Dwarves On Steroids Will Rank Anything (ITT: 301s, spam, drips, power, gold)

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Dec 24, 2008
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I'm not sure whether saying "I hope you had great holidays" is appropriate because I know that so many people, including me, have been grinding harder than ever & reaping massive rewards. If you know what you are doing at work holidays are a bore.

Why have we been working so hard? Because times are amazing for those who can rank sites. The playing field has not looked better for the past two years, with all the "white hat" webmasters too paranoid to build a single link... While hundreds of creative SEOs quietly RANK and BANK. Study the SERPs, test things first-hand and earn more than any "inbound marketing" guru - there are no secrets to this.

I've set up dozens of parasite properties on web's top sites in the past month, and I've ranked them all with this set up:


I've also taken a bunch of old EMD domains that hit a plateau months ago and blasted them to the first page:


I've created slideshow videos and ranked them to the front page where people spend thousands in AdWords daily.

You can do that too if you think outside the box.

By now I got all my areas of interest covered with sites landed on the first page or getting there, and I'm happy to help you dominate your niches now. And Dwarves On Steroids are the little helpers that will get you there.


In a nutshell, Dwarves on Steroids is a link building service that filters out gallons of crazy good link juice through link shorteners. But there is also a direct link drip at the same time. It's not a new concept but it's done in the right proportions, - and works extremely well.

Here's what Dwarves on Steroids do in more detail:

Your URL is shortened with the help of keyword-rich 301-redirecting services, several hundred of those all in all.

Once that is done I blast these shortened links with what I call the Chaos Linkwheel - about 3K conextual posts and profiles from about 1K unique domains. These are interlinked at random, they are a total mess at the first glance, but still fun to click through. The text used on these posts is more unique than any spinner will get you - forget article scrapers that keep raping decade-old directories. I use an in-house content builder that mashes up TOPICAL authority content and turns it into yummy gory keyword-packed super-unique (think 100+ variations per word) spin that every search engine secretly loves.

While the shorteners absorb all that heat filtering the power, your target URL gets some direct love too. About a day after the order goes into the oven I'm starting a direct link drip to your URL - it's made of some higher-PR bookmarks and contextual posts, all containing very nice readable quality text made with WordAI Turing Spinner. The drip is really slow here, starting at some 10-20 links per day. This part helps balance out link velocity in the project. The shorteners do their job somewhere in the shady background while your URL is in the spotlight, getting some natural high-PR bookmarks slowly dripped to it.

When the smoke from the first linkwheel blast clears I re-verify all the links and add some more to make sure that only the sticking ones remain, because THEN I'm smashing the linkwheel with another tier of links - think comments, trackbacks and guestbooks. If you do not see any movement by that time - check your site code for a noindex tag.

Dwarves On Steroids act simple yet strong because they have everything search engines love in the right proportions. There's randomization, there's diversity and there's proper velocity. The target URL gains tons of power through the shorteners' 301 redirects at the same time being constantly refreshed with the small link drip. And what happens next is you are going to the bank.

There's also a pleasant bonus: some 3-4 weeks after your order is done the target URL starts ranking on Bing and stays there until another customer of mine kicks it out. Imagine all those people firing up their Internet Explorers and searching for stuff on Bing... Surely you can convert those, right?

Oh and the price for this is ridiculous given the value you're getting: just $73.



- 5 business days TAT for the first tiers (shorteners, linkwheel, drip);
- No reports - but you'll feel it. I can send you the list of shorteners used in your order and you can check their backlinks if you wish but I'm not sending out ready lists;
- Refunds - 10 days no questions asked (though I don't get WHO and WHY would ever ask for that)
- Great for: EMDs, Money pages on grayish sites, parasites, ORM, videos, local stuff, making monies online.

Not for the sake of validation or some other crap, just to give back to community and considering I haven't had a sales thread in a while -

3 free review copies are waiting for three gentlemen and scholars to claim them.

You must be this short to ride!

EDIT: all review copies are GONE - thanks golan, imontie, efeezy, sddert and luke6966, that was fast! :p PMing you all.
Last edited:
Also short. Review copy? Will immediately purchase an order upon delivery after a short discussion about my niche.
i want a review

Thanks for your interest - but all reviews have been claimed before your post as per this update:

all review copies are GONE - thanks golan, imontie, efeezy, sddert and luke6966

Please sign up to the mailing list to never miss another promo announcement: Dwarves On Steroids


All the orders submitted today are going in before the day ends.

Order now and get most of your order completed this week!
is there a recommended # of anchor texts to use?

Also the form uses the term 'seed anchor texts' are the ones we use supposed to be broad as opposed to very exact anchors.
is there a recommended # of anchor texts to use?

Also the form uses the term 'seed anchor texts' are the ones we use supposed to be broad as opposed to very exact anchors.

Great question, thanks! The form was confusing in that regard indeed, though everyone submitted appropriate amount so far.

I'm expecting from 2 to 10 anchors ideally, if you are ranking a parasite or an EMD domain (like most other customers) then that'd be the amount you are probably working on, i.e. a couple of highest search volume phrases and a couple of related ones.

The anchors are used in URL shorteners, as well as the linkwheel tier. I'm diluting them with generic anchors on the direct drip tier and I don't use any scraped related keywords. I used to do that but it's been less effective, I guess the topical relevance is diluted too much so I stick to generic anchors and raw URL ones for anchor text dilution. So these are not really "seed" anchors - just submit the exact money words you want to rank for.

There is no upper limit for the amount of anchors or URLs really, just think of the link amounts - there are about 300 shorteners so if you submit over 300 urls and anchors not all of them might even get used, and it'll just be all too dispersed. I recommend to keep it at <10 urls and <10 anchors.

Hope that helps :)

* * *

Most of the review orders are nearly done so you can start noticing things and I'll be PMing people when it's all complete.

sddert - I still need your review order details, please submit by tomorrow or I'll give that review to the next one in line.

Taking orders!
Hey... found your free review offer in my spam box, don't check wickedfire or the associated email I used for it much now that it seems to be dying.

Does look like an interesting offer, will put in an order later today
placed an order. Can a package be used on different urls on our website, where each url has a different set of keywords?

Meaning, do we order separate packages for separate pages/separate keywords?
skype me your paypal for payment

Done and thanks for the order.

placed an order. Can a package be used on different urls on our website, where each url has a different set of keywords?

Meaning, do we order separate packages for separate pages/separate keywords?

Well yeah, it would be a good idea to keep the different anchors separately for maximum topical relevance, and I'd say up to 3 orders per domain (different pages) would be fine if done e.g. one in a week.

* * *

Thanks for all the new orders! I'm adding all to a keyword tracker for now and there's movement in all orders from the first batch - some sink a bit (which is a natural link response), some start popping up, will post details with the next updates.

Taking orders!


Hey tagger thug, I'm not trying to impress anyone with innovation here, I'm just selling a high success rate service. And if you think things just go "out of fashion" in SEO and stop working then bad news for you: you can't make things work and that's all there is to it. Like I said in the original post,
It's not a new concept but it's done in the right proportions, - and works extremely well


So far most review orders are nearly done (there's another tier yet to power the main contextual link pool), so there should be some movement in the next couple of days. Some of the orders are showing nice results already, it's always cool to see how unsaturated niches respond so well to links. DO your market research guys :)



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