Do people actually make money on this shit?


He is Planet
Jun 22, 2009
Whenever I'm in NameCheap I notice the marketplace and the seemingly stupid prices of shit domains. Do people actually shift rubbish, like those below, for the prices they want?! If so I've dropped some fucking goldmines. :(


Although it is ridiculous but it also a good advertisement. They can promote their website for free.. :)
I don't think any of the domains on that pic are worth the price they are listed for. Except perhaps
i think its mostly namecheap / godaddy and others squatting dropped domains for their auctions then trying to upsell customers on them.

its so cheap to keep them renewed that they hold onto tons and every once in a while someone pays their asking price
Track them -- they never sell. Most of the domain marketplaces are jokes, clogged up with shit -- which wouldn't be so bad except that the people posting the shit will often argue with you about why their domain is so valuable.

A year or so ago there was a frenzy over domains with the string "3d" in them. Any rational attempt at discussing potential trends in 3D that could be monetisable from a domaining/marketing standpoint was totally pointless -- at NamePros, DNF et al. all one ever saw was idiots posting list after list of their latest "investments." One guy had -- he listed it at Bido for $9,500 minimum bid. I LOL'd.

I once had a site for appraising domains pre-2002. Used to make good money providing valuation certificate using a software. The price of a domain, was like "name it" and get some third party to backup you up.

Today, a nonesense domain and site such as scored $30m in funding. So it's more about what's behind that domain, then whatever dot com.
lol @ amateur domainers and all it's advertiser contracts, real estate, and human resources sells for $100,000,000 so that means is worth $30,000....
Ya, I inquired on a domain that I wanted for an outside business that I am setting up, it's not established, a two word dot com domain, but they want $1,000 for it. So I just added a third word to it and registered that for my business. I will keep my eye on the one for sale, maybe make an offer, but really I can't see paying anything near what they want.
I think they just use the concept of "Dutch auction", most probably because it works in this case :) they hardly sell for listed price, but even 30-50% of it is a good deal for the seller.
Pretty much the same thing on eBay. Sad part is, there is some idiots around here who will pay a shit load of money if they think they have scored "the big domain"

Hell, they'd pay a crap load of money if the domain was:

No joke, I've seen it before
Those domains looks very over priced. I'm sure people make money out of such domains because of ignorance in the market. If you want to buy an old domain, do your homework well.