Directv Referral Test - My PPC Campaign Exposed

as I said up above before:

"I've already been doing this for a couple months now... you wont like what you see when you start running it."

They gonna fuck you bro....
as I said up above before:

"I've already been doing this for a couple months now... you wont like what you see when you start running it."

They gonna fuck you bro....

What was your experience? I am going to call them today and ask them how I can track my referrals. There has to be some area on their website or something.

I am still hashing out the Chrome meta refresh problem. Here's my script so far..

function is_chrome()
return(eregi("chrome", $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']));


// code for Chrome Browser here

echo ("
<script type='text/javascript'>

window.location = ''




else {

echo "<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0;url=\">";



The referrer is still being passed along though with the window.location. I don't think there's a way to clear the referrer with Javascript. I have been talking to a couple of programmers to see if there's a solution to the Chrome problem.

I don't think this is that important since most of the users will probably be IE or FireFox. I just always like to find a solution to most of my problems.
After seeing your campaign set up, structure and ad copy, it has failboat written all over it.

Anyone with any search experience can tell you that right away.
This is the type of CTR you need to stay alive and be profitable in search, without it, your campaign is almost guarantee to fail.

This is the type of CTR you need to stay alive and be profitable in search, without it, your campaign is almost guarantee to fail.


This is a referral campaign that's capped to only 10 referrals per year. I am actually pleased to have traffic trickled in for 10 cents and under. I am getting almost a 2% CTR on the one ad (limited impressions) which isn't the greatest, but will work for what I'm trying to accomplish.

I am still trying to figure out how I can track my referrals which is my biggest problem here.
This is a referral campaign first of all. I am getting almost a 2% CTR on the one ad (limited impressions) which isn't the greatest, but will work for what I'm trying to accomplish. I only need to hit 10 referrals which Directv has capped annually.

2% CTR will get your domain slapped in no time.

Do you have a negative keyword list? That's more important than your keyword list for broad matching campaign.

.10 cent broad match are gonna get you traffic with keywords that no body bids on, for example.

Directtv scam
Satellite tv scam

However, if you have negative keywords weeding out those type of traffic, then you probably won't get any traffic at all because .10 cent bid won't get you anything but those type of traffic.

Anyways, I do hope you succeed. I am just pointing out the obvious.
This is the type of CTR you need to stay alive and be profitable in search, without it, your campaign is almost guarantee to fail.


uh huh, not like I killed it with a 2.0% ctr in diet for 18 months on search or anything, that was just a figment of the imagination. Or a 3% ctr on niche leadgen offers with high payouts and $5-9 CPCs.
uh huh, not like I killed it with a 2.0% ctr in diet for 18 months on search or anything, that was just a figment of the imagination. Or a 3% ctr on niche leadgen offers with high payouts and $5-9 CPCs.

Exact match campaign, bidding the right keywords, targeted ad copy and have your keywords in title, adcopy and url.

Try it yourself to believe it.

Broad match campaign CTR will be lower, average about 13%, that's with about 4k neg keywords.
Exact match campaign, bidding the right keywords, targeted ad copy and have your keywords in title, adcopy and url.

Try it yourself to believe it.

Broad match campaign CTR will be lower, average about 13%, that's with about 4k neg keywords.

no I'm not at all saying you can't do it- that ctr is obviously fantastic and better than I've seen on nearly every traditional (ie non 'hot button') campaign I've run. But to say a 2-4% CTR not only can't work, but will also result in a slap is just ridiculous IMHO.
no I'm not at all saying you can't do it- that ctr is obviously fantastic and better than I've seen on nearly every traditional (ie non 'hot button') campaign I've run. But to say a 2-4% CTR not only can't work, but will also result in a slap is just ridiculous IMHO.

Ah, got your point. For a moment I thought you were saying I fake my screenshot.

Sorry for not being clear, my point was more towards OP's campaign. 2% ctr pos 6 bidding 10 cent on a very competitive niche/keyword meaning you will get nothing but garbage traffic plus it will most likely be slapped.

2 to 4% pos 6 bidding $2 getting quality traffic will be a different story. Better quality traffic, less bounce rate from LP, also less likely to be slapped (Can still happen, 2% ctr is really too low imo)
I am still trying to figure out how I am going to track this shit. It looks like I have to send traffic and cross my fingers for 6-8 weeks before I see a reflection on my bill. I can't believe not one person at DirecTV can tell me if somebody signed up using my account #..

I might try to call back a couple more times until I can get a real fucking answer. If this is the case it's going to be interesting.
Brilliant idea. Agree with some others here, your keywords need to be more specific, ad copy more engaging and overall campaign structure much tighter.

I still think this could work and i'll be checking back to see results.
This is interesting, and I like the methodology, but it seems like a lot of work for at the absolute most an extra $1k/year!

My .02: take the same ideas, and choose a different offer/niche... :)
Brilliant idea. Agree with some others here, your keywords need to be more specific, ad copy more engaging and overall campaign structure much tighter.

I still think this could work and i'll be checking back to see results.

Thanks. Really, I wanted to show how easy it is to build and test campaigns. I had this whole thing setup within hours. This is like a little side project for me.

This is interesting, and I like the methodology, but it seems like a lot of work for at the absolute most an extra $1k/year!

My .02: take the same ideas, and choose a different offer/niche... :)

I've already got different things going on. This was just something on the side. I mean, if I can save a few bucks on my bill power to it. I was just using this as an example to motivate people to get their shit together and start testing.

I want to thank everybody for the feedback. I have been letting those ads sit out there to see if they're going to get approved by the Google team. We'll see, I've got nothing but time.

I don't think I made bad timing putting that all together in only a matter of hours. I'll post some new screens once I start structuring the Adwords campaign a little more.

I'm going to have fun with it and hopefully somebody can use this as some sort of enlightenment for their own campaigns. That was my primary reason for doing this along with saving money on my bill of course :).
I am still trying to figure out how I am going to track this shit. It looks like I have to send traffic and cross my fingers for 6-8 weeks before I see a reflection on my bill. I can't believe not one person at DirecTV can tell me if somebody signed up using my account #..

I might try to call back a couple more times until I can get a real fucking answer. If this is the case it's going to be interesting.
Give up and focus your energy elsewhere if you have to wait weeks to find out if anyone converted. You have a better chance making money by killing the PPC campaign and posting your referral code + instructions on sites like Free, extremely targeted traffic. Thank me later, and put your PPC time to better use.
Give up and focus your energy elsewhere if you have to wait weeks to find out if anyone converted. You have a better chance making money by killing the PPC campaign and posting your referral code + instructions on sites like Free, extremely targeted traffic. Thank me later, and put your PPC time to better use.

Johu, you're right about that. I wasn't anticipating this from Directv. I had thought about placing it on coupon sites but hesitated to do it since I wanted to focus only in the PPC area with this particular campaign.

Since I can't track who converted, I am going to have to kill it. My initial goal was to frequently call directv and ask about my referrals. I also thought there would be an area on their website I could check for that information.. Sorry for the let down everybody.

Still, I hope my little test showed a few people how easy it is to get a campaign going. I wanted to be completely transparent about this hoping it would help others. I did end up killing the PPC campaign and posting to a coupon site. So far it says I have a 67% success on my code so far.

I am about to post it back up there a couple more times with different codes like "REF80898648" and keep switching it up to get more exposure. Hopefully the people keep reading the instructions for it.
I always start my bids at like $5... that way you can determine what your competitors are bidding. Then its all about writing adcopy that converts imo. food for thought
Give up and focus your energy elsewhere if you have to wait weeks to find out if anyone converted. You have a better chance making money by killing the PPC campaign and posting your referral code + instructions on sites like Free, extremely targeted traffic. Thank me later, and put your PPC time to better use.

If a merchant is offering a coupon code, do you post that code on coupon sites with directions to go to your site, which will redirect to the merchant's site with your referral link?