Do something awesome

So it's clear this is on the up and up, here are the boxes - just started putting them together with my kids.


This is the stuff we had on hand, each box is for a different CL poster. Headed out this evening to pickup items I didn't have, and then we'll do deliveries tomorrow.

Box on the left is for 3 boys, 9, 11, and 12. Wii, controller & nunchuck, 7 games, a couple books.

The two middle boxes were picked out by my kids, one is for an 18 month old boy, and another for a 3 y/o girl. My kids might have been a tad stingy (given how much shit they have) with what they are choosing to give, but they are giving, and it's up to them to give or not, so I'm still pretty proud. Some misc toys, shoes, jacket.

On the end is for a posting asking for electric heated and heated blankets.

Each box has some candy cane reindeer the kids made and shared.

They was I did it with my kids was I read them the posts we'd be responding to, and had them go find things they thought they'd like to give someone who was in need.

Only issue we had was I kept having to point out to my boy that we would, indeed, still have 4 controllers for the WiiU, heh. For him, it's not Christmas without 4 player coop mario with his dad & uncles.

I'll do a wrap up once the boxes are delivered.
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I donate and help the people in my community and life all the time. It's the best feeling in the world to help out people in need. I'm blessed to have the life I have and the availability to be with my family at all times. Life is so fragile and can be taken away so fast. Live life to it's fullest and always give back.

making me want to give this chick my unused 360 that's been sitting in the guest room.

You don't need craiglist, just go to a metro station, there are so many real homeless men and women who are ashamed to ask for help.
Her son is asking for a 6ft artificial christmas tree? What kid asks for a 6ft artificial tree?

Craigislist post is bullshit

Who even cares? Maybe the kid knows what goes into taking care of a real tree and doesnt want to put the extra work on his family?

Basically there asking for a fake tree, 70.00, and a mechanic who knows what they're doing. I don't think that's too much to ask for christmas. Some of you forget what christmas is all about.

Anyways, Skyfire great idea i'm checking out my craigslist so see who I can help.
Some of you forget what christmas is all about.

Saturnalia is what Christmas was all about actually..

A. Roman pagans first introduced the holiday of Saturnalia, a week long period of lawlessness celebrated between December 17-25. During this period, Roman courts were closed, and Roman law dictated that no one could be punished for damaging property or injuring people during the weeklong celebration. The festival began when Roman authorities chose “an enemy of the Roman people” to represent the “Lord of Misrule.” Each Roman community selected a victim whom they forced to indulge in food and other physical pleasures throughout the week. At the festival’s conclusion, December 25th, Roman authorities believed they were destroying the forces of darkness by brutally murdering this innocent man or woman.

B. The ancient Greek writer poet and historian Lucian (in his dialogue entitled Saturnalia) describes the festival’s observance in his time. In addition to human sacrifice, he mentions these customs: widespread intoxication; going from house to house while singing naked; rape and other sexual license; and consuming human-shaped biscuits (still produced in some English and most German bakeries during the Christmas season).

C. In the 4th century CE, Christianity imported the Saturnalia festival hoping to take the pagan masses in with it. Christian leaders succeeded in converting to Christianity large numbers of pagans by promising them that they could continue to celebrate the Saturnalia as Christians.[2]

D. The problem was that there was nothing intrinsically Christian about Saturnalia. To remedy this, these Christian leaders named Saturnalia’s concluding day, December 25th, to be Jesus’ birthday.

tldr;? Read more, Origin of Christmas | The history of Christmas and how it began

So, the reason for the season n' all that, now you know. Rape and murder.
Example: This summer I picked a guy up, he needed gas but had no scratch for it, so I took him to the gas station, and as I was about to pull into the truck stop (cheaper gas) he said he'd rather have Shell gas from across the street. I mean, wtf?
I don't know if there are studies, but I'd guess that hitchhikers are more likely to be idiotic than interesting. But you're still ahead of the game if you don't pick up a serial killer.
Yeah, the old 6ft artificial Christmas tree scam. You gotta watch for that one. :laughing-smiley-007

The entire post is bullshit, how do you not see it?

She needs a 6ft artificial tree, an xbox, and a generic request for a mechanic to fix her car, which will turn into her asking for everything to be fixed once you arrive.

She even has a cell phone with text service so you can get in touch with her to provide help.

Imagine a guy wrote this post, how would you respond?
The entire post is bullshit, how do you not see it?

She needs a 6ft artificial tree, an xbox, and a generic request for a mechanic to fix her car, which will turn into her asking for everything to be fixed once you arrive.

She even has a cell phone with text service so you can get in touch with her to provide help.

Imagine a guy wrote this post, how would you respond?

You and I will never agree on this, and Skyfire's post about being charitable in the holidays has been hijacked enough. So let's just agree to disagree.

Delivered three of the four boxes last night.

The boxes for the boy and girl, my wife went through and dug out all the old clothes we hadn't already given away from our last two kids, and stuffed them in, so we ended up with a pretty decent bunch of stuff.

The stuff for the boy went to a little one room studio that. Both parents together, neither could have been over 18, car had high school pass in the window (this is rural Idaho, if you don't have a car, you don't have a job or food). Both were super appreciate, and thanked both my kids (yes I brought my kids, it's good for them to help and also to get a glimpse of what it's like to be broke). All their stuff was in laundry baskets and boxes, looks like it's been that way for a while.

Blankets and heater went to a beat up old camper parked in front of a house in a middle class neighborhood. Older dude answered the door, mid 50's I'd say, pretty much just grunted his thanks.

Box with the wii and games went to a little house on the numbered streets. Home had that 'poor but never stopped trying' kinda feel - they had stuff, all old and run down, but fairly clean and tidy - what the people I grew up around would have called 'salt of the earth'. Woman answered the door, took the stuff, was grateful. Told me it was perfect, they didn't have any game systems but her middle son wanted to go into 'game making'. So I gave her my card, told her my studio does game dev, said she could email me if she had any questions about helping him on that path. Tears about took her at that point so I excused myself and left.

Got one more box to do, but the woman and her daughter live about 45 minutes north of here so it'll have to wait until this weekend.

So far I'm out some mostly unwanted stuff, $30, and an hour. In return my kids learned a valuable lesson, we helped some people, and both my kids and I felt pretty good about helping.
I like taking homeless people into really nice/posh restaurants and shouting them a meal, letting them order whatever they want.

It gives them back a bit of dignity and I love seeing the reactions on the managers faces.