DMOZ even worth submitting to?

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Resident Post Whore
Jun 24, 2006
Seems like the odds of getting in are slim to none...

Also haven't heard of anyone having any luck in like months.

Its not exactly hard to sumbit, just do it and forget about it. Some niches you'll get a listing, others not a chance, but you won't know until you try.
People do get listed, but it's hard to get in if it's obvious that you're in it just for the money.

It's a good link from an authority source, worth getting, but don't submit before your site is completed and a decent resource.
My track record says that it's not worth it, and that if you're gonna get listed, it's not gonna be because you submitted. But I submit to so many directories I do it anyways.
I have a couple of listings. Submit and forget and see what comes of it, but dont get fret up if you don't get in, is my advice
VinSVT said:
Seems like the odds of getting in are slim to none...

Also haven't heard of anyone having any luck in like months.

I must have gotten lucky then, I submitted one of my sites and it got listed 3 days after. I'm guessing that editor is really nice :D
MisterX said:
People do get listed, but it's hard to get in if it's obvious that you're in it just for the money.

I have submitted lots of site to them before I was even concerned with making money from them. It was before I had even learned of affiliate marketing. I still didn't get it.
Its a total crap shoot. Some sections have active editors, most don't. But it takes all of a few minutes to submit, so Id say the time investment is worth it on the off chance you get in.
Has anyone here been an editor? I was for a while, but they closed my account because I hadn't logged in for some time. I wish I would have kept up with it now. I tried to re-apply, but they wouldn't let me do that because I couldn't remember my password and had changed my email address.
It is worth it. Getting in is a slim chance but the benefits are huge. You get listed in google directories as well as dmoz, get a lot of good backlinks and you are seen as an authority on your topic. Tou can get a hell of a lot of publicity if you are listed and your site seems very official as dmoz is the wwws main directory.
i've just tracked a dmoz editor peeking at my blog! darn, that dude doesn't even spend enuff time to look thru all the pages.

it was tracked on the 4th of july. but no report of my blog being accepted till now. seeesshhh.....i guess no luck for me this time...

or should i try again? in different category perhaps? :D
I think just submit, then you just forget about it. If you have a decent site then I think you'll get in however it might take some time.
Internet Marketing is hit or miss. What works for some doesn't work for others and sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to why some things do good and some don't. That being said, submit - you have more to gain then lose.

I was just visiting there the other day and I was shocked to see some topics that I wanted had editor spots open and honestly I wouldn't have thought so before looking.
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