DMCA questions


New member
Jan 8, 2010
So I have a website that I'm driving traffic to that has copyrighted music and videos on it. I have a disclaimer page saying the normal legal stuff (all rights belong to copyrighted owner) but I'm not sure if this is enough.

Should I register in accordance with the DMCA?

Once you register does that cover you for all sites you create or do you have to register each site individually?

is this your own original music and video? if not they can issue you a takedown.. you cannot issue anything...

if its yours then if you see someone linking to it and monetizing it you can issue them a takedown and possibly sue for any revenue generated from the use of your music and videos

i am not a lawyer so im sure there will be many diff opinions
is this your own original music and video? if not they can issue you a takedown.. you cannot issue anything...

if its yours then if you see someone linking to it and monetizing it you can issue them a takedown and possibly sue for any revenue generated from the use of your music and videos

i am not a lawyer so im sure there will be many diff opinions

Nah... the music on my site is not my original work. It's from artists that almost all have recording contracts in one form or another.
ok so they can email you and have it removed... not the other way around... you would have to pay for the rights to use it... or be given permission