
Thanks, I'm going to try all that. I can also optimize all the images A LOT, which I need to do. Not sure how leverage browser caching?

Should I host jquery.min.js on my own server? Right now I have it pointing to Google.


Pointing to Google means if some other site is also pointing to Google's copy and the user went there first, then they will not have to refetch the file since it will be stored in their browser cache.

Free control panel.. VestaCP.. anyone?

I'm currently using Vesta CP.

Does everything I need it to, installed it mainly so I can easily manage my domain names and email addresses. Uses Nginx out of the box, which is awesome and helps speed things up; but of course you don't need Vesta CP to run Nginx, just an added bonus. Lots of other great features that make it well worth it as well.

Definitely one of the best free control panels out there, haven't had any problems whatsoever with it and it's extremely lightweight, using minimal resources. I think it's better than zPanel (IMO), which is arguably the best free control panel?

Would recommend!
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While we're on the topic of unmanaged VPS, anyone care to help me out?

I have my domains setup with, and I'm using their DNS and "URL forwarding" them from there to my IP address. I have the '@' and 'WWW' pointing at my IP with record type as 'A (address).'

Is this the right way to set it up? If so it's fuckin slow. Should I setup DNS with my VPS?

When I run speed tests on my website straight from my IP it says my site is faster than 97% of all sites tested, from the domain name it's 95%. Doesn't seem like much but every milifuckinsecond counts, right?

Edit: I bet if I optimized my site and actually gave a shit I would hit 99-100%. Using Pingdom for this, btw.

Set up a CloudFlare account and make all the DNS stuff with them.
Namecheap is only good at domain registering and something else.
I recently switched hosting providers and was going to go with DigitalOcean but ended up getting a managed VPS from with Cpanel.

Knownhost provides managed VPS servers for a good price & they have the fastest support I've ever seen with a hosting company. Support is also extremely knowledgeable...they're all pro admins.

They're both really good hosts. If I remember correctly the main reason I chose KnownHost over DigitalOcean is because KnownHost includes Cpanel.

I've had about 15 minutes of total downtime since I joined. Nothing big, but my previous host rarely ever had any downtime at all. Also, they just sent me an email letting me know that my droplet had to be rebooted due to an underlying issue on the physical node where the droplet runs.

Sure as shit I just went and checked my site and it's completely down and that's unacceptable. I'm going to go back to a starter VPS at $35 for my projects.

Just wanted to warn some of you. If you don't have time for this crap then it probably is not worth the savings.
Another bump.

I had two hours of downtime yesterday and right now my droplet has been down for over 3 hours. I sent them a ticket 3 hours ago and they haven't even responded yet (and my droplet is still inaccessible).

Yesterday they said it was a networking problem. They apologized and gave my account a $30 credit, but it looks like that same networking issue is going on today. So they certainly didn't fix it.

No cost savings is worth this bullshit, and not responding to a ticket about downtime (seriously, what type of ticket is more important than that?) in 3 hours is some of the worst support I've ever experienced.

Thankfully no production code is on Digital Ocean, and it will be staying that way.
Used the WP auto installer and my site went only pretty fast and everything looked great. Then I got a database error after a few days, contacted support and they did not really help me. Maybe the error was on my end but I did not really change anything. It has potential but maybe not the best option for a quick and easy setup.
Used the WP auto installer and my site went only pretty fast and everything looked great. Then I got a database error after a few days, contacted support and they did not really help me. Maybe the error was on my end but I did not really change anything. It has potential but maybe not the best option for a quick and easy setup.

what OS are you running? What was the error? DO has alot of documentation for setting up WP and MYSQL. Have you checked their doc's?
Used the WP auto installer and my site went only pretty fast and everything looked great. Then I got a database error after a few days, contacted support and they did not really help me. Maybe the error was on my end but I did not really change anything. It has potential but maybe not the best option for a quick and easy setup.

They're not managed servers.
if you are hosting money sites at digitalocean then lol@u

only use DO for development or for sites that arent generating money

if you host a money site on DO and one of your competitors find out, enjoy the loss in profits
Am I correct in assuming DO is basically shared hosting? If so, that means you're sharing a server with a bunch of other people, correct?

In other words, how secure are these things compared to a dedicated server?
FWIW I was on a node in San Francisco... which of the 300 hipster startups that released press releases last week do you think fucked it up?
Am I correct in assuming DO is basically shared hosting? If so, that means you're sharing a server with a bunch of other people, correct?

In other words, how secure are these things compared to a dedicated server?

You are much more technically oriented than I (as are many peeps on WF) so I could easily stand to be corrected. But... my understanding is:

Shared hosting = virtually no security
VPS = Much better security
Dedi = Much Much better security
Rack Space with Own Server = Much Much Much better security
Self Hosted = The only way to know 100% your data is safe. Of course, with freedom comes responsability, so this last one can be the least secure.

Also, I'd be scared of sharing the same machine as un-managed VPS accounts that cost $5/month - I'm guessing there will be plenty of people who will fuck shit up and force server restarts...

Edit: I wrote my post before reading mpbiz... lolz
You are much more technically oriented than I (as are many peeps on WF) so I could easily stand to be corrected. But... my understanding is:

Shared hosting = virtually no security
VPS = Much better security
Dedi = Much Much better security
Rack Space with Own Server = Much Much Much better security
Self Hosted = The only way to know 100% your data is safe. Of course, with freedom comes responsability, so this last one can be the least secure.

Also, I'd be scared of sharing the same machine as un-managed VPS accounts that cost $5/month - I'm guessing there will be plenty of people who will fuck shit up and force server restarts...

Edit: I wrote my post before reading mpbiz... lolz

There is no such thing as 100% safe. You can go along way in thwarting a script kiddie, but if you're worth targeting, there is little you can do to stay safe.