dedicated server advice

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andrew wee

New member
Dec 1, 2006
I'm in the process of getting a dedicated server from and I am planning to get a single processor-single core box to start off with.

the specs are:
celeron 2.0+ processor
512mb ram
80gb hard disk
750 gb bandwidth

I have an option to double either the ram, hard disk or bandwidth at no charge. OR I can get a processor upgrade to a P4 from the celeron.

As I'm thinking the bandwidth and hard disk is sufficient, it boils down to either:
1) Ram upgrade
2) processor upgrade (celeron -> p4)

anyone have specific advice on how upgrading each of these options will enhance the performance?

I will have static HTML pages and some flash video streaming running on these servers


I run a website that had around 100,000 page views a day and a shitload of image hotlinking (part of the business model) at its peak. I would suggest definately upgrading the ram... that will allow the server to cache commonly accessed data so it doesn't have to read it from the hdd every time. I have a dual xeon cpu and mysql alone is currently using 50% of it, my site is heavily php\mysql oriented.. so if you have static html mostly then i wouldn't worry about the cpu, apache is only using a few percent of the cpu. My advice is to just up the ram...
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Reactions: ChrisS
Yes. Get more ram.
I've got an Accelerator from Joyent with the whopping amount of 256mb ram. I can run a couple of Wordpresses on there, *maybe* a Rails-app. But then the limits kick in, and WP starts giving me blank pages when running out of memory. Oh, well... Its a free server.
I had another VPS provider, but wasn't really thrilled by their post-sales tech support.

I asked for non-sequential IPs and they said "no, it couldn't be done".

After asking around, one of my contacts is running pretty heavy duty stuff over at theplanet and he's happy with them.

I have done the rounds at webhostingtalk too.

The other major factor is that my india tech team works very closely with techs over at theplanet, so it seems the best now.


Incidentally if anyone needs a server admin, shoot me a PM.
My india partners do system admin too.

They also do app dev on php, asp and vb for a number of internet marketers, and i'm helping them get the word out.

Andrew -
Any particular reason using The Planet/EV1?

I hope the ticket on that server is like $49.99/month. Because that's a shitty rig... if you're moving to dedicated from vps, in most cases you want something in the $150-$250 range, which normally would be single processor, quadcore, 2gb ram, 80+gb (7200rpm) hdd, and 500gb-1tb bw.

I use softlayer exclusively.
Yea, I'd recommend Softlayer over The Planet. Softlayer is much better.

Def go with double the RAM. Check out Softlayers prices before you signup w/ the Planet.

Also, don't purchase any of the Planet's managed services. If you want your server managed, pm me.
tks for the suggestions all.

i've been using shared hosting till now, so this is the first dedicated box i'm getting.
probably gonna get a lower grade box to start off with, and do a major campaign in mar/apr when i'll get another one.

go with they are a subsidiary of (who I think are like THE best hosts in the world!)

but VPSLink offer no software support

so if you are like an expert with linux, and the prompt, its just like having your own box!

you even have to install the OS yourself!

rates start from $7.95 a month for a dedicated box!

for those who know their technical side of things this is the go!!!!! essentially your not paying for every other person that rings up and goes "how do i install a domain" or "what is root access" or "this script says i need to change php.ini" or "whos melissa?"

If you just understood what i was on about, go with you have the technical knowledge to keep a box running on the software side of things (the trick is to not do anything stupid!)
to serve html and flash files you don't need a faster CPU, nor more ram probably, but if I had to get one of them free I'd go for double ram
With india tech team it doesn't matter what you got :))
And when they are close to thePlanet - so you're on instant india hook, so to speak.
The Planet sucks. Somehow it is not what it used to be.

btw, why do you have to rent dedic offshore S'pore ? There're plenty great offers, nice uplink and less communication problems. Also - TimeZone, much more indians around, you can buy your own server at Dell or HP and shove it into the rack.
That's what I did and happy.

And, if somebody needs hardcore admins (not wannabee, but serious folks) PM me. I had my admin farm of choice.
A good outsourcer with a large enough team can cater to your time zone so that isn't an issue.

i don't think hosting in singapore is smart because with the taiwan earthquake, the submarine cables were taken out and internet was majorly screwed for 2 weeks after.

there was another earthquake more recently, and the outage was a couple of days too.

IMO it only makes sense to host in the US.

With india tech team it doesn't matter what you got :))
And when they are close to thePlanet - so you're on instant india hook, so to speak.
The Planet sucks. Somehow it is not what it used to be.

btw, why do you have to rent dedic offshore S'pore ? There're plenty great offers, nice uplink and less communication problems. Also - TimeZone, much more indians around, you can buy your own server at Dell or HP and shove it into the rack.
That's what I did and happy.

And, if somebody needs hardcore admins (not wannabee, but serious folks) PM me. I had my admin farm of choice.
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