Dwarves On Steroids Keep Ranking Stuff - Do Not Miss!

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Dec 24, 2008
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Ever since the first thread expired I've been working on all the orders & seeing if anything needs to be tweaked. So far everything is going well and most orders have seen great results already - and I'm expecting a couple of "stubborn" ones to move soon as well. Bing rankings have been a nice bonus and they are pretty consistent too (more on that below).

Some progress pics and reviews (more coming a bit later):


parasite on a popular website, already making daily monies;


non-EMD domain, inner page, competitive financial kws



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Dwarves on Steroids = link building service that filters out gallons of crazy good link juice through link shorteners. In addition there is also a direct link drip that helps balance out the velocity a bit.

This works best for: EMDs, Money pages on grayish sites, parasites, ORM, videos, local stuff, Bing rankings.

Details (order timeline)

a) Your URL is shortened with the help of keyword-rich 301-redirecting services, ~300 of those all in all.

b) Once that is done I blast these shortened links with what I call the Chaos Linkwheel - about 3K contextual posts and profiles from about 1.5K unique domains. These are interlinked at random, they are a total mess at the first glance (but still fun to click through). The text used on these posts is more unique than any spinner will get you - forget article scrapers that keep raping decade-old directories. I use an in-house content builder that mashes up TOPICAL authority content and turns it into yummy gory keyword-packed super-unique (think 100+ variations per word) spin that every search engine secretly loves.

c) While the shorteners absorb all that heat filtering the power, your target URL gets some direct love too. About a day after the linkwheel I'm starting a direct link drip to your URL - it's made of some higher-PR bookmarks and contextual posts, all containing very nice readable quality text made with WordAI Turing Spinner. The drip is really slow here, starting at some 5-10 links per day. This part helps balance out link velocity in the project. The shorteners do their job somewhere in the shady background while your URL is in the spotlight, getting some natural high-PR bookmarks slowly dripped to it. All in all you'll get about 40 of those over several days.

d) When the smoke from the first linkwheel blast clears I re-verify all the links and add some more to make sure that only the sticking ones remain, because THEN I'm smashing the linkwheel with another tier of links - think comments, trackbacks, guestbooks and the like. If you do not see any movement by that time - check your site code for a noindex tag.

Dwarves On Steroids act simple yet strong because they have everything search engines love in the right proportions. There's randomization, there's diversity and there's proper velocity. The target URL gains tons of power through the shorteners' 301 redirects at the same time being constantly refreshed with the small link drip.


Here's a couple of remarks based on the first thread's orders:

- The Bing action is fantastic. Most sites jump to pages 1-3 within days since delivery. If you have an idea for that Internet Explorer traffic, or you have sites penalized in Google sitting & waiting to expire - use Dwarves on Steroids and stop wasting money!




- This works best if all your URLs and keywords are on one topic. I don't limit anything but if you submit 2 unrelated URLs with keywords the best I can do is make the shorteners' URLs keyword-relevant, the next tier will already have a mix of keywords and content, which means the target URLs are not getting all the relevance they could be getting.

- The biggest boost occurs when the main contextual "linkwheel" tier gets all the indexing links thrown at it (part "d" in the timeline above). Email me to ask if your order had it yet.

The price is still low at $73 but I might re-think that with a possible service add-on, so



- 5 business days maximum TAT for the first tiers (shorteners, linkwheel, drip);
- No reports - but you'll feel it. I can send you the list of shorteners used in your order and you can check their backlinks if you wish but that's it, I won't be sending out ready lists;
- Refunds - I can send you back your money if the order has not started yet, but once the work is done there are no refunds. I'm paying for proxies, servers and manual Captcha recognition, no one's refunding me for that.
- Contact: PM me or email support@essentialpumpers.com


...so far all orders submitted before Jan 22 have received at least the first contextual tier, (if not more).
I received a review copy and am seeing uphill movement on bing and yahoo onto the first and second pages for a brand new site without any backlinking. I could probably improve my on-page SEO to get better rankings but pleasantly surprised with the results so far for the price.
I received a review copy and am seeing uphill movement on bing and yahoo onto the first and second pages for a brand new site without any backlinking. I could probably improve my on-page SEO to get better rankings but pleasantly surprised with the results so far for the price.

Thanks for the review, hoping you will see even more progress after a bit!

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Orders submitted before Jan 24 are all in - got their shorteners and most of the contextual tier done. There's another tier indexing that and a direct bookmark drip that will take about 2-3 more days.

You will either see the progress once all levels are done or sometimes right away when the linkwheel hits the shorteners.

I got them all tracked and I'll be watching the ranks closely.

Order this now if you haven't yet!
Hey Dzianis,
Thanks for answering all of my questions. I went ahead and placed an order for a website penalized by Google, which I hope to push up the SERPs in Bing/Yahoo. Let's see what you can do! Cheers!!

Thanks for the order! It's getting started tomorrow, I'm sure you'll see more traffic from Bing after it's done. Those Bing ranks keep making making me happy, e.g. here's how an order that got started 2 days ago looks on Bing now:


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You can order this here.
My keywords for the previous order are on page 1 on Bing. Can't help but order another one.

Great decision! Yep this is the Bing ranker.

I believe Steroids are one of the most crazy thing for young guys this is why we are seeing these positive response.

Thanks for the bump but you should be banned. There are no moderators though so have fun.

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Taking orders
Dzanis what kind of search volume/competition do the keywords that rank on bing page1 have?

Thanks for the question.

Here's something for you to get an idea, see Bing column & Volume:


Please note that this tracker uses SEMRush data, so the search volume is different (mostly lower) than Goog's KeywordPlanner, and that could also be approximate, but these are all actual searched for keywords.

Hope that helps!

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All orders submitted in January have been started.

Taking new orders!
Processing all the new orders, no time to even market this - referrals and repeat customers run the show!
Well it's been a couple weeks since Dzianis did the links for my review copy of the service. And it's produced some good initial results. Keep in mind this site ranked for no terms at all prior to getting these links. And the terms are fairly competitive, even though they're not large search volume.


New terms are bouncing in and out each day and I think it had 10 terms on the board a couple days ago. I'm sure it will settle out over the next few weeks, and then I may give it a 2nd round of Dwarves on Steriods and see if that pushes it up higher.

While unfortunately it's not sitting on page 1 for all of the terms, which is unrealistic at this point, it's a great starting point for a new site. On an older site that already has some terms ranking, this would be nice kick in the ass link package to get it moving up higher.

edit: This site started ranking well in Bing nearly overnight after these links hit. And it's getting traffic from Bing as well, so that's just a nice bonus.
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