Designer Bad Ass

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lots of non paying clients. you work your ass out and they just run over you and make promises, there should have a thread here for non paying clients as a warn for other designers. i can name 3 right now.
lots of non paying clients. you work your ass out and they just run over you and make promises, there should have a thread here for non paying clients as a warn for other designers. i can name 3 right now.

I told you I'd pay half upfront for any projects you do. You never told me the pricing. I still want to do a lot of business with you, it's not a big deal really. I got 5 sites for you to do just tell me the pricing and i'll pay you half upfront, then when changes are made i'll pay you the rest.

I spend a lot of money on these forums. I've never scammed anyone and there are reputable members that will vouch for me.
im not talking about you here
im talking about somebody else whos not paying for a good 4 months now.
he knows who he is for sure.
im not droping names here as i want keep the business clean.
I would have described him as a bad-mo-fo before working with him.

But now I understand precisely what a designer bad-ass truly is.

And he is....

I mean really, REALLY is... :D
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