Don't you hate it when you think you have a great new idea

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
and then later find out that someone's already thought of it? Doh... I just read about the paid-to-blog site in the News forum. Was gonna make it thought it'd be unique :p

Not only thought of it but done it better than your original idea! Ive certainly had a few like this, but its bound to happen quite a few times.
yeah - i really hate that

i also hate when you think you have found a untapped niche and your keyword tool was wrong - you know a million search and zero comp (im gonna be rich )
I don't mind competing with an existing idea.
The way I see it, there's millions of new people using the Internet for the first time every single day. Fresh meat.

My biggest peeve is I'm an ideas person. I think of these things and then have no idea how to do it so I sit on it, then later on someone else does it.

Worst example was I thought of an idea for a web site but I'm not a programmer so I didn't know how to impliment it. I let it sit, then about 6 months later I heard of a site using a very similar method to that idea being sold for a few million dollars. I was soooooooooooo happy for them ....
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