December sucks? Sales wise????

Music and entertainment niches are doing better, according to my MFA sites.

Seeing better results in PPV - Christmas offer, Year end sale, etc type of LPs.

I often

like to post

everything on

separate lines


And lots of

question ma


Since we are now on the topic of doing lines. How do you mark a position in space? If I were on the same sphere as you I could determine a position by using coordinates of lat, long and altitude to represent a 3 dimensional position. How does that work in space? What is the coordinate system to represent a singular 3 dimensional position that would represent the exact same position and could be accurately located from any other point in this solar system or any other? Those coordinates would use what reference points? With all planets / suns / bodies constantly moving time would have to be factored in. If I wanted to rendezvous with someone that at this moment the position was half way between m31 (Andromeda Galaxy) and m32 but 2 years from now and talk about 2013 December campaign numbers and not reference m31 nor m32 how would that address read? If you were to reference m31 and m32 and they are moving they would not be in the same place in a different time. How to pick a point in space that does not use moving celestial bodies as a reference?
Well FWIW "Frankenstein dildos" did see a drop in sales after peaking in October. Funnily enough, it was the exact opposite for "#6 Santa Holding Dildo Candle".
i sell mainly web hosting and antivirus, decenber was shit for me, depends what you sell realy, if you sell consumer goods then you probably had a good month.

i have a fatloss site that was doing 1k average in dec, then on 26th dec it spiked to 2.2k
Depends on the niche I guess, personally I experienced December as a pretty much fucked month, seems people don't like to gamble and prefer to spend time with their family... evil fuckers !
Sales have been awesome here. Just except for a few days, about 25th - 26th I didn't see anything, but other than that, can't complain!
23-24-25 sucks totally
now conversions of leads up, but no sales almost
sales on middle of december totally rocked!
yeah not everyone got a good break for December. for my sites and services this is the worst month evah! Sales down by 90 fucking percent!

My sites are mainly affiliates for PC speed products and I.T. ways of speeding up yeh fucking computer. 1/4 of my income comes here in wickedfire for backlinking service. last month I banked around 10k. Got good fucking whores last November to celebrate with :D

and this month? fuck I only got around 1k. Well I can't blame them mother fuckers. They want to buy gifts instead of making their fucking computers faster and getting some backlinks for their sites. Honestly All depends on what shit your trying to sell :nopenope:.
December sucks big time for IM products and courses. Also SEO services and some others. However it is great for affiliate sales like Amazon and such!

This is just my experience with my own sales to offline clients and SEO clients. If you're already doing big volume there it won't be half as bad.