Domains R Forever : The Best Source of High-Metric Domains for Your Sites and PBN

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Fucks (Given): 0
Dec 1, 2009
Rating - 100%
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No fancy graphics, nor long persuading texts here.

Straight to the point: The best domains you can find for your sites and PBN.

My partners and I have a long history of domaining. We own multiple custom scripts that allow us to check and sift all the dropping lists out there; but this is not something special for today. There are a lot of services providing you the same drop lists again and again. What is unique with us, is that we use our scripts for constant scraping the Web in search of domains that have dropped years ago. There are lot of hidden gems there, and yet no other domainer service knows about them.

Some of these great domains, that we don't have time or resources to use for ourselves, we put up for sale.

You can find in our list any kind of domains: from budget ones with just okay backlinks, to premier ones with crazy backlink profiles full of .gov, .edu and wiki links, or having great brandable names.

You can use any of these domains in any imaginable way:

  • Use it for your money site;
  • Use it for your PBN;
  • Restore the previous site, develop it and sell for big bucks on Flippa;

And if you don't have a time to develop it, simply

  • Make a 301 redirect to your money site or Tier 1 site;
  • Or just host it at a parking service to make a quick and stable passive income.

Why it's worth to buy domains at Domains R Forever:

The domains belong to us. We sell our domains, not an info about free-to-register domains. This means,

We have nothing to hide. No bullshit a***.com lists. Only full domain names that you can check.

Still the domain names aren't there in text format, so you can use any of our domains for your whitest project without a fear that someone could Google your domain name and find that it was once for sale.

Uniqueness. The domains belong to us. No danger that someone may find that domain and register it just when you are paying to the seller for already useless info about it.

In most cases, few months of a registration still left, so you don't need to pay reg fee for these domains.

You save hours and days of your precious time that you can use now for actual earning the money, rather than for digging the Net in vain search of domains.

How to buy domains at Domains R Forever:

Can't be simpler! Just put domains you like in a cart, fill your username at the registrar if you want a free push to your account - that's all! Domains are yours.

Come take a look and buy the best domains for your sites at Domains R Forever!


With any questions, feel free to contact me:

  • PM (well seems currently not...)
  • email: domains at
  • skype: golanrulez
Please be advised I'm on European time.

Spoke to Golan once before when I was considering a PBN. Seems like he knows what he is doing, so even though I didn't order the pbn...I just bought one domain as a show of support.

order #: 105689782811
Big boss came and lifted my PM box limits. Still I needed to delete many old messages.

Anyway, domains are still there, waiting for you!
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