Dofollow forum comment service. Backlinks in signature. Review copies available.

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Jan 10, 2012
Rating - 100%
17   0   0
Manual Dofollow forum comment service​

Forums comment is taking part in forum topic/thread. Backlinks in signature helps to improve SERP and traffic. Understanding the importance of forum backlinks i am starting manual dofollow forum comment service.

-> 100% manual service. Money back guarantee if you find software oriented.
-> I use all dofollow forums.
-> New registration for new order.
-> Report in excel sheet with direct links to post and login details.
-> Permanent backlinks.
-> Maximum 3 backlinks per comment.
-> All most all forums require few post to add signature. I don't count those extra comments.


Package A:
100 forums X 1 comment = 100 comments
price: $25

Package B:
100 forums X 2 comments = 200 comments
Price: $35

Package c:
100 forums X 5 comments = 500 comments
Price: $55

package D:
100 forums X 10 comments = 1000 comments
price: $75

Review copies for qualified members:
2 free review copies - Package A
2 50% discount review copies - Package A

What i need from you?
1) keyword
2) URL
3) Email id to send report
4) wickedfire usename

Do you have confusions/doubt/questions about service?
-> contact me through PM
-> contact me through Email: serpenabler(at)
-> contact me through G-talk: serpenabler(at)
-> contact me through Skype: serpenabler
-> contact me through yahoo messenger: serpenabler(at)

Payment mode: paypal

Best Regards,

Sent you details, waiting for report now.
Thank you sir.

I will take the second! pm coming

PM sent

I'll try 50% discount review copy. PLS, PM

PM sent.

I would like to grab 50% discount review copy as well. PM sent.

According to review copy rules, you are not qualified for review copy. I will contact you when i have discount package for you.

1 50% review copy left.

Thanks & Regards,

Communication:Top class and always been in touch with me.10/10

Quality:I gone through the report and all the links are present(I never cared about comments) and its well formatted report.A+ 9/10

Quantity:Well worth the money but i would recommend you to give few more bonus to your customers:)10/10

Overall 9/10

Recommended service A+
I'll take it. PM me
PM sent. Thank you.


Communication:Top class and always been in touch with me.10/10

Quality:I gone through the report and all the links are present(I never cared about comments) and its well formatted report.A+ 9/10

Quantity:Well worth the money but i would recommend you to give few more bonus to your customers:)10/10

Overall 9/10

Recommended service A+

Thanks for your honest and great review.
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Reactions: seodon
Got my review back. Seems it was sent a few days ago but missed it. Very good work though as all post in the fourms (on the ones I checked about 10) all were related post with a sig link to my url. Does not look like spam so should not be any issues.

Got 100 exactly so might want to over deliver a bit incase some get deleted but work was done as described and will see how long they last.
Got my review back. Seems it was sent a few days ago but missed it. Very good work though as all post in the fourms (on the ones I checked about 10) all were related post with a sig link to my url. Does not look like spam so should not be any issues.

Got 100 exactly so might want to over deliver a bit incase some get deleted but work was done as described and will see how long they last.

thank you for your review.

taking new orders.
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