Decided to make an honest women out of my girl

^^^ There's obviously more to that story. No court orders a man to pay more than 100% of his after-tax income in alimony and then throws him in jail when he can't pay it.

Believe it or not, it can and does happen. Although it may be a little complicated but what happens is they set the alimony at a point where he's making a bunch of money. Then shit turns south and he's not making as much money and the court won't change the ruling. I've seen retarded shit like this before.

Edit: what crackp0t said

This kid is learning early...

Good luck Joe!

PS: Don't fuckin do it dude. I'm fuckin serious you'll destroy the relationship. Just live with her -- the idea that you can walk at anytime will keep you two on your game.
Congrats man. You're doing the right thing.

These phaggots are just mad that same sex marriages aren't legal in their states, so they can't get married even if they wanted to.
Do yourself a favor and have your bachelors party at least 1 week before the wedding. I had mine like 2 nights before and had alcohol poisoning for the rehearsal - fiancee and future mother and law were about to kill me a day before the wedding.

Also if you are in NY - I recommend Montreal for the bachelors party. What the strippers do there is strictly illegal in the US.


Marriage is one of the greatest things happen in life. Go ahead and enjoy! Yeah fuck haters!
Maybe I'm being retarded, but you've been with her for 7 years and you probably live together. That's basically married already. Go for the very least it'll make her feel good.

Retarded, yes. The problem with this logic is that marriage changes the entire dynamic of the relationship.. In a bad way. Like it or not, probably one of the main reasons they have been together for 7 years is because they have not tied the knot.
Retarded, yes. The problem with this logic is that marriage changes the entire dynamic of the relationship.. In a bad way. Like it or not, probably one of the main reasons they have been together for 7 years is because they have not tied the knot.

Because marriage gives them power. When women get power...bad things happen to the marriage a lot of the time. I don't know why people get married, makes no sense at all.

You're so insecure about your relationship that you need to have the government give you a piece of fucking paper telling you your relationship is real? What? Why? Why fuck with a relationship that is perfectly fine? It's working, everyone is happy, why can't that be enough?