Drinkers: Let's discuss alcohol


New member
Oct 21, 2009
So I've been a drinker off and on since my teens, usually drinking to get drunk, and doing very well at it. Shitty beer, shitty hard alcohol, and shitty mixed drinks.

Lately, I've been really put-off by getting smashed. After I woke up missing a front tooth (not a joke abou the hangover, this seriously fucking happened, I have a god damn fake tooth denture thingy for it now), I had to sit down and come to terms with the fact that I need to quit drinking so heavily when I am out.

So, I started drinking just until I reached that sweet spot, which is basically a medium-heavy buzz... The point when you shouldn't be driving, but you're lively and you feel good. Doing so, I no longer wake up the next morning wondering where I am, or why my friends hit me, or why the police are looking for me because I punched out someones windshield and tried to fight two women after they yelled that they were calling the police because I was pissing on a car in a parking lot, at a birthday party. :\

So yeah, no more getting hammered for me, and it's fucking great.

But, sipping slowly and enjoying the buzz leaves me in a precarious position: Shitty alcohol tastes like fucking shit.

So I've gotten into more micro-brews lately, and have found beer bliss in this. But for the times when beer isn't the drink of choice, I was still at a loss.

Well, last week I was at a buddies place and we were talking about hard alcohol, and he was telling me that he doesn't like scotch very much. After further discussion, he revealed that he had a bottle of 18 year old MaCallan scotch which he bought, and never drank, because he just didn't like it.

So I gave it a go, poured a glass of it neat, no water and no ice, at room temp, and took a sip.

And I fell in love.

So now I have a bottle of 18 year old MaCallan and a bottle of 12 year old Glenfiddich sitting on my table.

I've realized I really like smooth, dark, slightly sweet alcohol, but only if I drink them 'neat'.

So, to the fucking point: I've been looking into other sipping alcohols, and so far I have some Hors d'Age Calvados and some George Dickel No:12 whiskey on my list of 'Must try alcohols'.

Do any of you have any other recommendations?

Scotch, Brandy (Calvados is a type of brandy), Bourbon, etc. seem to be my taste, as long as they are decent quality.

My budget is pretty tight, (the MaCallan was free, so it doesn't count) so I am for middle-ground quality alcohols, which are typically around $40/bottle.

Does anyone else here enjoy sipping on a good alcohol?

Also, recommendations for flaskmanship? On black friday I took 7oz. of single malt Scotch with me and it made that cold, long night much more enjoyable.

My Scotch of choice is pretty premium stuff,Black Label, Buchanan, Green Label, Gold Label, Double Black, Swing Johnny Walker, Dimple, these are some good whiskeys...
I bought a bottle of Chivas Regal 18 year old Whisky in September which was really nice & smooth. I'll drink anything though to be honest.
I still havent found anything I can drink slowly and not want to get smashed on. Once you start drinking your whole plan on how much you want to drink for the night goes out the window.

And the shitty thing is that you can't really sip on alcohol or drink a beer every 30 mins or so. For me one of two things happens.

1. after your first beer you get that cotton mouth feeling like you need to have a beer all the time so your mouth isnt dry.

2. you drink so slowly that you never really reach that 'buzzed' feeling. You feel sober and you feel like shit. Like your already experiencing a hangover.

I should probably start taking a clicker around when i go to the bar to remember how many beers ive had before I decide to start drinking more or doing shots. One minute your fine and your feeling good. 5 mins later you don't remember the rest of the night.
I still havent found anything I can drink slowly and not want to get smashed on. Once you start drinking your whole plan on how much you want to drink for the night goes out the window.

And the shitty thing is that you can't really sip on alcohol or drink a beer every 30 mins or so. For me one of two things happens.

1. after your first beer you get that cotton mouth feeling like you need to have a beer all the time so your mouth isnt dry.

2. you drink so slowly that you never really reach that 'buzzed' feeling. You feel sober and you feel like shit. Like your already experiencing a hangover.

I should probably start taking a clicker around when i go to the bar to remember how many beers ive had before I decide to start drinking more or doing shots. One minute your fine and your feeling good. 5 mins later you don't remember the rest of the night.

You need to get some really nice Cognac. VSOP stuff.
definitely into the bourbons these days: makers mark and knob creek are nice bottles, not too pricey but much nicer than jack (unless its been that kinda night ;)

as for scotch, yeah i went through a whole scotch and whiskey phase in my early 20s and have loved it ever since... of course while getting sober from other _ _ _ _ seemed the thing to do ;)

bourbon i like a cube or two, but single malt neat is the way,
lots of good stuff to discover - litterally as crazy a variety as wine.

but you can't go wrong with: Ardbeg is my favorit at the moment,
also Dalwhinnie, Lagavulin, Macallan and Glenkinchie

I DO like Glenfinchie at the low end... it is very decent dep on your taste for the price, but dont stoop to crap ass johnny walker and other blended cess piss of the sort... if you are going to drink some scotch ...

all very special stuff...

just dont think you cant get drunk on it, i have never puked more consistently in my life than those months of all out scotch - but good all the same.
ooops meant Glenfidiche
thats is the generally most mass produced good (if you like the flavor) single malt - like half the price of the others - not much more than JW.

do recommend that if you are short on funds
So do you really think your goin to be able to handle your liquor better because you spent an extra $10 or 15 bucks a bottle? For the most part the more you spend you just get a cleaner drunk. But don't kid yourself for a second if u think that higher end booze won't make you a wild raving lunatic that kicks in windshields that gets his teeth kicked in.
Get some Irish Whiskey..it is much smoother than Scotch. Paddy's, Red Breast, Tullamore Dew, Jameson etc.
Has anyone on here taken Chantix to quit smoking? Ever sense I took it, I haven't wanted to drink... I still smoke though... It's weird, I haven't drank since April...


I used to drink pretty regularly (3-4x/week) - even more when I bartended back in the day.

But about 2 years ago, I realized I just didn't like it.

It wasn't a "this is bad for me" revelation or anything like that. I just didn't like it anymore. Hated having a buzz even.

I still drink a beer on occasion because I like the taste and it looks weird in social settings to have a Coke or whatever but I haven't been buzzed in over a year. Haven't been drunk in over two.

Really weird.

So maybe it's not the Chantix. Maybe it's just you.
I'm suffering from a hang over right now. I had a Micro-brew last night at bar, I think it was about 9% alcohol and was one of the better Micro-brews that I've had. The name of the beer is La Chouffe.

If you want to try Kentucky bourbon I would highly recommend Basil Hayden, It's usually $30-$40 a bottle. I went to a wedding last year and the Bride's family was from Kentucky so there was a large bourbon selection and Basil Hayden was the best bourbon that I had at the wedding..... I would also recommend Woodford Reserve, it's a pretty good bourbon and right in your price range.
Best I've ever had was Macallan 30 (expensive shit).

Remy Martin VSOP is divine.

Markers is always a good kick in the ass.

Jack and Crown never cease to fail me.

Jameson - always smooth.

E&J Brandy is my favorite low rent shit (like $8 a bottle).

Rum can GTFO - for me it taste like what I imagine paint does.
I don't know if drinking hard liquor is gonna solve your problem to be honest...

Getting smashed on beer is not nearly as bad as getting smashed on Scotch or Whisky (for your health I mean)

You have to ask yourself: why do I need to get hammered in a bar? There's always a reason, usually social anxiety. We don't drink alcohol for the taste of it, no one does, even those that try to convince themselves that they do. A banana-strawberry smoothie tastes much better than a shot of tequila.

I used to have the same problem as you in my early twenties, now I simply learned to slow down... I force myself to last at least 30 minutes with 1 drink/beer when I start feeling like I'm above "buzzed". It's not that hard to do if you're having a conversation and chilling with people you like. It's very hard to do when you're in a place that you hate and/or with people that you don't really like.
My wife got me a bottle of the 18 year old MaCallan a couple months ago. Probably the best scotch I've had in that year range. I'm primarily a craft beer drinker. Though I rarely drink enough to get buzzed, let alone drunk. I just can't handle feeling like complete shit the next day. I'm not 20 years old anymore. My body can't handle that kind of toxicity.
Pure bullshit. The greatest thing I've ever tasted in my life was a Flemish red ale called Bockor Cuvee des Jacobins Rouge. The fact that it happened to contain alcohol was besides the point.

Yeah you keep telling yourself that. If it had 0% alcohol you'd quickly move to something else.

I agree that some alcohols taste better than others, but the fact is: we all drink for the buzz.