Dey actually iz rapin errbody out there!!!

My anthropology professor in college was this 75 year old man who loved to tell us about a tribe (in Africa I believe) that had a saying: "Women are for children, boys are for fun, and ripe watermelons are for true pleasure." He used to have a big ol' chuckle when he told us, and I think he was half senile so he would always forget he had already told us and tell us again the next week.

No, that was Afghanistan again. I forget the name but it was documented by some traveler and chronicler throughout the middle east in the 1800s, though variants exist throught different persian and arabian areas. (If you get the qoute right and google it you can find the wiki article for the name of the dude who documented it)

It's sort of a self-deprecating humor, knowing how many boys gets raped in their culture, mixed in with how much Afghans love there watermelon.

I saw plenty of this while there, though I was in a much more liberal area so it didn't occur that much. Some of the kids remembered when the Taliban trucks would drive through the area and they would all have to go running home or risk getting snatched up and spending the night getting buttraped on the truck.

The dancing boys of Afghanistan is a good documentary to watch on this phenomenon.

Afghanistan's dirty little secret - SFGate

Cliff Notes:
-Afghan dudes like to fuck boys. Specifically Pashtun men like to bugger little boys.
-It's not gay because "they don't love the boys". It's not gay unless the balls touch. Oh, we just touched balls? Well then it's not gay unless I love we're totally fine with Allah, amirite?!?
-"How are you supposed to fall in love with a woman if you can't see her? That 12 year old boy has some delicious looking lips so imma fuck him...


I bet zingo is probably wetting his pants reading teh article. zingo is also bacha baz
Keep your sons out of Afghanistan and the Catholic church and you will have un-raped lil boys...Hopefully.

you forgot protestant church who seems to brainwash people into destroying other religions and rape other civilization for centuries.
Here's the example I learned in college of "cultural" homosex: CCIES at The Kinsey Institute: Papua New Guinea (Papua New Guinea tribe that has boys suck off the older tribesmen to drink semen to make them stronger warriors)

Fact: While I don't agree with the practice, many cultures have fucked boys since the beginning of time.

Fact: It ain't ending any time soon.

So you think it's agreeable that nobody does anything about it ? What a lame ass excuse so you feel better about yourself.