Decided to make an honest women out of my girl

Big Joe

New member
Apr 18, 2011
So I just ordered this, what do you guys think?

Ive been with my girl for over 7 years and I think its finally time to realize I ain't getting any younger. She's been with me at my lowest and while I balled like a rock star. Shes put up with more shit and supported me through everything.

So who's got jokes?


^^^This is the CAD drawing, the real one wont be so bulky.

^^^ There's obviously more to that story. No court orders a man to pay more than 100% of his after-tax income in alimony and then throws him in jail when he can't pay it.
blah to weddings... being with one girl indefinitely isn't in the cards for me. I cant stand the same girl for no more than a month But each to his own. All the best, congrats.
^^^ There's obviously more to that story. No court orders a man to pay more than 100% of his after-tax income in alimony and then throws him in jail when he can't pay it.

Obviously. I've never been married (thus, never divorced) so I'm blissfully ignorant to the ins and outs, but whatever happened, it doesn't look like he's getting out of it any time soon.
Most of you guys on WF are driven people with goals. Chicks usually get in the way of goals but mine has always helped me.

Besides, its nice to always have clean clothes in my draws!
never seen the point in marriage. "make an honest women" out of her. why do you need a big ceremony, ring and contract for life for that? seems incredibly traditional and -EV to me.
Bottom line is everyone is different, but if you think it's right for you go for it and congrats.

If you ask me, 99% of the "alpha males" and wannabees out there are really just needy attention whores with low self-esteem and secretly are just jelly about guys who have already found their "soul mate."

The act of getting married isn't terribly important in itself, but finding your "soul mate" or whatever you want to call it and developing that relationship is one of the most rewarding experiences in life, and the majority of people never get to experience it.
blah to weddings... being with one girl indefinitely isn't in the cards for me. I cant stand the same girl for no more than a month But each to his own. All the best, congrats.

So what you are saying is that you favor diversity? :banana_sml:
never seen the point in marriage. "make an honest women" out of her. why do you need a big ceremony, ring and contract for life for that? seems incredibly traditional and -EV to me.

We already talked about it and we aren't wasting money on a wedding. We like to go on vacation so she'll just bring a dress on the next one.

We want to have kids and live in a better area. Blowing money on a wedding will get in the way of this. Especially when were almost 30. I just keep counting how old my kid will be if I decide to have one and Its scary.

If any of you early 20's guys that are to good to settle down ever want to have kids, the pressures on when you realize you'll only have so much time with them.

My dad died when I was 10 and he was 33 so its something I always think about.
Congrats on the engagement. Im sure you guys will be different then the other 60% of people that get hitched :) A word of caution marriage does not make a person honest it actually encourages deceit by default
We already talked about it and we aren't wasting money on a wedding. We like to go on vacation so she'll just bring a dress on the next one.

We want to have kids and live in a better area. Blowing money on a wedding will get in the way of this. Especially when were almost 30. I just keep counting how old my kid will be if I decide to have one and Its scary.

If any of you early 20's guys that are to good to settle down ever want to have kids, the pressures on when you realize you'll only have so much time with them.

My dad died when I was 10 and he was 33 so its something I always think about.

I'm genuinely curious though - why marry? Can't you do all of those things without getting married?