Denver Meetup


Asshats for sale.
Oct 29, 2008
I feel like a total homo for posting this, but would anyone be interested in a Denver meetup?

I'm in Co Springs, but Denver's probably the better central location for anyone in Colorado. Post if you'd be interested.

Ok, //end gayness

Down. Just let me know. El Camino (where swimclub used to be) has some awesome tacos and draughts as well as a good amount of seating.
Ok, so it looks like we'd have a few takers. I don't spend much time in Denver so I'm not familiar with good venues (other than Morton's). Throw out some ideas and we'll figure something out. If you say Casa Bonita, kindly gtfo...
I would be interested. SniperRyan has some good ideas for venues. I'll add Steuben's (17th and Pearl) and the Hornet(1st and Broadway) to the mix since they are larger places that are medium priced. If you want something nicer Vesta at 18th and Blake (near Coors Field) has plenty of seating.
Normally I'd be down but I go to school in Indiana. If this one works out well we should do another in the summer or christmas break. I wanna go haha.
Yeah anything in down town should be good, plenty of venues. Lodos would be a good spot too during the day, then get smashed when night rolls around haha
I'm a work from home kind of guy so any time of day works for me. Any day of the week as well. I think what day/time will help determine which venue to choose. Some of those places are not open for lunch and some will be too slammed on the weekend.