Easy Way To Make Fast Money.

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This has been done with dating for years. It's really not much different than spamming Myspace comments with ringtone offers. Sure, if you spend enough hours doing it, you'll eventually get a couple idiots to convert.
that's a nice idea. Think I am gonna try this out on some other video share site. Will see how it goes. Should work pretty well I guess. Since u got a targetted audience.
thanks to those that appreciate the post. sorry about the clickbank link. i post across many forums and didn't mean to add the affiliate link sig to this forum. i meant to add the link for the free download to the ebook. if anyone wants the ebook, just PM me.

i am not Joseph Tierney and am not associated with him. like i say in the post, i have been using this method for a little while. i guess he is doing the same. i made it clear when i posted this that i "take no credit for the method."

i know i'm not the only guy doing it. i just thought it was a nice share for others, especially newbies, to start seeing some real results.

hope that clears things up some. good luck all.
So old.

And your really limiting yourself. $100 a day? I wouldn't give a squirt of piss for it.

But since your new and actually shared something that IS working for you, and the fact that I know Joe personally and the fact that I think I have seen Havok share this or a variation of it, I guess I'll come right out and tell you how I scale it.

I downloaded Ultraget, I downloaded Total Video Converter, I downloaded Video Watermark Factory and Video Post Robot.

5 videos a day takes about 15-20 minutes of work here. Rip Youtube music vids and download with Ultraget, Convert the FLV's in mass batches with Total Video Converter, import all and mass watermark them into Video Watermark Factory, Export and setup your projects in Video Post Robot.

5 watermarked videos uploading on their own to 27 video sites.

That takes care of the video part.

Save all the vids in a folder and share it on Limewire and all other P2P networks.

Upload them to Torrents. Fortunately for me I host my torrent trackers by piggy backing large storage services on the web. For about ever 1K I pay about $20.

It will probably take people a little bit longer as I host my own trackers and have a multi torrent uploading program, but you get the idea.

Another way is to upload film clips or trailers from movies (new or old). Been making cheese with Blockbuster, Netflix and Columbia House just by abusing the shit out of video

That $100 bucks a day you wouldn't give a squirt of piss for would pay off all three of my visa cards in a year, and my wife could stop working. Which is my goal, after all :) Now where is that Blockbuster cheese? (grin)
I saw this 1st on BlackHatWorld, than Ruck's site than I dled a torrent today with the same type of method was used. GOD must be telling me to try this
thanks ruck for the info. i love your blog by the way. i'm not really limiting myself to $100/day. i have made upwards of $300 in a day. it's just i don't really focus on this technique. i have other things i work on.

i just posted this to:

1. try to contribute from the start.
2. help anyone that was looking for a way to get real results from internet marketing.

that's all. sorry if everyone doesn't like it. for those who like it and want to try it, good luck.
Any idea on a general conversion rate for this thing? I've had 1000 views on YouTube and nothing to show for it yet. But I'm not using the "Free!" offer, and I'm not going to.

Yeah, I had some trouble uploading these to youtube as well. Maybe doing it too fast gets you in trouble.
The smart thing to do is not upload back to Youtube what you stole and edited in the first place. Unless account creation sounds like fun. That's the point I tried to make about lots of video sites, P2P and Bitorrent.

Throw lots and lots of shit. If you can get yourself some nifty programs, you can throw LOTS of shit REALLY fast. The best idea really is to rip the new shit on torrents before it makes it to the video sites.
I cant find contact info for this vid poster software.. im trying to find out about multiple licenses for other computers. hmm.
/\ with stupid V

I wanted to keep it a secret, but since some people are talking about it now, I will share it.

Oh please! Please share!!! It's like I'm living in an ebook that cost me 50 cents on ebay, and is certain to show me a way to make $1,000 or more per day!

The method involves using music videos from popular artists and adding an offer for a free ringtone. here's what i do:
So we use other peoples' work, i.e. copyright infringement, combine it with a crap offer, and spam a popular video site...BRILLIANT!

1. Download a music video from a popular artist. it doesn't really matter who. there are so many artists in so many genres. r&b, rock, punk, dance, techno, classical, whatever you want. the opportunities are endless. just pick a popular artist and you're good to go.
I'm glad step 1 went into so much detail, because I was totally unaware that there are music videos in various genres available for download. Which to pick? How about Pimp by 50 cent? It's totally a song about me.

2. Using a video editing software, add your watermark to the video with your url for the affiliate offer with something like "Get This Ringtone For Free Now at www.youraffiliateurl.com"( i recommend using a redirect) i put a watermark at the beginning and end of the video. you can choose when you want it shown, but i find the start and end works the best for me.
For best results, you should use a pirated copy of Adobe Premiere or Sony Vegas. Don't bother paying for it, we're only here to make money not spend it!

3. Re-upload the edited video to your YouTube account(i recommend having a few accounts;especially if you are uploading lots of videos.) Make the title something catchy, but use the artist's name and song title in the video title. Something like, "Blink 182-All The Small Things. This video cracks me up everytime!" Just be creative and catchy.
That's smart, because you will want to stand out from the 100s of other entrepreneurs doing the same thing.

4. Make the description of the video " Get This Ringtone For Free at http://youraffiliateurl.com" or something like to that effect.

5. Make sure to tag your video appropriately. For the Blink 182 example, tags would be blink 182, all the small things, blink...etc etc. You get the picture.
I totally get the picture. When do I Get paid!? Step 9?

6. Go to other upload videos of the same video/artist as you've chosen and leave comments. This will get others to come see your vid.
That's ExtraSmart(tm). We call it multi-tier spam infiltration. Not only do you spam youtube with a hackneyed music video, but also you spam the comments of other videos of the same type. Because certainly there is nothing better than watching a music video...unless you can get a free ringtone of it by clicking there and entering your zip!

That's it. This is a very simple yet effective method that can make you some quick cash. It all depends on how many videos you upload and how many viewers you can get. I have had a videos make me $100+ in a day from one video. Just make sure you don't spam. Also, use multiple Youtube accounts will help keep you from getting flagged. If an account does get flagged/deleted, all your vids aren't just in one account.
Good advice, when you are spamming, keep the spam on the downlo. Don't wanna get kicked. I made $100 selling weed, but this is so much better, because now I can smoke the weed and still make $100.

Next time I will show you how to email thousands of people in seconds, so they can all discover the awesome "offer".


Are CPA networks failing? I DUNNO!
The smart thing to do is not upload back to Youtube what you stole and edited in the first place. Unless account creation sounds like fun. That's the point I tried to make about lots of video sites, P2P and Bitorrent.

Throw lots and lots of shit. If you can get yourself some nifty programs, you can throw LOTS of shit REALLY fast. The best idea really is to rip the new shit on torrents before it makes it to the video sites.

I think the point is that Ruck just rocks it, and throws alot of great info up on the video uploading game.........mad props again ruck
Not to mention Joseph Tierney is a tard for admitting to the use of the word Free in relation to ringtones in this day and age.

The 2nd offer I promoted allows the use of the word "free" since there is a little offer in the bottom left of the landing page for a free ringtone.

So I guess you can use the word Free in relation to ringtones in this day and age, tard.

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