Ebay Partner Network - Click v Rev

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Except skip the .info and go with a .com/.net/.org. If the .info folks deem your site as spam (which a lot of you fuckers EPN sites look like) they'll jack your domain. Plus .info sucks donkey balls anyways.

Couldn't agree more, the $2.98 special on .info's is cheap, but if you're serious about making money invest another damn 7 bucks. It makes all the difference in the world.

Couldn't agree more, the $2.98 special on .info's is cheap, but if you're serious about making money invest another damn 7 bucks. It makes all the difference in the world.

and usually only cheap for a year. then you are stuck paying full pop for a .info piece of shizzle for years to come.
Last month 17k clicks and around $700 but I think my clicks are being overreported somehow.
I agree about the over reporting -- if your using rss to populate your site it seems like the each view of the rss feed loading counts as xxx number of views/clicks.
over 40k clicks per day, avg. $900 a day. Will help anyone whom provides me with there spare EPN accts. Give me control, and i'll give you 10% of what I make. Trust me, it'll be more than the change you all are making... legit. (good site)

problem is, EPN sometimes will ban for no reason and claim you cheated somehow, etc. and refuse to prove it, so if your doing too good, they screw you over. They owe me like $47k right now but won't respond anymore, so now I'm like F them cause it was legit, so i'll help anyone make good money by whatever means I have available... hopefully at least some of us get paid.

P.S. (there is a risk to lose the account, so i try to take it small, but they are assholes and will f' you just because sometimes, trust me)

Don't talk trash, ask how, etc. etc. if you have a SPARE EPN account or just can't make any real $$ with yours, THEN contact me. As I said, my method works great, but they DO cheat me sometimes, in which I don't want any complaints, cause you can read about it all over the net to see it's for real.
your first fucking post here and you want people to give you their epn account so you can do 'stuff' with it...gimme a break
over 40k clicks per day, avg. $900 a day. Will help anyone whom provides me with there spare EPN accts. Give me control, and i'll give you 10% of what I make. Trust me, it'll be more than the change you all are making... legit. (good site)

problem is, EPN sometimes will ban for no reason and claim you cheated somehow, etc. and refuse to prove it, so if your doing too good, they screw you over. They owe me like $47k right now but won't respond anymore, so now I'm like F them cause it was legit, so i'll help anyone make good money by whatever means I have available... hopefully at least some of us get paid.

P.S. (there is a risk to lose the account, so i try to take it small, but they are assholes and will f' you just because sometimes, trust me)

Don't talk trash, ask how, etc. etc. if you have a SPARE EPN account or just can't make any real $$ with yours, THEN contact me. As I said, my method works great, but they DO cheat me sometimes, in which I don't want any complaints, cause you can read about it all over the net to see it's for real.

Wow your a sack of shit. In my life experience anyone who says "trust me" one or more times SHOULDNT BE TRUSTED.

BTW, buying or submitting false ACRUS is one of the reasons they changed the ACRU structure. THANKS FOR FUCKING IT UP FOR EVERYONE.
October sucked donkey balls: more traffic, more impressions, more clicks, third of the revenue. Same traffic source (all organic) and it's now shopping season. What the fuck...
3300 clicks and did $550, best month in epn so far. concerned though as I look at my 'campaign quality score' and it is ranking 'low'. I feel the axe coming any day. It's all white hat search traffic as well across about 7 sites.
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