up in due time. Its good to see that you're actually putting in the effort to learn what you can. It's more than what can be said for a lot of people just starting. Anyway, enough of the mushy stuff.

Welcome to WickedFire.
Anyway, my point was I only jumped into the naughty language because I have been reading old posts for the last three days...much to my employer's dismay. Seems to fit right in.

Ya, I really wasn't kidding, if your first post doesn't include at least two cuss words, you'll be written off as a pussy :D

After you read all of this info you could always write an e-book lol
Why write an e-book when you can swipe one so easily and sell it on eBay?

OK, thanks everyone. I've been reading your posts for 12 hours+.

Time to go to bed before my wife divorces me. She already thinks I've lost my mind. She won't mind so much when the checks start rolling in.

(almost said 'if'.....perception is reality...'when when when')

Good mindset. I hope you succeed. :)

We're helpful chaps for the most part. The Newbie Forum is your shooting gallery for questions when you get em.

Thanks. I will check it out.

ggg, I LOVE Jessica Rabbit. I guess I have a thing for toons.

Well, I'm going to see how much thread-reading I can do from work today...lol.

I wish you...Godspeed!

Hey, all. I have to say...I cannot BELIEVE that I just found this place last week.

I have been on my 'web-monetizing' quest for about 6 months but I've apparently been looking for love in all the wrong places (wrong forums).

Hi fuckbag, welcome. I'm still pretty much in your shoes. I too wasted a lot of time in the wrong forums where all they do is sell ebooks to each other. So, I got my ass out of there and started coming here and have learned a shitton of great stuff. I'm screwing around with PPC and have made back about half what I spent. Not that great, but it's a start I guess.

Anyways, good luck.
Hey, ass-snacker. Thanks.

Yep, it's a little tough to pick a direction and get going but we're getting there.

I've narrowed it down to monetizing a social network or PPC-ing (P-ingPC?) the shit out of something until I figure it out.

As I have seen in some earlier posts, I'm trying to think waaaay outside of the box. It's hard to figure out how to get out of the box when you have been in it for so long. I guess I'll just close my eyes and use the force or something.

Hey Fuckbag, $250/day is a pretty realistic goal. I quit my job around 8 months ago and couldn't be happier. I'm not rich yet, but I'm not working a shitty dead end job either.

I owe a lot of that to this forum. You're in a good place, and you seem like you've got some common sense, I think it'll happen for ya.

Good luck, and welcome to the forum.
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