Domain Propagation? Why?

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New member
Jun 24, 2006
Why is it my domains propagated for everyone else but me.


it might be some cached file on your computer, not really sure of the details
Propagation can take up to 72 hours, so if it hasn't been that long yet, you may want to give it a little longer. If it has been more than 72 hours, clearing your DNS cache may help. If you are on Windows, you can do this by opening a command prompt, and typing the following:

ipconfig /flushdns

It's also possible that your ISP has DNS information cached. In that case, you might need to contact them.
you can also try hitting the domain through proxies to get a better idea of if it really is just you.
It must have been my ISP, but it has propagated now. I guess I'm a bit spoiled, my old ISP must have cleared the cache every hour because domains never took more than an hour to propagate.

Thanks for the help!
I was spoiled too, until I registered a domain at hostway. It took days to register and then a couple more days to propogate after I changed the nameservers. It was ridiculous.
Jdog said:
I was spoiled too, until I registered a domain at hostway. It took days to register and then a couple more days to propogate after I changed the nameservers. It was ridiculous.
I got my registration e-mail within hours, but I didn't know propagation would take awhile after that. I keep getting "can't find to server" I've spent a few hours trying to figure out what happened with my new domain, even the tech support guy could pull it up but not me! He didn't ask when I registered it, though. He had me do the start>run>type in cmd, then in the black box type ipconfig/flushdns>enter>close box. A little more detailed on the steps for other newbies like me.

My son had me go to my webhost manager>list accounts>locate the domain with the problem and click on the IP for that domain. It connected. He gave me the advice to wait especially with the holiday yesterday.

Part of me feels like the time was wasted looking for answers, but I did familiarize myself with some new things!
I know what you mean. I spend more time checking to see if my keywords have been approved, domains ready to go etc... then I do making the stupid site.
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