Does it make sense to enter the weight loss niche now?


bro. here's what I can tell you.
quit operating out of fear. Successful people don't give a damn about competition.
You don't need to compete with anyone. With over half of the US population overweight.. there's more than enough traffic for everyone. You don't need to control all the market. just a .00001% of it.. and with that alone you can do six figures +.

The reality is that weight loss is an awesome market. you're dealing with a desperate market who has money and spends it like crazy. All you have to do is find a hot offer that converts and jump in front of the traffic. bottom line.

so go out there and crush it.
With millions of diet and weight loss blogs online, does it really make sense to enter into this market now- assuming you aim for affiliate sales through these blogs? What's your experience with weight loss niche?

You can try niche any time but success depends on your affiliates products promotion, so be careful while creating new web page and campaigns for your niche :smilie_weihn_winki:
As long as there is McDonalds, there will be room to make money in this niche. Imagine being in the overcrowded weight loss market in the 60s, 70s, and 80s, looking around, and reaching the conclusion that there is no more room. Get in now or be forced to perpetually re-ask yourself that same question while your peers collect your coin.
Right now is actually the PERFECT time...

Jan = New Years Resolutions, which then leads into spring (people trying to lose weight for summer/beach because they're ashamed of their soft bodies)

Don't just focus on USA... More and more countries are becoming "westernized" and with their developing economies also brings global brands (McDonalds, WalMart). Global obesity rates are on the rise and there will be more and more fat people sprining up everywhere.

You'll have a harder barrier of entry in the US market (especially if you're posting asking if the "weight loss niche still works"...)

However, no big advertisers are competing for traffic in Pakistan or Iraq... I'm not kidding btw... these countries have fat people just like the rest and you can definitely sell them if you translate/target properly
The fact there's so many blogs in this niche online shows you that it's profitable. People ALWAYS want to lose weight and always will.

You just have to find your angle / sub-niche / unique approach.

You don't have the resources, time or money to compete with the global brands in the market so you niche down and REALLY focus on one specific type of person / demographic.

For example...

Weight loss > weight loss for men > weight loss for men over 40 > weight loss for men over 40 with heart conditions.

Weight loss > weight loss for women > weight loss for women post pregnancy / want to lose 10 kilos before they get married.

Get the idea?

There's fat people everywhere and they need advice. Find a very specific type of person where there's not so much competition and really tailor your content to them.
The weight loss industry has been brought to its knees, shortage of fat people last I heard...
The fact that you question what niche to get into, be it weight loss or enema's, clearly shows you are not ready to even attempt to run a business. Maybe some day you will grow a set of large testicles and decided to try and fuck what ever broad comes your way. Maybe you wont, you might possibly sit there and just wonder "what if" the rest of your life. You might even decided one day that you are in fact going to decided to take a pie of the 60 billion dollar niche. But then again you probably wont. You will just sit there and say "Oh man 60 billion a year. Yeah no money to be made" You know how they told you in school there are no dumb questions.. clearly they misinformed you cause there are. Man the fuck up (or Woman the fuck up, cause I stopped caring about your gender) and FUCKING START MAKING MONEY or STOP WASTING OUR TIME!
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The fact that you question what niche to get into, be it weight loss or enema's, clearly shows you are not ready to even attempt to run a business. Maybe some day you will grow a set of large testicles and decided to try and fuck what ever broad comes your way. Maybe you wont, you might possibly sit there and just wonder "what if" the rest of your life. You might even decided one day that you are in fact going to decided to take a pie of the 60 billion dollar niche. But then again you probably wont. You will just sit there and say "Oh man 60 billion a year. Yeah no money to be made" You know how they told you in school there are no dumb questions.. clearly they misinformed you cause there are. Man the fuck up (or Woman the fuck up, cause I stopped caring about your gender) and FUCKING START MAKING MONEY or STOP WASTING OUR TIME!

MFW I read this
I would say, don't be affiliate. Create your own product and go for it.

You can have ebook ready in 24h, supplements ready in 7-14 days etc.

All the rest is a matter of hours.

Yep, market research takes a "bit" more time, but it's crucial part so better do it properly.

Sure, being just an affiliate is a great idea as well... But... why to compete with bunch of "killers" if you can just simply "cut out" your own piece of customer's brain? (for yourself!)

Read "Marketing Warfare", it's a great small book.
How long have humans been around for?

How many businesses have opened up?

How many companies have closed their doors?


Nothing is ever "too competitive".

Either you're going to get lucky, or put in the long, hard work and crush your rivals.

Or you know, let them crush you, if you're going to accept defeat.
I just visited this thread to read the snarky responses, and I must admit I am a bit dissappointed with the overall snark quality.

But having nothing snarkier to contribute, allow me to harken back to the days when whats-his-name was trying to get started with PlentyOfFish. He was asking for advice on some forum (I forget which one it was) and pretty much everybody was telling him that the dating niche was already over-saturated and he should try something else.

There may or may not be a useful lesson there...
yes.most of the peoples are now awareness about weight loss niche. And Blogs is an important issue for making affiliate market where large of people can enter.
The fact that you question what niche to get into, be it weight loss or enema's, clearly shows you are not ready to even attempt to run a business. Maybe some day you will grow a set of large testicles and decided to try and fuck what ever broad comes your way. Maybe you wont, you might possibly sit there and just wonder "what if" the rest of your life. You might even decided one day that you are in fact going to decided to take a pie of the 60 billion dollar niche. But then again you probably wont. You will just sit there and say "Oh man 60 billion a year. Yeah no money to be made" You know how they told you in school there are no dumb questions.. clearly they misinformed you cause there are. Man the fuck up (or Woman the fuck up, cause I stopped caring about your gender) and FUCKING START MAKING MONEY or STOP WASTING OUR TIME!
