Did any Katrina victims use their FEMA Cards to..

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Blathering Toad
Jun 25, 2006
..start an online business :D?

We are still getting reports on the silly crap that those FEMA cards were used for on the Radio in the mornings...

Actually that would be really cool if someone pulled themselves up out that miserable crap and made a new begining with an online business for themselves instead of getting lap dances, tatoos, and sex change operations..

rex_b said:
Do you honestly think the people that got those cards are intellectual in the least?

Not really - I just hear about it so much here in Houston (still) - that I thought it was funny putting the two together...

It's so sad - you have to laugh or you would cry...
rex_b said:
I'm in Baton Rouge about 60 miles from New Orleans. You don't want to hear my stories.

Oooh to close to the fire for my liking..sure you do have a bunch of them...had people form lake charles - handing the Katrina Story Crown over to you!
Eh, it was expected. Some made well with it, some went back to their same 'ol shit life. sucks for them.
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