Dogecoin bubble..


New member
Sep 12, 2012
You guys watching this shit? Pretty crazy..

Caught my attention a couple of days ago during the big btc crash when EVERY single coin was down double digit percentages and Dogecoin was up 100% lol..

Shit is exploding right now..

Crypto-Currency Market Capitalizations | Bitcoin Litecoin Peercoin Namecoin Quark ProtoShares DogeCoin WorldCoin Megacoin Primecoin and more...
doge exchange rates btc/doge

Up over 1100% percent in the past week, and over 200% in the past 24 hours.

Let's see how far this bitch goes..

I predicted this. I'm the next LukeP.

Screw Bitcoin, Litecoin, J.P.'s all about Dogecoin now:


I'm legitimately interested in buying some of these for speculation.

I think its gonna shoot up for a while just based on novelty.

Does anyone know where to go to buy some?
I actually did buy $50 worth off of r/dogecoin after whomever posted about it a week or two ago. They did a good job marketing and got good media attention.

That $50 is now worth $1300. Cashing out.
Jon - please just create a crypto-currency board and be done with all these threads.

Thanks in advance chap - I've not asked anything of you before and it's for the best really.
I'm waiting for wfcoin.

1 WF like = 1 wfcoin

1 wfcoin = very quickly $10000

my 3000 likes = $30'000'000

$30'000'000 = Tommy retired

Tommy retired = instant hookers & drug addiction

Tommy retired = Tommy dead

wfcoins = Tommy dead

Don't want.
Dogecoin is kinda fascinating because it doesn't even claim to be anything but a meme.

It has no utility, no use... But much laughs.

Since they've done a good job pushing it we'll know from its' top price exactly how much any altcoin can get on pure hype and marketing alone.

Many respect!
Dogecoin is kinda fascinating because it doesn't even claim to be anything but a meme.

It has no utility, no use... But much laughs.

Since they've done a good job pushing it we'll know from its' top price exactly how much any altcoin can get on pure hype and marketing alone.

Many respect!

Actually, the thing about Dogecoin is it seems that people are actually using them...

That and it has a ridiculously active almost cult like community behind it.. a very tech savvy, social media entrenched community...

Dogecoin has the same potential utility that bitcoin does.. they are the same technologies.. so im not sure how you can claim btc to be so intrinsically useful/valuable but dismiss the Doge?
You can buy and exchange with on

Ticker symbol DOGE

Do you IRC? freenode -> #dogecoin

I would suggest you also check out MEC (Megacoin).

Can I ask why you pick MEC specifically?.. I tend to like it as well, but for no other reason than superior branding..even if it is an attempt to brand jack.. theyre doing a good job of it. The website is by far the best (most confidence inspiring) of all the alts.. great design.

Anything besides that?
I just purchased 61,000 DogeCoins.

Most I could get right now. Interested to see where this goes. Think I'm gonna buy some more once my Bitcoin purchase processes.

I think its a genius combo of timing and high availability (100 billion coins to 21 million bitcoins. Helps the psychological factor of not having to split them in half I think).

It creates some excitement/passion around cryptocurrency. It can be seen as "cool" to own/accept for purchases (see Purple Cow by Seth Godin). Its the only other cryptocurrency that is fun to talk about besides Bitcoin itself.

Also, who's to say that when the Doge meme eventually goes away/gets stale that they don't change their name to something more "credible"/timeless.

At the least: once CNN and other media picks it up, it will likely see another major jump. If it goes up to .01 per coin I'm up 10x...

Volatility is fun.

tl;dr: many thoughts. such wow.
I've 20-25 dogecoins mined in an hour i think few days ago, and I've a 4 yr old AMD 1GB graphics card.

Also "Deutsche eMark" is +126% today.

All this coin shit is really making me Qrzyyyyyyy.

Anyone have this feeling, We can see $$$$$$$ but can't pick up?

PS:I just registered via (o_O)'s ref link u post up there for cryptsy :)