Drinkers: Let's discuss alcohol

I used to drink pretty regularly (3-4x/week) - even more when I bartended back in the day.

But about 2 years ago, I realized I just didn't like it.

It wasn't a "this is bad for me" revelation or anything like that. I just didn't like it anymore. Hated having a buzz even.

I still drink a beer on occasion because I like the taste and it looks weird in social settings to have a Coke or whatever but I haven't been buzzed in over a year. Haven't been drunk in over two.

Really weird.

So maybe it's not the Chantix. Maybe it's just you.

Ahh, I hear you... I don't know... Maybe I just grew up or something lol (Not that you can't drink when you are grown up...)... I don't know what I am trying to say...

Hmm, that makes me think though... I think I stopped drinking right after my wife and I had our son, so perhaps thats the reason.

Anyways, thanks!

You have to try any of Stone Brewing Co's beer's and they will definitely change your opinion on American breweries. Budweiser, Coors = complete shit. You'll only get the good beer from the craft breweries that care about making high quality brews.

Stone Brewing Co..

Thanks for the tip - I'll keep an eye out for it.

To be fair, that's also the case here. Our big brewery beers like John Smiths, Kronenberg, etc. aren't quite as bad as the US equivalents, but they aren't great.

It's always the smaller breweries that make the good stuff. Fullers, Youngs etc are good, and some of the really small breweries make really delicious, unique beers. I had one last night that tasted of chocolate and coffee. Yum.

As for Bourbon, I bought a bottle of Woodford Reserve once. I was very impressed - sweeter than scotch, but very nice.
Alcohol to be enjoyed

Rum, dark, at least 5 years old. Cockspur VSOR, 12+ years is nice.
Tequilas, get the Anejo or Reposada. Don Julio Reposada was fantastic. And it's not to be shot like a cheap fratboy, it is for sipping.
I also like Drambuie but it's probably not in the same league.
I hate the taste of whiskey. Love brandy + coke

If your experience of drinking is limited to cheap tequila and that industrial piss-water that passes for american "beer", I can understand why you think that.

And if we all drink for the buzz... why is it that wine connoisseurs spit the wine out when tasting?

So they don't get drunk and ruin their judgment before picking the one they WANT to get drunk on ... duh!
Johnny Walker Black label Scotch has a good deep flavor, really smooth and not real expensive but not cheap.
Been 7 years since my last drink. I used to enjoy Black Label and soda, as solid a mixed drink as they come. I knew it quite well.

While I won't tell anyone how to live, I can assure anyone who is curious that waking up without a hangover never gets old.
Been 7 years since my last drink. I used to enjoy Black Label and soda, as solid a mixed drink as they come. I knew it quite well.

While I won't tell anyone how to live, I can assure anyone who is curious that waking up without a hangover never gets old.

I used to think that I didn't get hangovers, but it turned out that I'd been waking up with a hangover for so long that I'd forgotten what it felt like to not have one. It's been over 2 years now, and I can't say that I miss them.

People need to do what they want to do, though, they always will, and I'll never try to stop them, or talk them out of it.