December sucks? Sales wise????


Not black.
Nov 28, 2007
Hi BroS!

I'm drunk off Soju right now!

if you don';t know soju, then fuck you :ak:


how's this month going for you guys so far?

conversion rate dippppped for me this month.
wha tthe fuck?

is it normal?



Sup Raphael!

You are alone.

Every other affiliates conversions were high during the holidays.

Good luck bro. :smokin:
Traffic was down, time spent working was down, sales were up, time spent drinking was up. GREAT month.
December has been my best month to date. Traffic well up but the conversion ratio has stated pretty static.
i slang debt consolidation and debt settlement, so my sales are always down in november/december. I'd assume for you guys selling shit, that this would be the opposite. When people blow all that money during the holidays and get their credit card statements, my sales boost in jan-march. So yeah, if your selling shit you shoulda saw a gain during the holidays. Otherwise your site or products must suck.