Double hypens in domain name

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I think sooner or later google will start to penalise hyphenated domain names (or at least take away the advantage of a keyword in the domain name) simply because so many keyword spammers are doing it.

Almost every splog has a domain name
Rob_TID said:
I think sooner or later google will start to penalise hyphenated domain names (or at least take away the advantage of a keyword in the domain name) simply because so many keyword spammers are doing it.

Almost every splog has a domain name

with only so many good doman names and new people building sites every day can google penalize just for using hyphens ?

sound a bit unfair to newcomers that cant buy a short relevant domain
I think double hypens are terrible.

I hope google doesn't penalise hypened names though. My main site has a hypen in it. I never spam it and it's the one at the moment that I have the most success with.
google is not going to penalize websites just because of their domain name. but if you have a retardedly hyphenated domain name, tons of low-quality links that popped up overnight, spammy on-page optimization... well, you kind of just spelled it out to them that you're a spammer.

having a legitimate site with a dash or even two in the domain by itself isn't going to hurt you in the SE's. but it's not the greatest branding idea either.
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