Dry testing on adwords - asking for a ban?

Dry testing should be fine - nobody at Google is going to try and enter their credit card information.

FreedomPop dry tested on AdWords with one of their concepts, and they weren't banned for it, even after they were outed to Google for it, so I think you'd be fine.

i've dry tested with Google adwords plenty of times, nothing ever happened

but it also sounds like you care too much about your adwords account which may say something about your business model
i've dry tested with Google adwords plenty of times, nothing ever happened

but it also sounds like you care too much about your adwords account which may say something about your business model

You mean like he's not interested in having a profitable advertising channel shut down. Yeah, he should definitely rethink his business model.
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I've dry tested tons of ideas.

Build a site to gauge traffic. If traffic then split test. If conversions then roll out.
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Thanks and +rep to everyone for sharing your dry testing experiences I'm not worried anymore and can't wait to roll out some of these tests.
Not for the same reason but I often use a throwaway account to get dialed in. It takes the qs hit from the initial testing. Data learned is used to jump start the legit effort - account.
Why not actually bother w/ getting a SSL cert, allowing/building full checkout form and via jquery simulating "submitting your order- please do not close browser" type messaging w/ a spinning gif only to then a few seconds later return "We're sorry <FName>, but due to popularity <ProdName> is currently unavailable. Your credit card has not been charged, if you'd like to be notified at <emailaddy> please click the button below. Otherwise please check back soon as we expect more inventory in the next few weeks"

<include "Notify me when back in stock" button>

How are they even going to know it's a dry test if you do this?