Does it matter what tld extension you choose?

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Affiliate Padawan
Jun 24, 2006
Obviously .com is the most popular but does it hurt to use .info, .us, etc?

It does if you want to rank in the regional serps.
It's a lot easier to rank in if you have a .au domain name, and I imagine other localised engines are similar.
I've also found it easier to rank in the .com versions of the search engines without a localised domain (eg. .com, .net, .org).
From what I've read, .info is home to a lot of crap due to all the spamming, but if you can get decent backlinks, a .info will rank ok in the main serps.
I think the former owners of after selling the site for several million dollars to Yahoo would argue that there is nothing wrong with a non traditional tld, in this case a .us, provided you create a site that others consider to be of value.
The main benefit I see with a .com is that it's the first one people remember, if you have a .net site they'll probly try .com first if they forget ur url.
Dave said:
The main benefit I see with a .com is that it's the first one people remember, if you have a .net site they'll probly try .com first if they forget ur url.
This seem to be the only real trouble I've heard from non .coms. That should only matter if you are using "real world" advertising. In most cases, people would find your site from a SE.
Nathan said:
I think the former owners of after selling the site for several million dollars to Yahoo would argue that there is nothing wrong with a non traditional tld, in this case a .us, provided you create a site that others consider to be of value.

Okay, there's an exception for first-movers into a market with popular proprietary technology and venture capital money, using a domain that spells a word. Otherwise stear clear.
I like .com for the simple fact that you can ctrl+enter to fill in the www and the .com :)
.com for people who are typing in your domain from memory, any other domain will probably work fine with SE. I have a .info and am doing just fine from SE traffic and crawling.
I agree with Dave. If you want a lot of type-in visitors, then dot com is the way to go. The second and third choices are obviously dot org and dot net.

However, if you can find a creative way to use anothe TLD like, then go for it! PS: Register for as many years as you can. It's worth it.
there has also been babble that .org's can potentially enjoy a ranking boost. but yeah, it's probably just that... babble.
I go with info domains just becuase they are cheap and I can't afford to purchase tons of .com to play around and test ideas with. I don't think that going with info domains has really hurt my efforts.
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