Directv Referral Test - My PPC Campaign Exposed


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
Alright, I am going to try and make a long story short here. I have been a Directv subscriber for over two years now. In February, I went ahead and looked at what Time Warner Cable had to offer.

Well, I got what appeared to be a pretty good deal from Time Warner Cable. They wanted only like $110.00 a month for Cable, Internet, and Phone. I bit and ended up canceling my Directv and switching over to Time Warner. I was in for a big fucking mistake.

Their service sucks balls and their customer service is even worse. After about 3 fucking digital boxes I still couldn't get one that worked. I got my first bill in the mail and they were going to charge me 130 bucks a month. I called their customer service line and bitched them out cause they bait and switched me.

Anyways, I ended up driving my ass up to a physical Time Warner office and showing them the papers that were originally quoted to me which I had signed off on. The lady was like "sorry sir, there's nothing I can do for you". After that, I came back home and called Directv to order up again.

I got one hell of a deal. It actually ended up working out better for me in the long run. I got a FREE HD DVR and 29 bucks knocked off my bill for a year. When I was on their website I noticed they had that referral program. I have seen a few commercials for it in the past as well.

If you "refer your friends" you get $100 and so does your friend. That's an extra 10 bones off your bill for 10 months. You can only refer 10 people in the calendar year.

I have decided to roll out a little test campaign here and let everybody see it. Maybe this will help get some lazy noobs off their asses and try something who knows.

In this little test I will show you how simple it is to get something up and running in no time. Since I don't really care about this shit, I will list keyword bids and the ad copy I'm using in the campaign. I could really give two shits less about this little test.

I will show CTR and keep this thread posted on conversions. I will have this campaign rolled out this evening EST. I will break out what I am about to do below.

1.Order a cheap ass .info domain for PPC only

2.Find a Wordpress Template

3.Build my lander

4.Fill it with content

5.Iframe the Account # Box on the referral screen (maybe) I need to test what happens after a user has submitted the account#..

6.Build my keyword list

7.Build the campaign in Google Adwords

8.And hopefully get my bill down next to nothing within days.

Ready, set Go.

I've already been doing this for a couple months now... you wont like what you see when you start running it.
Alright, I am taking a 5 minute break to go piss, get some water, and post here. I got a cheap .info domain which namecheap fucked up on my whois. I will give the fill url tomorrow when they get their shit sorted..

I pointed the domain to my host and hacked a template that you can see below..


This template is Blue Fantasy. I thought it looked pretty well for what I wanted to do with it. As you can see, I cleaned up some code and got rid of the side bar. I don't want people clicking on a bunch of shit, I just want them to take my code and signup for new Directv service.

They need to at least sign up to the choice package for this to work. This was in the referral TOS.

Here's where I stopped my timer. This timer is provided by


Time to start working on some content. I'll post back when I have the content and campaign started. I will also display my keyword bids and ad copy.

i've been looking for an alternative to TWC.

PM me. If you want some great service and an extra 10 bucks off a month let's work this out. It's a win win for both of us. If you hit me up within the next 5 minutes, I'll even tell you how you can save an additional 5 dollars a month. You must act quick though, there are only a couple slots available.

Seems boring as fuck cuzzz

Yeah, it kinda is. Fuck it though..

I've already been doing this for a couple months now... you wont like what you see when you start running it.

Well, I hope I can change that. If it works, rip my campaign and enjoy your Directv service almost free :).
I miss my XM channels on DirecTV. Haven't quite warmed up to Sonica or whatever the fuck it is. I ain't clicking.
Alright, I just finished up a pretty basic lander. I had a lot of interruptions so this wasn't really accurate. This should at least show you can get something out there within hours. I did get hung up on the iframe. I was not able to get the iframe working with their site. They have a javascript pop as soon as you fill the referral info in.

Here are my screens before I sign off for the night. I am going to tweak this shit up tomorrow.




1st ad copy


All completed in.


My wife was bothering me and I did get caught up in a movie that was on. I will be posting my site link as soon as Namecheap sorts out my problems. They said they will fix it within 12 hours.
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This actually looks pretty informative for newbies.

The first campaigns they do will be the same sort of process for the same sort of ROI.

Plus anything with actual details is awesome. Thanks!
DirecTV has an affiliate program as well. It might still be on CJ.
DirecTV doesn't allow search affiliates, and keeps a pretty close eye on that stuff. They also don't have $100 off promos.
Nice CS here. I have a few recommendations....


1st ad copy



1. looks like you are bidding Broad Match keywords. I would strongly recommend starting with phrase and exact match:
"direct tv coupon"
"direct tv coupon"
[direct tv coupons]
[direct tv coupon]
"direct tv deal"
"direct tv deal"
[direct tv deals]
[direct tv deal]


start with KW's where people are already looking to get direct TV, but just want a deal.

2. Your ad copy is a little weak.

First off, always use Title Case for your entire add text. it's proven to get higher CTR (meaning use a capital letter for first letter of each word in all of the ad).

Second, make your headline more direct. Maybe try something like this

$100 Off Direct TV
Only 10 Coupons Left. 150+ Channels.
No Start Up Costs. Order Now...

test against:

$100 Off Direct TV
2 Free HD Upgrades. 150+ Channels.
No Start Up Costs. Order Now...
Nice CS here. I have a few recommendations....


1st ad copy



1. looks like you are bidding Broad Match keywords. I would strongly recommend starting with phrase and exact match:
"direct tv coupon"
"direct tv coupon"
[direct tv coupons]
[direct tv coupon]
"direct tv deal"
"direct tv deal"
[direct tv deals]
[direct tv deal]

"directv coupon"
"directv coupon"
[directv coupons]
[directv coupon]

"directv deal"
"directv deal"
[directv deals]
[directv deal]


start with KW's where people are already looking to get direct TV, but just want a deal.

2. Your ad copy is a little weak.

First off, always use Title Case for your entire add text. it's proven to get higher CTR (meaning use a capital letter for first letter of each word in all of the ad).

Second, make your headline more direct. Maybe try something like this

$100 Off Direct TV
Only 10 Coupons Left. 150+ Channels.
No Start Up Costs. Order Now...

test against:

$100 Off Direct TV
2 Free HD Upgrades. 150+ Channels.
No Start Up Costs. Order Now...
You really don't want to run this shit alongside with your moneymaking campaigns. You'll be shut down pretty fast.
You might want to check on their paid search rules for that offer as DirectTV doesn't allow any search via