Do something awesome


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Go to your local Craigslist, search "please help" and help someone on there. Look for someone you think might be deserving, or really needs help, or whatever, just find someone and help them out.

If you're in a major area maybe this is less of a safe idea, I don't know. But in my area it' a quick and effective way to help someone who needs it.

A few years ago I came across a woman asking for food by accident, took her and her daughter shopping, and I've been doing this every now and then ever since. Just cleared contacted all the results on my local CL, and will be making deliveries tomorrow.

Do it for yourself, if not to help. I've never felt as rewarded, good-deed wise as when responding to a CL needs post. It's real, and in my experience most of the posts there are from truly desperate people.

Sometimes I spend a few hundred, sometimes, like tonight, I get away with spending much less. Tonight for example I found posts needing baby toys (tons in storage to give), clothes (bunch no one wears), blankets and a heater (extra space heater and plenty of bedding), and some older kids in need of something for christmas (we got the Wii U this summer so I am handing over our old wii).

So no matter how much you have to spare, there is probably someone you can help. Do it, it's rewarding.


In before ungrateful people...

Not everyone you help will be as grateful as you expect / would hope.

Example: This summer I picked a guy up, he needed gas but had no scratch for it, so I took him to the gas station, and as I was about to pull into the truck stop (cheaper gas) he said he'd rather have Shell gas from across the street. I mean, wtf?

Most of the time I just figure, at the end of the day, they might be obnoxious or ungrateful, but regardless they do need the help. And sometimes, you get an amusing anecdote :)

In before scamming for free shit...

Wouldn't you rather give something to someone who doesn't need it than pass over someone who does?

In before fuck you skyfire...

I love you too, bitch.
Found some "single mom that needs to make ends meet for Xmas".

I don't mind sending her monies - how do I verify she's not a he using Xmas to cash in on good intentions? Good will is getting complicated.
Found some "single mom that needs to make ends meet for Xmas".

I don't mind sending her monies - how do I verify she's not a he using Xmas to cash in on good intentions? Good will is getting complicated.

You can't, not really. You could ask what she needs, and just provide that - out of box to make sure it gets used if you're worried about it not going to a kid.
Example: This summer I picked a guy up, he needed gas but had no scratch for it, so I took him to the gas station, and as I was about to pull into the truck stop (cheaper gas) he said he'd rather have Shell gas from across the street. I mean, wtf?

Ugh. I would have dropped that sack of shit off and let him fend for himself if he was that ungrateful. Fuck people like that. Their attitude is probably the reason their life is so fucked. What did you tell that guy after he said that?

Helping out grateful people who are down on their luck is cool and rewarding though. Keep up the good work OP.
Ugh. I would have dropped that sack of shit off and let him fend for himself if he was that ungrateful. Fuck people like that. Their attitude is probably the reason their life is so fucked. What did you tell that guy after he said that?

Helping out grateful people who are down on their luck is cool and rewarding though. Keep up the good work OP.

I was pretty shocked, took a second to register that this guy didn't like my free gas. But I obliged, filled the jug, and left. I wondered the rest of my drive if I'd somehow misunderstood or something.

Wait, is this a 1000 bucks to date a fat chick at a shitty section seating of a huckey game?

Wow, torontos a little off in their value system. They overvalue themselves. Though I see the same in Vancouver, which brings me back to Canada sucks, go America.