Debate on Promoting Sexual Enhancement Products


New member
Dec 20, 2008
So I'm arguing with my boss on how to promote several "male enhancement" products...

If your target is men the age of 35+ is it more effective to use 40 yr old couples on the site to promote a product or sexy looking ladies / young sexy couples...

I mean, I thought the phrase was "Sex Sells"... not "Cuddling Sells".

Hmmm you've got me thinkin'

I would tend to agree with you in 99% of situations, but there's gotta be a reason viagra, cialis, and even extenze use middle aged/senior women in all their campaigns.

Just a thought. I wish I could add more insight but I've been awake for almost 48 hours.

stop arguing, start split testing

and this^
We do have the ability to A/B test... just means I have to build out another site...

I'd rather just be right...

then it sounds like what you need to do is build a better framework if you have to build a second site to simply rotate out one image/background image.

why not a simple php include to the image or css file with a if/else and have the corresponding case set some cookie/pixel/variable so that you can track?

marketing 101 bro.

BTW, you have 2 very different markets as well, the people buying gonzo cock stretcher are not the same as those buying Cialis/Viagra. But of course this also heavily depends on your traffic. You buying media on automobile themed sites? Run the couple.

You placed next to some girl setting a gangbang record? Run some young naked skank.
We do have the ability to A/B test... just means I have to build out another site...

I'd rather just be right...

Everybody would rather just be right...If you don't test shit you're going to fail unless you get lucky. Even if you get lucky you still want to see if your conversions could be higher just from making simple changes. It's not hard to setup Google Website Optimizer or some other tool. You can easily test image and headline variations without doing much work.
I have been marketing male enhancement since 99 both in the adult space and via mainstream channels. The best advice I can give is play to your media/demo. When marketing to an older crowd you can go the "you have a problem/we have a solution route". When marketing to the younger folk, the "longer, better sex" pitch works much better.
99% of the ads i've seen done by the big boys of ED are calming, or middle aged couples, that are on vacation or looking directly at you whilst inside their new england-ish house. (usually in their kitchen).

i don't know which side you're on, but either one person's right by going with what works or the other person's right by trying to buck trends and capitalize on a market that could be untapped: single males with ED.
Possibly they use those types of images because older guys arent going to take Viagra expecting to bang hot young chicks, they are going to take it because of the pressure they are under for not satisfying their 40+ year old wife who may look more like the ones in the ads.
... there are so many open ended items to give you any type of "suggestion". Going back to your first question on the images to use:

- Listen to Sonny Forelli - marketing 101 / DR 101 - who's buying it?
- Whats the price point? This will affect your imagery

On a side note all the pharmaceutical items need a prescription.

Your copy and approach are going to take on a huge portion of how this is pitched.

I have a client running in this space and here's my inside tip:

If its "GET HARD NOW" Pill - Your target customer is married 47 median age with HHI of 50,000.
Even Google Optimizer will help you with this. I am pretty much a noob when it comes to split testing, but i figured out the basics using G optimizer.