Desktop Show and Tell


Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Not like most desktop showing threads, this is about how your desktop looks right now, without any cleaning, optimizing, etc.

Show with a pic, then tell.

This is mine:

I moved out of web dev for the most part a while back (still do a bit to even things out, indie games are tough to profit in until you've a few titles under your belt) and am moving into game dev. In the pic you can see all the crap I'm working on/with, my nes & dreamcast games in the top left, some dipping oil (wtf is that doing there) etc.

Now, share yours.

This is the desk at the office at my job (that's when you go to work for somebody else at a place that isn't your house and they pay you for going there and doing that work).

If I get around to it I'll post the battlestation at home which is far more interesting to look at.

(that's when you go to work for somebody else at a place that isn't your house and they pay you for going there and doing that work)

That's a pretty awesome concept, hopefully it'll catch on!

Don't have any cool pics to post, I'm currently running a single 22".
I feel terribly inadquate :( anyone know where I can get some herbal monitor enlargement pills?
Skyfire, are you developing games for the PC or Xbox 360?

You are an indie developer? Can you share some of your games?
Ug, the video is 1.46GB and my upload speed is like 10kbs. Soooo I guess I'll have the video uploaded sometime by next week...

Use a video editor to compress it (or export in lower resolution, I'm not a video expert so idk exactly what it's called), then upload
This is the desk at the office at my job (that's when you go to work for somebody else at a place that isn't your house and they pay you for going there and doing that work).

If I get around to it I'll post the battlestation at home which is far more interesting to look at.


For a second I thought it was just one big photo, but the pen gave it away.
Just downsized, miss my old place ::



second room ::

57.jpg this for now while I flip a condo ::


Not going to explain every component but it's all media/marketing/production related.
just switched back to triple monitors with a hackintosh after trying to do the minimalism single monitor stuff with just my macbook air:


It's hard not to feel fucking l33t with 5000+pixels wrapped around your brain
Skyfire, are you developing games for the PC or Xbox 360?
You are an indie developer? Can you share some of your games?

I've two titles in dev, my first serious game will be out in December or January, fingers crossed - Android/iOS/Windows. It's fun, and I enjoy it, but I'm building it to fund game #2 which is a project I love, and have been tooling the story for some time. Sadly it...

... won't be out until winter 2014. It's a bit more ambitious & is a multi person effort. Should be on XBLA about the same time it hits Android and iOS. Between now and then I'll probably release another smaller game to keep the cash flowing after the first one levels off.

If you are thinking about going into dev, think hard. lol. I love it, best decision I've made in years, but fuck money is tight now. Almost nothing coming in, savings is almost gone, if I don't hit release by the end of December I'll have to, uh, "find" some cash.
I've two titles in dev, my first serious game will be out in December or January, fingers crossed - Android/iOS/Windows. It's fun, and I enjoy it, but I'm building it to fund game #2 which is a project I love, and have been tooling the story for some time. Sadly it...

... won't be out until winter 2014. It's a bit more ambitious & is a multi person effort. Should be on XBLA about the same time it hits Android and iOS. Between now and then I'll probably release another smaller game to keep the cash flowing after the first one levels off.

If you are thinking about going into dev, think hard. lol. I love it, best decision I've made in years, but fuck money is tight now. Almost nothing coming in, savings is almost gone, if I don't hit release by the end of December I'll have to, uh, "find" some cash.

is microsoft going to be releasing a new console between now and Winter 2014? I have no idea and am curious how that plays into your dev decisions
is microsoft going to be releasing a new console between now and Winter 2014? I have no idea and am curious how that plays into your dev decisions

It doesn't for someone like me, not really. I don't have enough track record to get special information (which is a good call, I'd blab). If a new console does hit next fall, I imagine the situation would be that the 360 release would go ahead as scheduled, and if it does well I imagine MS would support the porting to the new console.

Since I dev with unity, I can publish to all the major platforms IF I get an agreement with that company. Assuming my sales are decent I'd like to see a porting to WiiU and PS3, but I don't know anyone at either company so I don't have an in there.


if anyone is considering going into game dev,

Unity is just as fantastic as everyone says.

Corona is cool for mobile devices, just don't count on anything Ansca says to ever happen.

Torque 3d, I have found memories of from my first dip into becoming a game dev almost 10 years ago, but it's stuck 10 years behind, and windows only.

impactJS is sick, but it's HTML5 so Android support is weak pre 4.0

Those are the indie level engines I have experience developing with. Unreal is bad ass as well, but it's overkill and the royalty isn't acceptable for an indie IMO, unless you manage to rocket.