[DelayedLinkBuilding.com] 1k Social Bookmarks Over a Period of 5 MONTHS: Not a Typo!

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Cliff notes: we'll submit your URL to 1,000 social bookmarking sites over a period of 5 MONTHS (100 submissions/2 weeks, 100*2*5=1,000)!

And because footprints suck, we'll ALWAYS use different accounts. This is NOT a typo, we'll use 1,000 different accounts for each URL.

Here's why we decided to do this:

  • because footprints suck
  • because we understand that by using the same account for multiple URLs, we'd be outing niches and that's not an option
  • because some of you will be re-selling this package (and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that, capitalism FTW) and by using different accounts for each URL, you'll come across as considerably more professional than providers who use the same account for multiple URLs: if your clients are satisfied, you'll make more money and if you'll make more money, we'll make more money.

Oh and each report will contain the appropriate login details, so you can use the accounts we've created later on, they're yours ;)

Price: $95

To place an order, PM me the following info:

1) The URL
2) The Keywords
3) The Descriptions
4) Your Email Address
Why not make it a $20/mo membership thing, doesn't look like you have up front expenses.

The monthly payment thing is dome by services like like socialadr.
Why not make it a $20/mo membership thing, doesn't look like you have up front expenses.

The monthly payment thing is dome by services like like socialadr.

If you're a legit WF member or if I've done business with you in the past, you don't have to pay upfront. Everyone who worked with me up until this point knows that I'm a very flexible guy, so you can pay me whenever it's convenient.

In other words, I'm not going to say no if someone who ordered from me in the past sends me a message such as "I'd like to place an order but would only be able to pay you next month" because I want you guys to understand that you're dealing with a fellow WF member and not a huge-ass corporation :)
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