Do I really need unique content?


I want to run a PPC campaign in order to promote a clickbank ebook. I've set the landing page but now comes the worst part: Fill it with content.

The question is: Do I really need "unique content" as Imn't doing any SEO? can't I just copy-paste it from somewhere? (Ezine).

In return:





If you post more of the first picture, I will reveal to you in 3 simple steps how to make clickbank landing pages that convert like crazy!
hmm, 2/10 too cloudy, she looked better in the first one but since you delivered here is what I would do and I'm certainly no clickbank guru. For the love of fucking god create a landing page with your own copy, you'll probably make more money anyways.

3 steps to killer conversions:

1. get your prospects attention, this is the most important part, don't care how you do it.

2. keep their attention, this part is the hardest part, you also have to break objections and also give them a big reason they need what you're offering.

3. tell them what to do, buy now, fill out a form, whatever but make SURE you tell them what to do. People are lazy and often times just need to be told what to do.
I would have a feeling that if you are using adwords, they would lower your quality score for dup content. If you are using some other PPC then I don't see why it would matter much, besides that it is illegal.
Love that rugged terrain she is in.. lovely pic all the way 'round.
Google checks your content, since your landing pages is a factor in your quality score... So just keep that in mind. The real problem you have is you have to write the content since it's has to compel people into buying your product/services. Good Luck bro.
Yes. Unique content is very important. Without it, you won't have any visitors... and no one will want to visit a site that doesn't give them something new each time they go. So you need unique content and you need to keep it coming.